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Again! Iranian fishermen saved by US navy

Star√ation;2508297 said:
Are they paid to count all humanitarian rescues on Earth?
Cheap propaganda by the CIA.
they already save millions in last 100 years of wars man .:lol: some time they save humans by nuke them too :rofl:
For the third time this month, the U.S. Navy has come to the aid of Iranian fishermen.

On Wednesday, the guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey came the the rescue of a sinking Iranian fishing dhow, the Al Mamsoor, after an MH-60R Seahawk helicopter spotted it in the Arabian Sea early Wednesday morning.

The dhow had been flooding for several days, and by the time the U.S. Navy reached the ship, the Iranian crew had abandoned it and climbed onto other dhows nearby.

Still, it was clear that they needed food and water, so the team from the USS Dewey provided the fishermen with 150 pounds of food, water, medical, and hygienic supplies.

Earlier this month, American forces rescued a group of 13 Iranian fisherman who had been held captive by Somali pirates for more than 40 days.

Just days later, a U.S. Coast Guard cutter came to the aid of another six Iranian fisherman in waters off Iraq, after they issued a distress call that their boat was taking on water.

"Without your help, we were dead. Thank you for all you did for us," the owner of the Iranian ship said, according to the Navy.

The rescue operations come amid increasing tensions between the U.S. and Iran.

Iranian Fishermen Rescued By U.S. Navy, Again

I have never seen an Iranian ship having Arabic name and i don't know why all Iranian ships have decided to sink or be attacked by pirates while USN is around them.
There is a term called being grateful, you should try it sometimes. It can change a lot of things in ones life.

The native Americans were also great full for the blankets the US army gave them.
Until they found it it was laced with smallpox.

Never trust America, that's the biggest lesson history has taught us.
They are gathering together in one place to make an easy target for Iran. Also they come near Iran because Iran has no ICBM and they want to lose some ships. this is what happens when empires want to fall they go out looking for trouble

And you claim to have graduated as an attorney . You now see why we snicker at you, with posts like the ones above?
and where were the Americans army when this happened? Too busy policing the world and pissing on dead people? Shameful indeed.

I think its commendable that the Americans have saved the Iranian fishermen and the Iranian government should officially thank them and give them a free drone replica toy as a goodwill gesture :enjoy:

They died because of pirates? Man, the sure intelligence of the Mullah brigade residing in NATO Christian UK bodes not to well. That is why we see poor England suffering.
Iranian navy saved many tankers in the region and beyond, should we brag about it everytime ?
and btw, strange that the US started saving iranian fishermen just after escalation of hormoz :rofl:
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