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Agni 5 : Significance of Indian ICBM ( Implications on Asian Balance )


Jan 17, 2009
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The entire world has been eyeing on North Korea as it was trying to develop an ICBM on the pretext of its space programme which is reported to have failed. America and other civilised countries had criticized this attempt of North Korea. The list of nations that have criticized this step also contains the name of world’s largest democracy –India.

India is seen by the civilised and democratic elements of society and world as a developing economy. India may emerge as world’s largest economy by 2050 owing to sustainable development as reviewed by some western magazine. Having pointed that out the question arises is this:-

Is there any other aspect that India aspires to achieve than becoming economic superpower?

To go bit deeper within this question we need to first pose another question to ourselves that is it possible to become a global power without strengthening its weaponry? To be more specific lets replace the word weaponry with nuclear arsenals and delivery mechanisms.

To explore deeper into this problem we need to dig into India’s geopolitical surroundings. It turns out that India is situated in the most barbaric and communist neighborhood. On the western front India confronts the most radical Islamic extremist dictatorship and military regime which openly supports terror groups such as Al-Quida/Jaish e mohommad/Lashkar e toiba etc. and on the eastern front is Evil communist China that doesn’t think twice before engulfing and capturing an entire huge country like Tibet and killing at least 500,000 saints.

Having forced to fight over 5 wars within a short period of time and uncountable skirmishes, India is exposed to most rough surrounding; any country in the world (including Israel) has ever been exposed to. Against the barbaric nature of Pakistani regime Hitler seems to be a dwarf. This is the justification Indian authorities may give for developing ICBM ,Agni 5 ,with an alarming maximum range of 8000kms with low payload and 5000kms with full payload capacity and having a capability of MIRV (multiple independent re-entry vehicles).

Having been exposed to threats that are anti-democratic and terrorism supportive in nature the Indian authorities have justified the development of agni 5 (even though agni 4 was MIRV and capable of hitting on any part of China or Pakistan) by saying that they want the capability to hit any part of China from any part of India. India wants to keep power with itself although never want to use it. Track record suggests that India has never started any war against any nation till date thus it’s claims may hold credibility.

This capability is an addition to pre-existing capability that India has of nuclear powered submarine launcher as a launching base for ballistic missile (Only veto countries have this capability besides India. Picture of arihant being posted below). Since 1992 India is also suspected to have deployed ICBM surya in mainland as well as forward base in Kazakhstan to deter all possible threat to its sovereignty. It is said to be capable of hitting any point on earth with nuclear arsenal.


This occasion, as the author of this post, I would like to take for lobbying in favor of India for having such a transparent missile programme besides being in a neighborhood of countries like North Korea, China, Iran and Pakistan which have not followed a single protocol and have demolished all laws and rules to dust! The history has it that after the Second World War, China got the nuclear technology by reverse engineering Russian technology. Pakistan stole the uranium enrichment process (vital for nuclear explosion by initiating a chain reaction) by bribing western scientists and money was arranged from Saudi Arabia and Iran in the name of Allah, Islam and Jihad.

This was done by a Pakistani state sponsored terrorist called Abdul Quadir Khan. To honor and glorify this terrorist Pakistanis set up a lab called AQ khan lab with the money that was donated by World Bank to Pakistan for fighting poverty. This laboratory traded away technology required for enrichment to North Korea in exchange for rocket delivery mechanism. In this entire process China acted as a liaison to facilitate the exchange of technologies directed against democratic and civilized nations such as India, Israel, South Korea, America, etc.

Browsing through the news a very interesting article could be found regarding Indian ICBM Agni 5 which it test fired on 18th April 2012.[the Hindu].

India is the only Asian country [and only non-veto country in the world] that has developed both the nuclear technology and missile delivery mechanisms on its own scientific strength and technological advancements without violating any international rules or treaties. The scientists in India give priority to pin point precision rather than range and reason for this is simple. Their aim is to hit target on bulls eye range and deter to only those threats which are potentially hostile towards the democratic republic of India. In no circumstances shall it pose a threat to any other entity directly or otherwise. It has excellent relations with western countries and it does not choose to go beyond 8000kms.

