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After Kosovo's Independence, Taiwan Independence or Unification of China?

Jan 13, 2008
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The War to Benefit China

Nato - Now Seen as Untrustworthy and a "Rogue" Aggressor

NATO has destroyed its credibility as a purely defensive alliance and violated international law, the U.N. Charter, and NATO's own treaty by launching a first strike against Serbia, shown by the blue arrow.

Article 2(4) of the U.N. Charter requires member nations to "refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state." Self defense is authorized under Article 51 but only if an armed attack occurs. Regional police actions like NATO's operation against Serbia absolutely require prior approval by the Security Council. The Council has not authorized military action. China claims to oppose the bombing, but as a permanent member of the Security Council it has the power to stop it and has not used it.

Kosovo has politically and legally been part of Serbia since Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, and Bulgaria threw the Turks out of the Balkans in 1913. The U.S. first strike marks the first time in U.S. history we have launched a war without any threat to U.S. territory, nationals, or interests. While the President is the Commander-in-Chief, he does not have the power to order the military to do whatever he pleases. As a violation of the most basic provision of international law - territorial sovereignty - the President's order to conduct this operation is clearly unconstitutional.

The President's failure to submit the report to Congress required by the War Powers Resolution demonstrates the order lacks the valid authority and threat to U.S. people, territory or interests needed to make it constitutional. The law requires the President to state what U.S. interests were threatened and the legal authority for his order.

Press reports confirm the situation on the ground in Kosovo was never any where near as bad as the President claimed. But since Clinton admitted that he knew bombing Serbia would turn the situation in Kosovo violent, Clinton himself must bear the blame for the plight of the refugees.

The real consequence of Kosovo is to dissipate U.S. military strength. As we explain below, the political ramifications of our Kosovo adventure will also weaken European military and economic power and political influence, and divert the attentions of all of China's rivals away from China's expansionist aims.

Russia - Turned Against the West and Back to Communism

As show by the dark green arrow, the campaign in Serbia will turn Russia's defenses away from China and against a West that has now fulfilled the Russian's worst fear - conducted an unprovoked attack under the auspices of NATO. With former Warsaw Pact nations now members of NATO, the NATO threat looks larger and more menacing now than it did during the Cold War. The new threat from the West strengthens the hand of the nationalists and Communists - forces ideologically friendly to China.

The fact that Russia has not yet acted to help the Serbs suggests there are more forces influencing the Russian government than may at first be apparent. The Serbs and Russians have been allies for almost 200 years - since Russia threatened war with the Ottoman Empire over the treatment of Christians in 1812. A Russian general actually commanded the Serbian army when Serbia won its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1878.

While Russia has been dependent on Western financial assistance since throwing off Communism in 1991, and its military readiness is poor compared to Cold War standards, the Russians could halt the bombing just by putting people - not necessarily combatants - on the ground and declaring that they had the situation under control. Two factors may explain Russia's failure to act.

First, Russia has its own Kosovo, the majority Muslim province of Chechnya. Since our operations started in Serbia, three Orthodox priests have been kidnapped in Chechnya, with the Muslims most likely responsible. Since the KLA is itself a Muslim terrorist geurilla army, it is likely that Moscow has been threatened with renewed ethnic and religious violence in Chechnya if it intervenes against the KLA in Kosovo. Russia realizes it is threatened by Muslim insurgence and has consistently acted to limit Muslim influence within its borders.

Second, the KLA is also supported by the Siftar Albanian Mafia. The Kosovo Albanians are known traffickers in drugs throughout Europe, and undoubtedly are a connection for the Russian Mafia. Because the Russian Mafia has cash and a pervasive influence inside Russia, it has been able to stalemate the Russian government's law enforcement efforts and influence Russian politics. It is likely that Russian organized crime has put pressure on the government not to sever its Albanian drug connection by intervening in Kosovo.

Any influence by lawless elements, whether Muslim or Mafia, would exacerbate Russia's slide towards totalitarianism and Communism.

Muslim Sphere - The Second Moorish Invasion

Our support for Muslim autonomy in Kosovo will benefit China by destabilizing Europe and turning India's defenses more towards its Muslim neighbors and away from China.

