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Again! Iranian fishermen saved by US navy

he meant moshash ;)

LOL as I said they are probably mosad agents.

---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ----------

There is no trusting or being nice to a snake.

Remember the story of Shahmaran... sometimes trusting a snake or being nice to it pays of
If US save Pakistani fishermen, i would say thanks without discussion.

Iranian and pro Iranian posters are acting like brainwashed.

You can criticize US for all other reasons but not saving lives.
There is a term called being grateful, you should try it sometimes. It can change a lot of things in ones life.
man don't be a fool
any reason why our 'fishermen' are suddenly in need of rescuing this month? 3 cases so far!! wtf's going on lmao 32 years nothing, suddenly in a month 3 boats happened to be in need of rescue.

And even if they saved 5 people from the seas, they still killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians when they helped and pushed saddam to invade Iran. Most Iranian don't blame Iraqis, they blame the Americans who forced the dictator of the country to attack Iran. On top of that is the 32 year sanction. And what about flight 655 that they shut down over the Persian Gulf? They killed 290 people (mostly children and women going to Dubai for vacation) because they 'thought' the Airbus plane was an F-14 (how could this happen I have no idea).
Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Today they want to destroy our nuclear program as well as our economy. They've been trying to stop our oil sales for 32 years. That would literally kill millions of Iranians over night. They don't care about Iranian life. This is all cheap propeganda made for idiots who look up to these fuckers.

If they want to help us, they can start by removing the sanctions on medicine and passenger planes. We can't even buy medical equipment!!
If US save Pakistani fishermen, i would say thanks without discussion.

Iranian and pro Iranian posters are acting like brainwashed.

You can criticize US for all other reasons but not saving lives.
batman, we all know what your agenda is. You're a secterian individual trying to fish out off muddy waters here. Read my post before this one. This whole 'we're saving Iranian fishermen' stinks to high heaven. Only an absolute ******* idiot buys it.
Iranian navy saved many tankers in the region and beyond, should we brag about it everytime ?
and btw, strange that the US started saving iranian fishermen just after escalation of hormoz :rofl:

LOL I know, And its funny our fishermen are in need of help in this particular time.

---------- Post added at 02:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

If US save Pakistani fishermen, i would say thanks without discussion.

Iranian and pro Iranian posters are acting like brainwashed.

You can criticize US for all other reasons but not saving lives.

silence you wahabbi.
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