“a lot of scope in improvement of range of agni 5 is there” quotes a DRDO official.

A very popular argument is given against the world’s largest democracy that with GDP almost below or slightly above world’s median that instead of spending so much on weapons why not it invests on eradicating poverty?(!!)

Geopolitical analyst counter argues this point by these points:-

  • India spends less than 1.6% of its GDP on defense directly or indirectly.
  • The money that India spends on weapons technology is circulated within Indian territory only and hence it is used in employment of Indian people only.
  • Products developed in India be it medicines or cars are of highest quality standards and have potential for international purchases as compared to low quality Chinese products. This way a lot of royalty can be brought to Indian organizations.
  • Security and economy has to go hand in hand. There would not be any India and it would be invaded like Tibet if India ignores our security.

AGNI 6 : The Next Frontier

Agni-VI with multiple nuclear warheads, which can reach targets 6,000 km away, is all set to be developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).


Only in April last, it carried out the maiden launch of Agni-V, which has a range of more than 5,000 km.

So far, all the strategic missiles developed by the DRDO — Agni-I, II, III, IV and V, and the submarine-launched K-15 and its land-based version Shourya — can carry only single nuclear warhead. The DRDO’s tactical missiles and supersonic cruise missile BrahMos can carry one conventional warhead each.

“We have started working on the multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles [MIRV] version [Agni-VI]. It will carry four or six warheads depending upon their weight,” DRDO missile technologists said. “The constraint is the vehicle’s mass.”

Although the Union government is yet to sanction Agni-VI project, the DRDO has done all the enabling studies, finalised the missile’s design and started working on the engineering part. It had also figured out how to anchor four or six warheads in the vehicle, how to disperse them and the pattern of their dispersal. The warheads could be released in an order, one after another. If one warhead were to hit a place, another could fall 100 km away from it, the technologists said.

It can deliver four or six warheads 6,000 km away

Agni-VI with multiple nuclear warheads, which can reach targets 6,000 km away, is all set to be developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

Only in April last, it carried out the maiden launch of Agni-V, which has a range of more than 5,000 km.

So far, all the strategic missiles developed by the DRDO — Agni-I, II, III, IV and V, and the submarine-launched K-15 and its land-based version Shourya — can carry only single nuclear warhead. The DRDO’s tactical missiles and supersonic cruise missile BrahMos can carry one conventional warhead each.

“We have started working on the multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles [MIRV] version [Agni-VI]. It will carry four or six warheads depending upon their weight,” DRDO missile technologists said. “The constraint is the vehicle’s mass.”

Although the Union government is yet to sanction Agni-VI project, the DRDO has done all the enabling studies, finalised the missile’s design and started working on the engineering part. It had also figured out how to anchor four or six warheads in the vehicle, how to disperse them and the pattern of their dispersal. The warheads could be released in an order, one after another. If one warhead were to hit a place, another could fall 100 km away from it, the technologists said.

Both Agni-V and Agni-VI have three stages, all powered by solid propellants, and their diameter is two metres. And the comparison ends there.

While Agni-V weighs 50 tonnes and is 17.5 metres long, Agni-VI belongs to the 65-70-tonne class and will be 20 metres long. “Agni-VI will be a massive vehicle,” the technologists said. It was too early to say when its first launch would take place. It would be road-mobile and blast off from trucks with launching platforms.

Both Agni-V and Agni-VI have three stages, all powered by solid propellants, and their diameter is two metres. And the comparison ends there.

While Agni-V weighs 50 tonnes and is 17.5 metres long, Agni-VI belongs to the 65-70-tonne class and will be 20 metres long. “Agni-VI will be a massive vehicle,” the technologists said. It was too early to say when its first launch would take place. It would be road-mobile and blast off from trucks with launching platforms.