According to the National Defense University, Europe is experiencing a massive wave of immigration from the Muslim countries of North Africa, Turkey, and Pakistan, show by the transparent purple arrows on the map. At the same time, the population of Europe is aging and dying off, and birth rates - which are as low as 1.1 children per couple in some countries - are too low to keep parity with the growing Muslim population. And traditional nationalist loyalties in Europe are fading because of the rise of the European Union.

Unlike the United States, however, there is no unifying set of political ideas in Europe. Consequently, Europe is culturally and politically becoming more like the Middle East - with loyalty to ethnic, religious, or language group becoming more important than nationalist loyalties. Europe, in short, is already on the road to "Balkanization."

Our support for an autonomous Kosovo - meaning we only wanted to "win a little bit" - was never an achievable objective. We have now faced that reality since we now reject the idea of continued Serbian authority in Kosovo, so we are effectively fighting for an independent Kosovo. Either objective, an autonomous or an independent Kosovo, will incite calls for Muslim autonomy with Europe's mainline nations of France, Germany, and Great Britain and ultimately cause massive unrest and destabilization in Europe. The EU has already begun the process by endorsing an independent Palestinian state to be ripped out of Israel. The EU will not have grounds to resist calls for independent Muslim states in Europe when they occur.

China will benefit from a destabilized Europe primarily because the unrest will lessen competition against Chinese goods and dominance of world ocean shipping. (China already has control of both ends of the Panama Canal and is moving to control sea-born container shipping throughout the world. And how many times lately have you noticed a product you bought says "made in China.") Also, to the extent that European nations - which are already Socialist - slide more towards Communism, they will become more ideologically friendly towards China.

Communist sentiment is already strong among Muslims, especially fundamentalist groups. The trend towards Communism is fueled by frustrated expectations, Muslims compare the riches of the West to the poverty of most Muslim nations and believe they can remedy the situation immediately by turning to Communism. Communism, which as an economic system gives control of resources to a small group of central government planners, fits nicely with Islam, which is both a religious and political system that concentrates power in the hands of religious leaders.

India - Turned Defensively Against Strong Islamic Neighbors and Away from China

The map's yellow arrow shows that the stronger sphere of Muslim influence that will ultimately result from our support for an independent Muslim Kosovo will tend to turn India's military attention away from China and towards the Muslim nations on its western borders.

To the extent that China's territorial worries on its own Western borders are reduced, it can more easily pursue its aims of expansion towards the East into Taiwan and other South East Asian nations.

China - With Western Military Power Weakened and Growing Control of Ocean Commerce, China can Walk into Taiwan Without a Fight

The logical consequences of Clinton's Kosovo operations are these:

- China's main military rivals, the U.S., the NATO alliance, and Russia set against each other with renewed suspicions.
- U.S. military power dissipated and perhaps stretched by a long ground war or peacekeeping deployment in Kosovo
- European military and economic power and political influence weakened by increased Muslim influence and possible calls for Muslim autonomy in more European countries
- Europe and Russia turned more towards Communism and ideological affinity with China
- The attentions of China's main territorial rivals, India and Russia, diverted towards the West - Russia to face the NATO alliance and increasing Muslim influence in Europe, India to face a stronger Muslim sphere of influence on its Western border.
At the same time, China is aggressively moving to control world ocean commerce, either by controlling choke points like the Panama Canal, or controlling carriage itself through an extensive monopoly of ocean shipping.

The bottom line is that in about three years, China will be able to walk into Taiwan without a fight. To win without fighting is the Chinese way, as taught by Sun Tzu, author of the ancient "Art of War."

When China walks into Taiwan, the West will lack the military power to stop it, and China will be able to punish any nation that tries by simply cutting off trade.

Source : Kosovo: The War to Benefit China
Nato - Now Seen as Untrustworthy and a "Rogue" Aggressor

Contrary to your view. Nato have Proven its credibility and is seen as a protector force .

