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Aftermath of Removal of Article 35A and Article 370

To be very frank, this is a very STUPID response --- Pakistanis must stop moaning like Dehati Aurat (village woman).-- "UN resolution, intl.community, diplomacy, peace, blah blah blah" ------ Surrender Kashmir or wage War (no other option)

If Islamic Republic of Pakistan declares Jihad against India, I will respond, InshaAllah.

So will the tick tock selfie generation respond?

India gives two hoots to your so called UN resolution.--- Might is Right is the law of this world ----- and India also gives two hoots to Trumps mediation offer.

This is very clever. Why waiting for someone to declare? Respond now as you see it. It just a cover that you are taking. And when war broke up t goes for many years. Look at afghanistan of US war. Do you have $ billions as foriegn reserve? Do you have a stable country?

Any person with sense will avoid direct option of war. First option always would be exhaust available option that is why tomorrow ijlas has been called.

You think other country or muslims will come no they will not. Palestine got out of hand what muslims or country did nothing that is I am talking of holy land.

Who will come for kashmir that is not even holy land.

You go direct on war when someone enter in your country and attack.

Gettjng emotional is not a wise decision everytime. You have to playcard wisely.
What do you people think would happen if India repelled atleast 1 of these articles mentioned in the thread above?
Will it disadvantage Pakistan for its Kashmir Cause?
What could potentially happen in Indian Administered Kashmir?
What should Pakistan do if it is proving to be disastrous for Kashmir Cause?
@Oscar @Arsalan 345 @Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan @third eye @Chak Bamu @CHACHA"G" @Reichsmarschall @waz @Khafee @Bilal Khan 777 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Tps43 @pakistanipower @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @War Thunder @war&peace
Dear sir , Now we have only 2 option , Option one , let Kashmir go , Option two , all-out war ….
Option one will be as fatal for Pakistan as Option Two …… Now there is 3rd option "The Option" (as we all know india will not going to give us Kashmir without war and for this I present 3rd option , the peaceful option):
If we want Kashmir issue resolved without war then below is the only peaceful option..
India can keep Ladahk State but some parts will come to Pakistan so Sichan Glassier can be military free area .. And Jamu State(Valley) goes to Pakistan ………… That's it ……… If both country are ready to do it ..
If not we subcontinent people going to kill 1+ billion of each other in all-out war …… and that war is very near ……
Pakistan found napping again!
this will be lagacy Gen Bajwa.
World best and Pakistan Premier Agency won us Senate Election Hurrah.
This time KASHMIRI issue raised by US president Donald Trump Why? India is desperate?

  1. US has its interest in the area where war between Pakistan India means temporary benefits.
  2. Because Modi asked for mediation with US president Donald Trump.
  3. India have played this dirty game "KASHMIR IS BILATERAL ISSUE of INDO-PAK" for so long. Because if this is the case why did India run for United Nation back then. There were some individual efforts from Indian side, but overall there is no consistence effort to resolve the issue. India has always used INFILTRATION as a delaying tactic. With the passage of time, time has proved, India is behind all false flag terrorist operations.
  4. This is illogical and next to impossible for anyone to infiltrate in KASHMIR because there is high tech fence, seismic sensor (to avoid digging trenches or tunnels), night vision facilities are common along with other hi-tech electronics support even radars (reported by Indian media years back). On the top of it KASHMIR is the highest militarize zone in the world with at least 700,000 troops plus 35,000 recently added (till this time), this is (if not more than) Pakistan's total military strength, is equal to it. The biggest lie of the world. On the other hand Indian media is world's famous in lie projections. There are plenty of Indian politicians statements against Pakistan to destabilize. If all that is not enough then in KULBHUSHAN JADHAV case INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (ICJ) have proved that India is involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan NOT PAKISATN.
  5. 600,000 KASHMIRIS have been killed in decades long siege in Indian occupied KASHMIR. You cannot make 600,000 KASHMIRS millitants.
  6. The story of how maharaja hari singh did sign the Instrument of Accession back in time has its own story full of unanswered questions, but KASHMIR WAS AND STILL IS MUSLIM MAJORITY AREA and according to basics of Indian divide this area should be with the Pakistan. No state ruler can supersede this by any accession agreement against their people will. Clearly maharaja hari singh gave India religious favour.
  7. The nuclear after affects will be a biggest disaster for the rest of the world in case of any nuclear use.
  8. Even though KASHMIR is the highest militarize zone in the world with more the 700,000 troops, for long time India failed to suppress KASHMIRI people.
  9. Holding all the occupied KASHMIR hostage and according to latest news that include all the political figures as well. If India is going to change the legal status of KASHMIRI state by eliminate the ARTICLE 370 and 35A then could be INDI-GENIUS justice what only India will believe on. And there will be consequences for that.
  10. UN report on KASHMIR is not in favour of India as well.
  11. Implementation of AFSPA is bad mark on Indian history of human rights by making AFSPA personals LORD's of the LAND.
So now Indian response is US president was raised this issue in emotions or he is lying. SERIOUSLY? Are you talking on politics or joking. You didn't find anything solid here so you are telling public anything. SERIOUSLY? You have no respect of both side of politicians and using words like lying or heavier then that is your habbit. Judge yourself.