Source : Agni 5 : Significance of Indian ICBM (Implications on Asian balance of power) | CombatGears
Nice post, But the article abuse Pak-China. Its called Pakistan terrorist state, It calls there national hero "State sponser terrorist"

Any way authors personal view,,,

can any one care to explain it
Since 1992 India is also suspected to have deployed ICBM surya in mainland as well as forward base in Kazakhstan to deter all possible threat to its sovereignty. It is said to be capable of hitting any point on earth with nuclear arsenal.
AWESOME :cheers:

DRDO should test this ASAP. We already have the China killer A5, this should seal the fate of China.

Coming to Asian balance, this would bring the perfect balance. BTW, when other nations can have ICBMs, why cant India have?

Small countries like France and UK possess ICBMs, a country of India's size should have the right to develop and deploy them.

Go DRDO Go :tup:
It turns out that India is situated in the most barbaric and communist neighborhood. On the western front India confronts the most radical Islamic extremist dictatorship and military regime which openly supports terror groups such as Al-Quida/Jaish e mohommad/Lashkar e toiba etc. and on the eastern front is Evil communist China that doesn’t think twice before engulfing and capturing an entire huge country like Tibet and killing at least 500,000 saints.

:tup: :tup: :tup:
@ XiNix ............ I am one of the member on PDF who eagerly waits for your post..................Awesome...........

not only you, we are many... I am following his post since he joined PDF with this name...

I am an old member with almost 8000+ posts

Brothers i dun hv words to express.

Thank You.. App sabhi ko.. Seedhe Dil Se.....
The entire world has been eyeing on North Korea as it was trying to develop an ICBM on the pretext of its space programme which is reported to have failed. America and other civilised countries had criticized this attempt of North Korea. The list of nations that have criticized this step also contains the name of world’s largest democracy –India.

India is seen by the civilised and democratic elements of society and world as a developing economy. India may emerge as world’s largest economy by 2050 owing to sustainable development as reviewed by some western magazine. Having pointed that out the question arises is this:-

Is there any other aspect that India aspires to achieve than becoming economic superpower?

To go bit deeper within this question we need to first pose another question to ourselves that is it possible to become a global power without strengthening its weaponry? To be more specific lets replace the word weaponry with nuclear arsenals and delivery mechanisms.

To explore deeper into this problem we need to dig into India’s geopolitical surroundings. It turns out that India is situated in the most barbaric and communist neighborhood. On the western front India confronts the most radical Islamic extremist dictatorship and military regime which openly supports terror groups such as Al-Quida/Jaish e mohommad/Lashkar e toiba etc. and on the eastern front is Evil communist China that doesn’t think twice before engulfing and capturing an entire huge country like Tibet and killing at least 500,000 saints.

Having forced to fight over 5 wars within a short period of time and uncountable skirmishes, India is exposed to most rough surrounding; any country in the world (including Israel) has ever been exposed to. Against the barbaric nature of Pakistani regime Hitler seems to be a dwarf. This is the justification Indian authorities may give for developing ICBM ,Agni 5 ,with an alarming maximum range of 8000kms with low payload and 5000kms with full payload capacity and having a capability of MIRV (multiple independent re-entry vehicles).

Having been exposed to threats that are anti-democratic and terrorism supportive in nature the Indian authorities have justified the development of agni 5 (even though agni 4 was MIRV and capable of hitting on any part of China or Pakistan) by saying that they want the capability to hit any part of China from any part of India. India wants to keep power with itself although never want to use it. Track record suggests that India has never started any war against any nation till date thus it’s claims may hold credibility.

This capability is an addition to pre-existing capability that India has of nuclear powered submarine launcher as a launching base for ballistic missile (Only veto countries have this capability besides India. Picture of arihant being posted below). Since 1992 India is also suspected to have deployed ICBM surya in mainland as well as forward base in Kazakhstan to deter all possible threat to its sovereignty. It is said to be capable of hitting any point on earth with nuclear arsenal.


