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Agartala conspiracy case was not false: Deputy speaker


Feb 21, 2012
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Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS)

DHAKA, Feb 23, 2013 (BSS) - Jatiya Sangsad (JS) Deputy Speaker Shawkat Ali today called for writing the right information in textbooks about the historic Agartala conspiracy case. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman used to practise politics in the democratic way, but he did not reject arms struggle for the country, he said speaking at a discussion meeting at Bijoy Ketan Museum at Dhaka cantonment marking the 44th anniversary of release of the accused persons in Agartala conspiracy case. It should be written in the textbooks that a group of Bangalees had planned to liberate the country through armed struggle before the independence achieved on December 16, 1971, he said. The deputy speaker said the Agartala conspiracy case was dubbed as a false case as part of a strategy at that time, but actually it was not false. A body of the accused in Agartala conspiracy case organized the discussion meeting with M Abdul Ahad in the chair, said a press release. Accused in the case Col (Retd) Shamsul Alam, Flight Sergeant (Retd) Abdul Jalil, Flight Sergeant (Retd) Mahfuzul Bari and family members of some accused spoke at the meeting. Tofail Ahmed, MP, language movement veteran Col (Retd) SD Ahmed, journalist Abed Khan, Deputy Speaker's spouse Majeda Shawkat Ali addressed the meeting. The speakers expressed solidarity with the protesters at Shahbagh and demanded quick completion of war crimes trials.
The first admission started coming in around 2010, after AL won the election and came to power. The question is why the deception for 40 years:

- Why Mujib did not openly declare rebellion, instead of hiding and denying his involvement in the planned rebellion
- Why during 7th March speech and why even on 25th March 1971, Mujib did not declare independence
- eventually Independence Declaration was made by Zia on 26th March, 1971, which is our Independence Day
- why AL and the people involved in the Agartala case, hid this fact for 40 years and now are coming out with it
- what was the role of India and its intelligence agency in this case

I think the people of the country deserve answers to these questions, because it was the people who had to loose lives and bear the brunt of the loss and suffering in 1971.

Relevant thread:
The first admission started coming in around 2010, after AL won the election and came to power. The question is why the deception for 40 years:

- Why Mujib did not openly declare rebellion, instead of hiding and denying his involvement in the planned rebellion
- Why during 7th March speech and why even on 25th March 1971, Mujib did not declare independence
- eventually Independence Declaration was made by Zia on 26th March, 1971, which is our Independence Day
- why AL and the people involved in the Agartala case, hid this fact for 40 years and now are coming out with it
- what was the role of India and its intelligence agency in this case

I think the people of the country deserve answers to these questions, because it was the people who had to loose lives and bear the brunt of the loss and suffering in 1971.

So let me ask u question..so are u in favor of bangladesh or want to be a pakistani???
u brought the topic of India...so yes it is my business...If u dont want Indians to get involved..then dont bring or discuss about India..

If you want to have a serious discussion, don't ask absurd questions like the one you have asked. Indian govt. was involved in East Pakistan and Bangladesh and is still involved. I do not see how we can avoid mentioning it.
If you want to have a serious discussion, don't ask absurd questions like the one you have asked. Indian govt. was involved in East Pakistan and Bangladesh and is still involved. I do not see how we can avoid mentioning it.

but the questions u asked , i have the feeling,,that u consider mujib the guilty party in 1971 issue...u seem to follow the pakistani version that everything was hunky dory up in united pakistan until mujib, hindu baniyas and indian gov conspired against pakistan
Hasina herself told it back in 2010. If it was not false, simply Mujib is the no. 1 culprit politico in subcontinent. BTW, one told me that 1969 uprising was staged being advised by an experienced indian lawyer who opined that Mujib would not legally escape sedition charge. So there's only one way open...the streets. I didn't find any source testifying this claim...it'd be great if anyone here could provide any source on it.
but the questions u asked , i have the feeling,,that u consider mujib the guilty party in 1971 issue...u seem to follow the pakistani version that everything was hunky dory up in united pakistan until mujib, hindu baniyas and indian gov conspired against pakistan

And you want us to follow the Indian version.

It always pays to get the facts straight.
but the questions u asked , i have the feeling,,that u consider mujib the guilty party in 1971 issue...u seem to follow the pakistani version that everything was hunky dory up in united pakistan until mujib, hindu baniyas and indian gov conspired against pakistan

No, that is not my stand at all. In any catastrophe, there are many players involved. Then West Pakistan and Non-Bengali's who moved to East Pakistan in 1947, played their role, so did Mujib and AL along with India. The deception of Agartala conspiracy was played by a section of AL with active cooperation of Indian intelligence, which has fooled majority people of then East Pakistan. On the surface they claimed that they demanded autonomy, but in reality they have been involved with Indian intelligence and did plan for an armed rebellion, as was alleged in Agartala case. This has now been established as fact, since around 2010, when people involved in Agartala case finally admitted that the Conspiracy case, that which they claimed was false at that time, was in fact true. This victim hood, as a Bengali hero, who was falsely accused by a Pakistani govt., was masterfully used by AL under RAW instruction and advice, to catapult Mujib at political center stage of then East Pakistan politics and thus made him the undisputed leader of the Bengali's in then Pakistan.

It is good that at least they are coming with the truth after 40 years, but in typical AL fashion, they are trying to somehow make this mega-deception and act of cowardice into an act of bravery and heroics using their current position in govt.
Would Bangladeshis like to accept these stories if backed by solid evidences and revise this history and change their minds a bit?
What is the point of leaving with false stories?
For sake of so-called mukti-juddhar ego/pride when our independence is to be remained belittled to India?

Anyone agrees, that calling for independence on 7th March's speech my Mujib (abarer shongram shadhinotar shongram) compelled the P.Army to bring 25 March's operation search light to save the integrity of united Pakistan?
Would Bangladeshis like to accept these stories if backed by solid evidences and revise this history and change their minds a bit?
What is the point of leaving with false stories?
For sake of so-called mukti-juddhar ego/pride when our independence is to be remained belittled to India?

Anyone agrees, that calling for independence on 7th March's speech my Mujib (abarer shogram shadhinotar shogram) compelled the P.Army to bring 25 March's operation search light to save the integrity of united Pakistan?

Using those words may sound like Mujib was declaring independence, but his well known position was the 6-dafa (6-point) which was essentially asking for greater autonomy not outright independence or secession. In fact, till he was arrested and taken to prison in West Pakistan, he never declared independence, even at the insistence of some AL leaders who were pressing him to declare independence.

My guess is that he feared for his life and thought that a declaration of independence would give then Pakistan govt. sufficient grounds to execute him on account of treason. In a way he was correct and I believe he was in touch with Indian intelligence who instructed him to follow this line of deception to save his life.
Would Bangladeshis like to accept these stories if backed by solid evidences and revise this history and change their minds a bit?
What is the point of leaving with false stories?
For sake of so-called mukti-juddhar ego/pride when our independence is to be remained belittled to India?

Anyone agrees, that calling for independence on 7th March's speech my Mujib (abarer shongram shadhinotar shongram) compelled the P.Army to bring 25 March's operation search light to save the integrity of united Pakistan?

I doubt..examples are abundant on this very forum where every few days we come across a thread that says something different, based on solid evidence, than what we're taught at school.
Anyone agrees, that calling for independence on 7th March's speech my Mujib (abarer shongram shadhinotar shongram) compelled the P.Army to bring 25 March's operation search light to save the integrity of united Pakistan?

Maybe, maybe not, but do you agree with the stance of P.A? i think they took a step in an incompetent way to make situation more complicated and worse, triggering the war.
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