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Agni V Discussions

To my Chinese friends reading this......



I suggest you head for them hills!

First of all, china is already much stronger! Secondly, this missile is for deterrent as we have "No first use" Policy!

There is really no need of such type of comments!

Please don't act like sinochallenged or spanked guy!!

Please edit your post it will only invite Trolls!

Congrats to DRDO and all the scientists, academia, industries and armed forces who have made this happen. The challenge now is to induct this missile into the IA and develop SLBM as soon as possible. Looking at the maps, Agni 5 covers the whole of Asian continent and is a credible deterrent against our current threats.
“We go from here to many other missiles which will have the capability for MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle) for anti-satellite system, which will also be built using this technology for launching micro, mini and nano satellites to meet the requirement of the armed forces on very, very short notice,” he said.


Our expertise in launching multiple satellites via single rocket will benefit us in "mirv"ing missiles because the technology is pretty much the same.India holds the world record of placing maximum number of satellites(10) in orbit with a single launch,somthing unsurpassed by even U.S.A. or Russia!
TIPU coming soon :mps:
Tipu..?There is not even a hint of it being made..as i have searched...only speculations...
"Fired from a canister-launch system to provide it greater operational flexibility of being either rail- or road-launched, the Agni-V compares favourably with ICBMs in use by nuclear weapons states like Britain, China, France, Russia and the US," DRDO chief VK Saraswat said.

Briefing reporters at the recently-concluded Defexpo 2012 in Delhi, Mr Saraswat said that advanced technologies incorporated into Agni-V were "far ahead of other countries with few exceptions, like the US".

Missiles available to other nuclear weapons states employ relatively older technology, he said.

Agni-V's innovative technologies include composite rocket motors, guidance ring-laser gyro-based inertial navigation systems, micro-navigation systems and accelerometers to measure the ICBM's acceleration and detect any change in its vehicular motion.

Composites have been extensively used to reduce the ICBM's weight. A third, miniaturised stage has been added to the Agni-III to boost its range from 3,500km to 5,000km.

It is better than many ICBM's possessed by other few countries according to the chief,due to its advanced in built and techologies.

Btw..RazPak..Android-K-Zero..speculating a fail yesterday..not to be seen today :/
:cheers: Good Job on this successful launch by DRDO!

Of course, going by the funnily absurd remarks being bandied about on another thread in this forum; the Agni 5 seems to have already caused "collateral damage". Its causing some "forest fires" and "heart burn" in the neighborhood. So the missile did do its work! :lol:
LOL at indian inferiority. Your Agni-5 is another humiliating failure. Good luck for Agni-6 and Agni-7.


Now it's time for China to put india back in its place! The nuclear missile genie is out of the bottle, too, because india wants to play with the big boys. :azn:

Can youe ven explain the image of Agni-V launch you are posting??Or the daily brain fart?You false flagger
normalizing relations with China would be beneficial for both giants and would undermine the other great powers India has a good policy of peace through strength
I love your Gandhian philosophy! Peace with China is a mirage! I don't think you have studied China's military doctrine. One of its tenets clearly lays down the importance to dismember India into small independent states and toward this end, China is actively involved in destabilization and muscle flexing especially in Tibet.

They are even contemplating to internationalize Aksai Chin by asking Japan and other countries to build infrastructure and install space telescopes there without even informing India even though it disputed territory.

It has positioned 11,000 PLA troops in Pak Administered Kashmir which isn't a peaceful act by any stretch of imagination. Blocking the waters of the Brahmaputra and 'warning' India to stay out of Vietnamese waters for oil exploration are not 'peaceful' gestures either.

You want India to keep prostrating before China just for that illusory peace? Get real to the geopolitics of the region!

Unless and until China's doctrine undergoes a change, peace with it is a non starter. Remember, where China is concerned, two tigers cannot co-exist in the same lair. And that's the bottom line in China's strategy vis a vis India.
Hmm A chinese newspaper trolling...many Pakistanis missing...Indians celebrating...What does this say?;)
Btw..seems to be a great day..India overtook Japan to become the 3rd largest economy(PPP):chilli::taz::yahoo: And Agni-V successful....Woh lets party!
I love your Gandhian philosophy! Peace with China is a mirage! I don't think you have studied China's military doctrine. One of its tenets clearly lays down the importance to dismember India into small independent states and toward this end, China is actively involved in destabilization and muscle flexing especially in Tibet.

They are even contemplating to internationalize Aksai Chin by asking Japan and other countries to build infrastructure and install space telescopes there without even informing India even though it disputed territory.

It has positioned 11,000 PLA troops in Pak Administered Kashmir which isn't a peaceful act by any stretch of imagination. Blocking the waters of the Brahmaputra and 'warning' India to stay out of Vietnamese waters for oil exploration are not 'peaceful' gestures either.

You want India to keep prostrating before China just for that illusory peace? Get real to the geopolitics of the region!

Unless and until China's doctrine undergoes a change, peace with it is a non starter. Remember, where China is concerned, two tigers cannot co-exist in the same lair. And that's the bottom line in China's strategy vis a vis India.

Gandhian? :rofl: come on now mate you really dont know me at all....you missed the most important part of that post but here i'll say it again peace through strength

"If you want peace prepare for war"

-Robert Kennedy
Congratulations to india for getting the missile off the launch pad without blowing up right away :victory:

At least the first 30 seconds of the flight looked okay, thought it didn't look so good at 1:00.


I Guess you had Passed Lose Motions after watching the video !!

Consult a Doctor :P
Today i am proud of my country and countrymen,everyone of them right from the himalayas to the indian ocean.Now let us make great tech advances in civilian sector too like thorium reactor for energy.South india has huge thorium deposits.
Cheers all indians and well wishers.:tup::toast_sign:
India & China can never be friends given the fact that both have the same aspirations.

But there is an option to live together instead of blowing each other up.

If China really wants to dismember India, they better do it before Indian N-subs, A5, K4, Indian Carriers, and PAK FA become operational with the Indian armed forces.
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