This occasion, as the author of this post, I would like to take for lobbying in favor of India for having such a transparent missile programme besides being in a neighborhood of countries like North Korea, China, Iran and Pakistan which have not followed a single protocol and have demolished all laws and rules to dust! The history has it that after the Second World War, China got the nuclear technology by reverse engineering Russian technology. Pakistan stole the uranium enrichment process (vital for nuclear explosion by initiating a chain reaction) by bribing western scientists and money was arranged from Saudi Arabia and Iran in the name of Allah, Islam and Jihad.

This was done by a Pakistani state sponsored terrorist called Abdul Quadir Khan. To honor and glorify this terrorist Pakistanis set up a lab called AQ khan lab with the money that was donated by World Bank to Pakistan for fighting poverty. This laboratory traded away technology required for enrichment to North Korea in exchange for rocket delivery mechanism. In this entire process China acted as a liaison to facilitate the exchange of technologies directed against democratic and civilized nations such as India, Israel, South Korea, America, etc.

Browsing through the news a very interesting article could be found regarding Indian ICBM Agni 5 which it test fired on 18th April 2012.[the Hindu].

India is the only Asian country [and only non-veto country in the world] that has developed both the nuclear technology and missile delivery mechanisms on its own scientific strength and technological advancements without violating any international rules or treaties. The scientists in India give priority to pin point precision rather than range and reason for this is simple. Their aim is to hit target on bulls eye range and deter to only those threats which are potentially hostile towards the democratic republic of India. In no circumstances shall it pose a threat to any other entity directly or otherwise. It has excellent relations with western countries and it does not choose to go beyond 8000kms.

“a lot of scope in improvement of range of agni 5 is there” quotes a DRDO official.

A very popular argument is given against the world’s largest democracy that with GDP almost below or slightly above world’s median that instead of spending so much on weapons why not it invests on eradicating poverty?(!!)

Geopolitical analyst counter argues this point by these points:-

  • India spends less than 1.6% of its GDP on defense directly or indirectly.
  • The money that India spends on weapons technology is circulated within Indian territory only and hence it is used in employment of Indian people only.
  • Products developed in India be it medicines or cars are of highest quality standards and have potential for international purchases as compared to low quality Chinese products. This way a lot of royalty can be brought to Indian organizations.
  • Security and economy has to go hand in hand. There would not be any India and it would be invaded like Tibet if India ignores our security.

AGNI 6 : The Next Frontier

Agni-VI with multiple nuclear warheads, which can reach targets 6,000 km away, is all set to be developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).


Only in April last, it carried out the maiden launch of Agni-V, which has a range of more than 5,000 km.

So far, all the strategic missiles developed by the DRDO — Agni-I, II, III, IV and V, and the submarine-launched K-15 and its land-based version Shourya — can carry only single nuclear warhead. The DRDO’s tactical missiles and supersonic cruise missile BrahMos can carry one conventional warhead each.

“We have started working on the multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles [MIRV] version [Agni-VI]. It will carry four or six warheads depending upon their weight,” DRDO missile technologists said. “The constraint is the vehicle’s mass.”

Although the Union government is yet to sanction Agni-VI project, the DRDO has done all the enabling studies, finalised the missile’s design and started working on the engineering part. It had also figured out how to anchor four or six warheads in the vehicle, how to disperse them and the pattern of their dispersal. The warheads could be released in an order, one after another. If one warhead were to hit a place, another could fall 100 km away from it, the technologists said.

Both Agni-V and Agni-VI have three stages, all powered by solid propellants, and their diameter is two metres. And the comparison ends there.