NATO's objectives in relation to the conflict in Kosovo were set out in the Statement issued at the Extraordinary Meeting of the North Atlantic Council held at NATO on 12 April 1999 and were reaffirmed by Heads of State and Government in Washington on 23 April 1999:

* a verifiable stop to all military action and the immediate ending of violence and repression;
* the withdrawal from Kosovo of the military, police and paramilitary forces;
* the stationing in Kosovo of an international military presence;
* the unconditional and safe return of all refugees and displaced persons and unhindered access to them by humanitarian aid organisations;
* the establishment of a political framework agreement for Kosovo on the basis of the Rambouillet Accords, in conformity with international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

Russia - Turned Against the West and Back to Communism

Russia needs west . both as a business partner for its economical growth and as a competition to motivate it self to achieve its so called Past glory of super power status .. and they have seen their past under Communists.. and they have also seen the contradictory view in Democracy .. now its a foolish assumption to think that they will revert back .
To say that Lawlessness in Russia will push them back to communism sounds like an dream of another lonely communist looking for a partner to legitimise its own existence .. lol

Muslim Sphere - The Second Moorish Invasion

Contrary to that . Europe has become the battle ground of Intellectual fight between Islam and Modern World view ..
and my dear once european have already understood the problem , they have started taking steps to counter it ..
increasing radicalization among Muslim migrants lead to the Stricter immigration Laws
and emergence of Right wing Parties in Europe ..
'I don't hate Muslims. I hate Islam,' says Holland's rising political star | World news | The Observer

Chagning and reformation in Islam due to its interaction with European modern culture .

India - Turned Defensively Against Strong Islamic Neighbors and Away from China

Did you forget Israel and USA ..
Did you forget the inherent contradiction and differences between the Islamic countries it self . like Saudi Arab and Iran
did you forget the struggle between the modern world view and mediaeval extremism in Islam itself .. ( you can see this struggle in Pakistan and Afghanistan)

China - With Western Military Power Weakened and Growing Control of Ocean Commerce, China can Walk into Taiwan Without a Fight
Oh in end , you mentioned the Purpose of your percepton ..
How about someone helping Taiwan with nuclear weapon and missile technology .. like China did for Pakistan .then my friend ??
Lol jokes apart .. USA and Nato is there ..
and will China be able to hold on to its communist state .. or it wil change to a More open Democracy ..
with world economy in recession .. what will happen to China growth .. where will you sell your finished Products ..
With growing difference between the economical classes , what will happen if the Labour class will start fighting for better wages and facility and cheap Chinese goods , wont remain cheap any more ..
with growing problem with Chinese government policy what will happen if most of the Buyers are forced to look for alternative sourcing Point .
wow what a move taken by the bunch of C I A masterminds.
Now neither Serbia nor Russia is accepting the independence. By supporting the Iran's nuclear programe and going against US, Russia was definately wining the hearts of many muslim communities of the world. And Russians were almost there in making a Muslimblock for its strategic interests. Now many muslims of the world will not feel good about the Russian attitude.
Slowly and steadily Uncle Sam is hunting down the old Russian Grizzly in the Balkans.
Good Show C.I.A Brabo...Brabo....Brabo
Kosovo independence will probably bring in some variations in global security.

But Kosovo issue and Taiwan problem are completely different.

1) The origin of the problem is different.
a) Serbs rose from Kosovo, but now it’s Albanians who constitute the majority of the population in the region. Taiwanese are Chinese. Chinese in Taiwan share the same culture and ancestries – both are deemed important by the Chinese. Geologically, Chinese rose from yellow river basin. Taiwan is considered culturally peripheral.
b) Serbs allegedly ethnic cleansed Albanian minority (though the truth can be otherwise). Mainland Chinese never did that and Chinese are overwhelmingly majority in Taiwan.

2) Countries’ situations are different.
Republic of Serbia is a week country after being democratized under Western pressure/influence. It can now be manipulated by any power. The only hope is from unreliable Russia. In a stark contrast, the People’s Republic of China is a rising power, a stake holder of global affairs recognized/hoped by USA, cooperated by Russia, courted by France and UK. China holds permanent position in UNSC. SCO in backyard and ASEAN+1 in the front, both have a centripetal attraction for her neighboring countries. Not much powers/countries dare say no to China.

If Taiwan politicians venture to declare independence for their personal gains, not many countries will recognize it: the simple math is what will these countries gain?

