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Ahmadiyya Mosque under threat and Ahmadis beaten up

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For crying out loud - isn't it obvious that this is a clear cut case of land grab? Someone is using the religious angle to take land which has been awarded to some Ahmadiyyas. And why judge the faith of your own countrymen? Honestly, if someone here worships Satan - that's his choice.
No such thing as Ahmadiya Mosque-

Call it temple- community centre- strip club or whatever-
no just mentalguys post

aur sab ko pata hay iss sab ka

some people here dont just make comment agaist islam that they are hurt first they have a habbit they need an excuse

As you can see the offensive post has been removed.. its against forum rule to post picture of other's guru/prophet/holy people and write things that are offensive. Its not about whether something is true or false.

I can only hope that mods have taken action against the offending poster, when they removed the post.
That assumption may or may not hold true.

However, religious beliefs should be respected by all, I would agree.
lolz, I dont want to say anything about forum policy and how they are adhered but I was banned for 20 days for writing offensive post against religion (and I agree I deserved the ban), but the guy whose Insult to my religion I was replying to, was not banned.
I presume that was one off case hence my confidence..... :D
Calling an Ahmeddiyya Mosque a Temple is disgraceful. This is just an effort by some people to insult two religions in one attempt :)
People are even confused who is true muslim and who is not. Even Sunnis and Shias have had areas of disagreement remaining unsolved for centuries. So what gives?

There are clear cut rules in Quran for who is Muslim or not. Those who believe in Muhammad as last prophet are Muslim and those who do not are not. Ahmadiyya believe their Mirza ji to be another prophet, fine I respect that. But then its illogical to call yourself Muslim.

Calling an Ahmeddiyya Mosque a Temple is disgraceful. This is just an effort by some people to insult two religions in one attempt :)

In India it may be called a mosque.
However on PDF, you are expected to respect Pakistani laws and culture. Go yell Ahmedi Mosque somewhere else please.
In India it may be called a mosque.
However on PDF, you are expected to respect Pakistani laws and culture. Go yell Ahmedi Mosque somewhere else please.

Let PDF make a rule to not call Ahmeddiyya mosque a mosque. Until then keep your cultural intimidation to pakistan.
Wrong to call a non-Muslim's place of worship a mosque. A mosque / masjid is a place of Muslim congregation beside other functions exclusively for the Muslims.

Does it matter what they call it? Why take the burden of certifying some building as a mosque and some person as a Muslim. Let them do what they want.

How can you ever be sure of someone being a true Muslim? As Islam is not a religion passed on through generations. The merely having Muslim parents does not make you a Muslim. Then how are you going about ensuring everyone's Islamiyat?

you don't be worry its our own issue
we have issues with shia but they are ower owns
if you like qadiyani so much than we hae near about 10-20 lakh take them and settle them in india

How is that your issue? Shias and Sunnis are not present in Pakistan alone. And does this export offer apply to all Pakistani citizens who are non-Muslim, non-Sunni, and non-Arab?
Calling an Ahmeddiyya Mosque a Temple is disgraceful. This is just an effort by some people to insult two religions in one attempt :)

Why is that disgraceful? Let them call it a temple if they want.
lolz, I dont want to say anything about forum policy and how they are adhered but I was banned for 20 days for writing offensive post against religion (and I agree I deserved the ban), but the guy whose Insult to my religion I was replying to, was not banned.
I presume that was one off case hence my confidence..... :D

Presumptions can mislead quite often, that is all I would say.

Like any group of people, those who have known each other for long, or know each other outside of this forum ,with personal contacts, will naturally be given more leeway than others known only here on the forum.

Back to the topic, religion is a very hard topic to discuss, and almost impossible to moderate, specially when emotions run high.

I think that most mods here do a great job despite difficulties.
I stand by ahmedies on this one ..what is wrong with Punjab government why dont they ever protect minorities
so many hindus bwahahahahahahah

Let PDF make a rule to not call Ahmeddiyya mosque a mosque. Until then keep your cultural intimidation to pakistan.

The hindus can not define what is a mosque or NOT.

you can call their place of worship a temple or anything you like BUT its NOT a mosque.
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