While Agni-V weighs 50 tonnes and is 17.5 metres long, Agni-VI belongs to the 65-70-tonne class and will be 20 metres long. “Agni-VI will be a massive vehicle,” the technologists said. It was too early to say when its first launch would take place. It would be road-mobile and blast off from trucks with launching platforms.

Source : Agni 5 : Significance of Indian ICBM (Implications on Asian balance of power) | CombatGears

I doubt Agni 5 has that much range, even maximum

May be Agni 6 will have that much range(off coarse maximum)

Although the Union government is yet to sanction Agni-VI project, the DRDO has done all the enabling studies, finalised the missile’s design and started working on the engineering part. It had also figured out how to anchor four or six warheads in the vehicle, how to disperse them and the pattern of their dispersal. The warheads could be released in an order, one after another. If one warhead were to hit a place, another could fall 100 km away from it, the technologists said.

Good Very Good
While Agni-V weighs 50 tonnes and is 17.5 metres long, Agni-VI belongs to the 65-70-tonne class and will be 20 meters long. “Agni-VI will be a massive vehicle,” the technologists said. It was too early to say when its first launch would take place. It would be road-mobile and blast off from trucks with launching platforms.

I agree with this. Some sources say that Agni 6 will not be longer than Agni 5. This is not possible.

More propellant, multiple warheads will demand more space so length will increase

I think Agni 6 will have diameter of of 2.1 meters and length of 20 meters

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...implications-asian-balance.html#ixzz2VVdunsyn
The entire world has been eyeing on North Korea as it was trying to develop an ICBM on the pretext of its space programme which is reported to have failed. America and other civilised countries had criticized this attempt of North Korea. The list of nations that have criticized this step also contains the name of world’s largest democracy –India.

India is seen by the civilised and democratic elements of society and world as a developing economy. India may emerge as world’s largest economy by 2050 owing to sustainable development as reviewed by some western magazine. Having pointed that out the question arises is this:-

Is there any other aspect that India aspires to achieve than becoming economic superpower?

To go bit deeper within this question we need to first pose another question to ourselves that is it possible to become a global power without strengthening its weaponry? To be more specific lets replace the word weaponry with nuclear arsenals and delivery mechanisms.

To explore deeper into this problem we need to dig into India’s geopolitical surroundings. It turns out that India is situated in the most barbaric and communist neighborhood. On the western front India confronts the most radical Islamic extremist dictatorship and military regime which openly supports terror groups such as Al-Quida/Jaish e mohommad/Lashkar e toiba etc. and on the eastern front is Evil communist China that doesn’t think twice before engulfing and capturing an entire huge country like Tibet and killing at least 500,000 saints.

Having forced to fight over 5 wars within a short period of time and uncountable skirmishes, India is exposed to most rough surrounding; any country in the world (including Israel) has ever been exposed to. Against the barbaric nature of Pakistani regime Hitler seems to be a dwarf. This is the justification Indian authorities may give for developing ICBM ,Agni 5 ,with an alarming maximum range of 8000kms with low payload and 5000kms with full payload capacity and having a capability of MIRV (multiple independent re-entry vehicles).

Having been exposed to threats that are anti-democratic and terrorism supportive in nature the Indian authorities have justified the development of agni 5 (even though agni 4 was MIRV and capable of hitting on any part of China or Pakistan) by saying that they want the capability to hit any part of China from any part of India. India wants to keep power with itself although never want to use it. Track record suggests that India has never started any war against any nation till date thus it’s claims may hold credibility.

This capability is an addition to pre-existing capability that India has of nuclear powered submarine launcher as a launching base for ballistic missile (Only veto countries have this capability besides India. Picture of arihant being posted below). Since 1992 India is also suspected to have deployed ICBM surya in mainland as well as forward base in Kazakhstan to deter all possible threat to its sovereignty. It is said to be capable of hitting any point on earth with nuclear arsenal.


