@M.SAAD @Richotmalokate
You know both you are idiots. Yes, MSaad if this guy purportedly said the things he did you should have broken his nose with a well aimed punch.
You Richotmalokate on the other hand think everything, even the bloody weather is Pakistan's fault. The fact is Russians attacked in 1979 and since than with much sadness I say your country has not seen peace. Everybody is interfering in your country. Trust me so will Pakistan as long as everybody else does. If you think we are going to chop our own balls off and let India piss all over you have another thing coming.
The only hope is all you guys calm down and talk, come to some understanding that everybopdy can live with.
And everything belonged to everybody historically. Th
e Mongols had all of us historically, the
Greeks also had us historically, the
Russians also had us historically, the
British historically and now the Americans can also say we had you historically. So calm down and why not talk to us with respect so we can sort our part of the world. You can't change your neighbours. Trust me fighting Pakistan is not going to help you or us. Both of us are going to lose and like what happened in history somebody will walk in and make b*tch of both of us. Is that what you want?
@M.SAAD Are you happy about this stupid story and sh*t st*irring you have done. Pleased? How exactly does this help. We already have enemy in India, annoyed Iran and some of us are getting annoyed at China as well because of the Uighur Muslims?
Do you want to build walls everywhere. Alienate everybody? Making enemes if f*cken easy. Healing past wounds and moving on requires brains and balls.
We need to get past our narrow minded tribal, caste, religious, sectarian differances and move forward. Look at the Europeans. Ask him who was in his country? Americans, British, Australians, Danes, French, Italians, Canadians, Latvians, Norweigians, Spanish, Dutch and look how they f*cking worked in as team
No hope with you narrow minded people. No wonder the
Europeans came and
f*cked all of
us. Be they British, Russian or whatever ..
The has world moved on. Thin
k global not about the last b*tchin thing you had ...
MODS: Lock this F*uckin thread.
* Richotmalokate why not join us in civilized ddiscussion to rresolve our problems and not get stuck in this pussy argument.