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Agni V Discussions

Based on the video it doesn't seem like MRIV was tested. If media reports can seen as credible, then i guess vernier thrusters , seems to have been tested successfully. By 2020 Agni -5 will certainly be operational.

Next time when you see they start to test a big flat head version, it will surely be the MIRV one. :coffee:
The Hindu : News / National : Agni-V successfully test-fired

Agni-V successfully test-fired

Y. Mallikarjun

T.S. Subramanian

India demonstrated its Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capability on Thursday by successfully launching its most powerful and longest range missile, Agni-V, from the Wheeler Island off the Odisha coast.

The 17-metre-long surface-to-surface ballistic missile lifted off majestically from a rail mobile launcher at 8.04 a.m. After a flight time of 20 minutes, the missile re-entry vehicle impacted the pre-designated target point more than 5,000 kms away in the Indian Ocean with a high degree of accuracy.

V. K. Sarawat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister told The Hindu immediately after the success of the mission, “With this missile launch, India has emerged as a major missile power. We have joined a select group of countries possessing technology to design, develop, build and manufacture long range missiles of this class and technological complexity.”

It was a flawless flight and the three stages jettisoned on time. The third stage fired the re-entry vehicle into the atmosphere at perfect angle at an altitude of 100 kms. The pay load withstood the searing temperatures of around 3000 degree Celsius.

This is the first time India has test fired a three-stage, all solid-fuelled missile. Many new technologies including the state of art navigation system and carbon composite rocket motor casings were tested in the missile. All the radar telemetry and electro optical stations along the coast besides three ships tracked the flight trajectory of the missile and final terminal event at the impact point.

:flame: The fireball that erupted when the dummy payload hit the waters of the Indian Ocean was recorded by the cameras on board the ships stationed around the impact point. :flame: The missile weighed 50 tonnes and is capable of carrying a nuclear war head weighing 1.1 tonne. However, in this mission, a dummy payload simulating the weight of war head was carried.

Defence Minister A. K. Antony congratulated all the scientists in the mission for the great achievement. Avinash Chander Chief Controller (Missiles and Strategic Systems), DRDO called it a major achievement and said no other missile in India has achieved more than 5,000 km range. V.G. Sekaran, Director, Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL), which designed and developed Agni-V, described it an overwhelming success.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke to Dr. Saraswat and Mr. Avinash Chander, and congratulated all the DRDO scientists and other employees involved in the mission. “You made the nation proud,” Dr. Singh told Dr. Saraswat.

Agni-V launch: Delusional India can't match us, Chinese mouthpiece comments

BEIJING: India may have missiles that can reach most parts of China but stands "no chance in an overall arms race" with the country, a Chinese daily said Thursday, when India test-fired its 5,000 km range nuclear capable missile, and added that New Delhi would gain nothing by stirring "further hostility".

The article, "India being swept up by missile delusion", that appeared in the op-ed section of the state-run Global Times said India apparently is hoping to enter the global intercontinental missile club, despite intercontinental missiles normally having a range of over 8,000 km.

India Thursday test-fired the Agni-V missile that can accurately hit targets more than 5,000 km away. With this launch, India entered an exclusive club of nations that have this capability.

The daily noted that India has moved rapidly in developing missile technology.

"It successfully launched the Agni IV with a range of 3,500 km last year. Indian public opinion has long seen China as its reference point for military development," it said.

Criticising India, it said the country "is still poor and lags behind in infrastructure construction, but its society is highly supportive of developing nuclear power and the West chooses to overlook India's disregard of nuclear and missile control treaties". :rofl:

"The West remains silent on the fact that India's military spending increased by 17 percent in 2012 and the country has again become the largest weapons importer in the world," it said.

It stressed that India "should not overestimate its strength".

"Even if it has missiles that could reach most parts of China, that does not mean it will gain anything from being arrogant during disputes with China. India should be clear that China's nuclear power is stronger and more reliable. For the foreseeable future, India would stand no chance in an overall arms race with China," it warned.

It went on to say that "India should also not overstate the value of its Western allies and the profits it could gain from participating in a containment of China. If it equates long range strategic missiles with deterrence of China, and stirs up further hostility, it could be sorely mistaken".

The daily advised that China and India should develop as friendly a relationship as possible. "Even if this cannot be achieved, the two should at least tolerate each other and learn to coexist."

It quickly added that it would be "unwise for China and India to seek a balance of power by developing missiles".

"The geopolitics of Asia will become more dependent on the nature of Sino-Indian relations. The peace and stability of the region are crucial to both countries. China and India should both take responsibility for maintaining this peace and stability and be wary of external intervention," the article said.

"China understands the Indian desire to catch up with China. China, as the most appropriate strategic target for India, is willing to take India as a peaceful competitor."

The daily said China and India are sensitive toward each other, "but objectively speaking, China does not spend much time guarding against India, while India focuses a lot of attention on China".