Coming on SHIMLA AGREEMENT, This agreement cannot supersede UN resolution on KASHMIR.

Indian intellectual mind set way too biased when they mention injustices conditions for KASHMIRI PANDIT's but not a single word of injustices conditions for KASHMIRI people along with. KASHMIRI PUNDIT'S force to leave KASHMIR because of terror conditions. What about all the other KASHMIRIS still living in KASHMIR in even worst conditions for years. More than 300,000 of KASHMIRI PUNDIT'S left the land. Why not claim 10,00,000 or more? Changing demographics verbally doesn't change the ground reality. The reality is bitter, Why KASHMIRI PUNDITS run away if KASHMIR is their land? and Why KASHMIRI peoples are still living there? You simply cannot make joke about every truth. Have anyone ever find any mass graves of KASHMIRI PUNDITS? in so called THEIR LAND? Why only common KASHMIRIS?

Killing of people in KASHMIR is religion for Indian army. This is a common practice in "MAIN LAND INDIA" as well with all sorts minorities and India is quite famous in the world for that. This has been published by even Indian media and is happening consistently specially even faster with BJP Govt in power. And without any justice been served ever.

Implementation of AFSPA has forcing more and more KASHMIR'S not to use pen or politics but use the gun. Taking about Indian army statistics in how many people Joined armed resistance.

2013 sixteen people (16) and in

2018 one hundred and ninty one (191)

KASHMIR is the world's highest military concentrated area. Even then if the number of resistant people are increasing has TWO meanings.

* Indian forces has failed to deliver objectives even in long time excepting destroying houses, killing ordinary people and proven gang raping of women's that is actually a counter product for resistance.

*This is the public demand not the terrorist.

Talking about WATER:

This is India who is stoping natural flow of water which is going towards Pakistan not towards India. All by making dams in KASHMIR. Indian government officially declared proven corrupt NAWAZ SHARIF as their assets. A PM that don't feel any requirement of foreign minister? And that man is praise by India is understandable. This is the reason why he didn't fought the water case of Pakistan.

Don't worry Pakistan didn't lose because India was strong that was because Pakistan didn't fought it's case as it should be. Wait for it. For example Pakistan won the case of KULBHUSHAN JADHAV after NAWAZ SHRIF gone, so THAT DECLARE INDIA AS A TERRORIST COUNTRY NOT PAKISTAN. Indian is stoping as much water as possible flowing towards Pakistan by making multiple dams. This is water terrorism. Check the international water flowing law at


And yes Water is Economic Security of any country Pakistan is no different, is this not the case for India? I hope you remember Brahmaputra river and it start from China how India will feels if china do the same as India in KASHMIR (where China and India have not water treaty on that). In this era playing with water means playing with fire, this is not GOAL MAAL.

In the last think about one thing only

India has a part of KASHMIR, Pakistan has a part of KASHMIR too then why not Pakistani side of KASHMIR going through all the atrocities and people are being killed by Pakistani army? Any strikes? Freedom fighters? A BIG WHY? try to be real honest with yourself.

Time has prove Quaid-e-Azam Mohamad Ali Jinnah was right about Indian Mind set.
Since India has completely disregarded UNSC resolution on Kashmir and its disputed status, its forces engaged in Kashmiri territory are now officially can be regarded as "occupational forces". Any action against them by locals, by any standards should be legitimate and within the realm of "freedom struggle".

This is the line Pakistan should follow and purse.