This occasion, as the author of this post, I would like to take for lobbying in favor of India for having such a transparent missile programme besides being in a neighborhood of countries like North Korea, China, Iran and Pakistan which have not followed a single protocol and have demolished all laws and rules to dust! The history has it that after the Second World War, China got the nuclear technology by reverse engineering Russian technology. Pakistan stole the uranium enrichment process (vital for nuclear explosion by initiating a chain reaction) by bribing western scientists and money was arranged from Saudi Arabia and Iran in the name of Allah, Islam and Jihad.

This was done by a Pakistani state sponsored terrorist called Abdul Quadir Khan. To honor and glorify this terrorist Pakistanis set up a lab called AQ khan lab with the money that was donated by World Bank to Pakistan for fighting poverty. This laboratory traded away technology required for enrichment to North Korea in exchange for rocket delivery mechanism. In this entire process China acted as a liaison to facilitate the exchange of technologies directed against democratic and civilized nations such as India, Israel, South Korea, America, etc.

Browsing through the news a very interesting article could be found regarding Indian ICBM Agni 5 which it test fired on 18th April 2012.[the Hindu].

India is the only Asian country [and only non-veto country in the world] that has developed both the nuclear technology and missile delivery mechanisms on its own scientific strength and technological advancements without violating any international rules or treaties. The scientists in India give priority to pin point precision rather than range and reason for this is simple. Their aim is to hit target on bulls eye range and deter to only those threats which are potentially hostile towards the democratic republic of India. In no circumstances shall it pose a threat to any other entity directly or otherwise. It has excellent relations with western countries and it does not choose to go beyond 8000kms.

“a lot of scope in improvement of range of agni 5 is there” quotes a DRDO official.

A very popular argument is given against the world’s largest democracy that with GDP almost below or slightly above world’s median that instead of spending so much on weapons why not it invests on eradicating poverty?(!!)

Geopolitical analyst counter argues this point by these points:-

  • India spends less than 1.6% of its GDP on defense directly or indirectly.
  • The money that India spends on weapons technology is circulated within Indian territory only and hence it is used in employment of Indian people only.
  • Products developed in India be it medicines or cars are of highest quality standards and have potential for international purchases as compared to low quality Chinese products. This way a lot of royalty can be brought to Indian organizations.
  • Security and economy has to go hand in hand. There would not be any India and it would be invaded like Tibet if India ignores our security.

AGNI 6 : The Next Frontier

Agni-VI with multiple nuclear warheads, which can reach targets 6,000 km away, is all set to be developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).


Only in April last, it carried out the maiden launch of Agni-V, which has a range of more than 5,000 km.

So far, all the strategic missiles developed by the DRDO — Agni-I, II, III, IV and V, and the submarine-launched K-15 and its land-based version Shourya — can carry only single nuclear warhead. The DRDO’s tactical missiles and supersonic cruise missile BrahMos can carry one conventional warhead each.

“We have started working on the multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles [MIRV] version [Agni-VI]. It will carry four or six warheads depending upon their weight,” DRDO missile technologists said. “The constraint is the vehicle’s mass.”

Although the Union government is yet to sanction Agni-VI project, the DRDO has done all the enabling studies, finalised the missile’s design and started working on the engineering part. It had also figured out how to anchor four or six warheads in the vehicle, how to disperse them and the pattern of their dispersal. The warheads could be released in an order, one after another. If one warhead were to hit a place, another could fall 100 km away from it, the technologists said.

Both Agni-V and Agni-VI have three stages, all powered by solid propellants, and their diameter is two metres. And the comparison ends there.

While Agni-V weighs 50 tonnes and is 17.5 metres long, Agni-VI belongs to the 65-70-tonne class and will be 20 metres long. “Agni-VI will be a massive vehicle,” the technologists said. It was too early to say when its first launch would take place. It would be road-mobile and blast off from trucks with launching platforms.

Source : Agni 5 : Significance of Indian ICBM (Implications on Asian balance of power) | CombatGears

if you never want to use it then what's the point of having it in the first place ??

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