"China hopes India will remain calm, as this would be beneficial to both giants."

Agni-V launch: Delusional India can't match us, Chinese mouthpiece comments - The Times of India

1. Global Times is trolling and posting off topic :rofl:

2. We are not having any illusion :no:

3. We are not dependent on west and they are not our allies :no:

4. We don't want to bully china or attack china :no:

5. we just want peace and deterrence :smokin:

6. Restoration of balance of power in Asia :wave:
India has a solid nonproliferation record: US

Describing India's non-proliferation record as "solid", the US refused to express any concern on the country's nuclear-capable Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile launch, which was successfully test fired on Wednesday. :yahoo: :cheers: :argh::smokin::flame:

"India has a solid nonproliferation record. They're engaged with the international community on non- proliferation issues. And Prime Minister (Manmohan) Singh has attended both of the nuclear security summits, the one in Washington and then Seoul," the State Department spokesperson, Mark Toner, told reporters at his daily news conference.

"We urge all nuclear-capable states to exercise restraint regarding nuclear capabilities. That said, you know, India has a solid nonproliferation record," Toner said.

"So you wouldn't have any specific concerns on it as a destabilising factor in the region?" he was asked again.

"I'll just stay with, you know, the fact that we always caution all nuclear-capable states to exercise restraint," Toner responded.

"We have got a very strong strategic and security partnership with India. So we obviously have routine discussions about a wide range of topics, including their defense requirements. I'm not aware that we've specifically raised this issue with them," he said.

"We've certainly seen the reports that between April 18th and 20th that they plan to test this ballistic missile," he said.

"I understand there are some press reports that it was postponed. You know, naturally, I just would say that we urge all nuclear-capable states to exercise restraint regarding nuclear capabilities," the State Department spokesman said.

The test flight of nuclear-capable Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile 'Agni-V, which would have put India in an elite group of four nations with ICBM launch capabilties and had the potential to strike targets deep in China, was successfully test fired on Thursday after being put off due to bad weather on Wednesday.

India has a solid nonproliferation record: US - Hindustan Times
It has not veered off-course.Do you expect it to go up and up and up and escape into space?It is curving towards its target and the optical illusion makes it look as if its going downwards.How will it hit its target if it doesnt curve??Or do you anticipate it to orbit the moon and then come back to earth to hit the target?:unsure:
That chinese challenged should atleast have thought that the earth is round,before opening a retarded thread.






Congratulation friends !! More than anything big thumbs up for DRDO and concerned scientist and Engineers !!

got this new's while i was travelling in the morning,you won't imagine how happy i was and for sure all Indian's must be on this great achievement

The Missile had a Dummy warhead !! I watched a Interview of a DRDO scientist on Times Now , from what he said that the Agni V is a MIRVed Missile but the Maiden test Launch won't have Mirved warheads !! Infact DRDO has already been successful in developing 3 MIRV and 10 MIRV warheads that will be integrated in Agni V ahead

they Plan to make the Agni V Operational by 2015 after 4-5 Test's Launches :yahoo:

Congrat's once again
Business Line : Industry & Economy / Economy : Production of Agni-V to begin in a year: DRDO chief

Production of Agni-V to begin in a year: DRDO chief


New Delhi, April 19:

India has emerged as a major missile power with the successful launch of Agni-V ballistic missile and the production of the weapon system would start in a year’s time, DRDO chief, Dr V.K. Saraswat, has said.

“This launch has given a message to the entire world that India has the capability to design, develop, build and manufacture missiles of this class, and we are today a missile power,” Dr Saraswat said today after the launch of the 5,000 km range surface-to-surface Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).

The Defence Research and Development Organisation chief said that the missile launch was a major milestone in the defence preparedness of the country.

“We are going to conduct two more tests and that will be validation tests..., and then the production of this system will start. It is going to take a year maximum,” he said.

Dr Saraswat said that he expected the missile to be inducted into the armed forces in the next two years. He said the successful launch of Agni-V was just the beginning of a new series of missiles.

“We go from here to many other missiles which will have the capability for MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle) for anti-satellite system, which will also be built using this technology for launching micro, mini and nano satellites to meet the requirement of the armed forces on very, very short notice,” he said.

Dr Saraswat said that barring some electronic components, the Agni-V was a completely indigenous product.

“More than 80 per cent of the missile is indigenous, except for the electronic components which we import...Everything has been designed, developed and produced in our industry and our laboratory,” he said.

I am proud of my nation and scientist :)
Go on scientist !!
And am eagerly awaiting @sino Who was making predictions with missile sterday !!
Now he cant sleep well seeing that the missile is a success :)
To my Chinese friends reading this......



I suggest you head for them hills!

now come on mate theres no need for trolling be happy that the missile was tested successfully and celebrate normalizing relations with China would be beneficial for both giants and would undermine the other great powers India has a good policy of peace through strength
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