This this what we must tell FATF as well, that we don't regard any action in Kashmir against Indian state apparatus as terrorism due to Indian disregard of United nations.
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Since India has completely disregarded UNSC resolution on Kashmir and its disputed status, its forces engaged in Kashmiri territory are now officially can be regarded as "occupational forces". Any action against them, by any standards should be legitimate and within the realm of "freedom struggle".

This is the line Pakistan should follow and purse.

This this what we must tell FATF as well, that we don't regard any action in Kashmir against Indian state apparatus as terrorism due to Indian disregard of United nations.
Yeah its just that simple. Please go ahead
Since India has completely disregarded UNSC resolution on Kashmir and its disputed status, its forces engaged in Kashmiri territory are now officially can be regarded as "occupational forces". Any action against them, by any standards should be legitimate and within the realm of "freedom struggle".

This is the line Pakistan should follow and purse.

This this what we must tell FATF as well, that we don't regard any action in Kashmir against Indian state apparatus as terrorism due to Indian disregard of United nations.

Excellent way forward!
I urge all Pakistanis to think this way and support their Kashmiri brethren by supplying arms openly. This will show India and the Kashmiris that Pakistan means business.
Good luck! I support your initiative!
Yeah its just that simple. Please go ahead

We don't need to do anything, You have cornered your own puppets like Omer Abdullah and Mahbooha, the worst kind among the Kashmiries. The rest, will follow without Pakistan interventions. We just have to make the narrative right.

What was 1965?

What about it?

Excellent way forward!
I urge all Pakistanis to think this way and support their Kashmiri brethren by supplying arms openly. This will show India and the Kashmiris that Pakistan means business.
Good luck! I support your initiative!

Read above.
You see Indians here are dumbfounded. They are currently backing their state's actions but logically they are flat as shoes. This action by Modi will result in so many debacles for India that this day will be moaned by future Indian generations.

But like 27th Feb and Kulbhushan's verdict, let this stupid Nation celebrate a mistake before they realize how much they've damaged themselves.
Excellent way forward!
I urge all Pakistanis to think this way and support their Kashmiri brethren by supplying arms openly. This will show India and the Kashmiris that Pakistan means business.
Good luck! I support your initiative!
lets not get ahead of ourselves. Given meek myopic leadership in US, there might be Taliban back in power in Afghanistan, the same Taliban which their own interior minister Naseerullah Baba once claimed creating.

As before it will become breeding ground for cannon fodder, cheap infantry with no PF, no retirement, extremely cost-effective tool to exercise in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan still holds a lot of cards in their hands if the Taliban comes to power.
Wasn't that violation of the UNSC resolutions, for that matter even kargil?

How? We haven't declared our side of Kashmir as part of our federation. Kashmir is a disputed territory. 1965 war and kargil skirmish, ever our action on 27th feb known as operation swift retort we conducted over disputed territory. Those actions were sanctions by the state. I am referring to the local uprising by Kashmiris and their struggle against you that you have been labelling and selling as terrorism to the world. You lot have now unilaterally, in complete disregard of UN resolution on Kashmir and its disputed status, have tried to make IOK as part of your federation. Previously you could use the guise of terrorism against the freedom struggle, due to façade of autonomy to Kashmir but that is no more the case.

Now try to selling Kashmiris acting against you as terrorism and take your non sense to FATF. Even your puppets like Omer Abdullah and Mufti are taking Uturn against Indian federation.
lets not get ahead of ourselves. Given meek myopic leadership in US, there might be Taliban back in power in Afghanistan, the same Taliban which their own interior minister Naseerullah Baba once claimed creating.

As before it will become breeding ground for cannon fodder, cheap infantry with no PF, no retirement, extremely cost-effective tool to exercise in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan still holds a lot of cards in their hands if the Taliban comes to power.

I do not see taliban coming to “power” independently, it will be more a shared power approach. Mind you, the Kabul govt in power currently are stakeholders and they aren’t simply going to allow their control to be eliminated. Do remember they too are previous warlords.
We are talking about a political power sharing agreement under the ambit of democracy, ie. Taliban will have to fight elections than rule from the barrel of the gun.

Either way, I agree with you that Pakistan can push a lot of the Ex. Afghan Taliban into Kashmir. But then again, is this something that wasn’t part of the Indian calculus?
Have we not been exposed to this phenomenon previously? Only this time around, unlike the 90s, the border is fenced and infiltration has become harder due to the infra enabled along the LOC.
Doesn’t mean we are fool proof, but doesn’t mean it will be a free for all either.
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