If US wants to intervene with military, there are probably couple would join the wagon. And the number of the willingness is decreasing day by day. For instance, Australia has pulled out the short lived “alliance of democracy” composed of US, Japan, India, Australia. And Japan has hoped for “NATO of Asia” composed of Japan, China, SK, etc, to jointly secure Western Pacific. In addition, the results of the intervention are unpredictable. That means both China and US, and probably many other countries can end up living in Stone Age.

We all understand to the full the Western hypocrisy: only their national interest is paramount.

Unlike the Serbia, China is not sitting idle. Recent (Jan 27, 2008) relentless crushing of terrorists activities in Urumqi linked with East Turkestan Islamic Movement has been vastly hailed by all peace-loving people. It will surely further deter the separatist movement.
Kosovo independence will probably bring in some variations in global security.

But Kosovo issue and Taiwan problem are completely different.

1) The origin of the problem is different.
a) Serbs rose from Kosovo, but now it’s Albanians who constitute the majority of the population in the region. Taiwanese are Chinese. Chinese in Taiwan share the same culture and ancestries – both are deemed important by the Chinese. Geologically, Chinese rose from yellow river basin. Taiwan is considered culturally peripheral.
b) Serbs allegedly ethnic cleansed Albanian minority (though the truth can be otherwise). Mainland Chinese never did that and Chinese are overwhelmingly majority in Taiwan.

2) Countries’ situations are different.
Republic of Serbia is a week country after being democratized under Western pressure/influence. It can now be manipulated by any power. The only hope is from unreliable Russia. In a stark contrast, the People’s Republic of China is a rising power, a stake holder of global affairs recognized/hoped by USA, cooperated by Russia, courted by France and UK. China holds permanent position in UNSC. SCO in backyard and ASEAN+1 in the front, both have a centripetal attraction for her neighboring countries. Not much powers/countries dare say no to China.

If Taiwan politicians venture to declare independence for their personal gains, not many countries will recognize it: the simple math is what will these countries gain?

If US wants to intervene with military, there are probably couple would join the wagon. And the number of the willingness is decreasing day by day. For instance, Australia has pulled out the short lived “alliance of democracy” composed of US, Japan, India, Australia. And Japan has hoped for “NATO of Asia” composed of Japan, China, SK, etc, to jointly secure Western Pacific. In addition, the results of the intervention are unpredictable. That means both China and US, and probably many other countries can end up living in Stone Age.

We all understand to the full the Western hypocrisy: only their national interest is paramount.

Unlike the Serbia, China is not sitting idle. Recent (Jan 27, 2008) relentless crushing of terrorists activities in Urumqi linked with East Turkestan Islamic Movement has been vastly hailed by all peace-loving people. It will surely further deter the separatist movement.

I can only say

Taiwanese and Han Chinese share the same root.

Chinese is Nationality, not Ethnicity.

Chinese consists of 56 Ethnic groups, according to Chinese constitution.

Taiwanese admit they are Huaren (Overseas Chinese people), but they don't admit they are Chinese, even though it is due to political reason.

Han Chinese <-> Taiwanese ~ Croatian <-> Serbian <-> Bosinaks

I tell you that many educated Uyghur people objects to independence and islamic fundamentalism. They agree with Musharraf's jihad idea ~ Development of Education, Technology in Muslim to earn the world's respect rather than bloodshed war with non-muslim Regions. Actually, I (Han Chinese) don't deny that there is a few Han Chauvinism towards them.

(Kosovo problem will not trigger any impact in Xinjaing / Chinese Turkistan or Tibet, but make very high impact on Taiwan independence because it is de facto independent.)
I can only say

Taiwanese and Han Chinese share the same root.

Chinese is Nationality, not Ethnicity.

Chinese consists of 56 Ethnic groups, according to Chinese constitution.

Taiwanese admit they are Huaren (Overseas Chinese people), but they don't admit they are Chinese, even though it is due to political reason.

Han Chinese <-> Taiwanese ~ Croatian <-> Serbian <-> Bosinaks

I tell you that many educated Uyghur people objects to independence and islamic fundamentalism. They agree with Musharraf's jihad idea ~ Development of Education, Technology in Muslim to earn the world's respect rather than bloodshed war with non-muslim Regions. Actually, I (Han Chinese) don't deny that there is a few Han Chauvinism towards them.

(Kosovo problem will not trigger any impact in Xinjaing / Chinese Turkistan or Tibet, but make very high impact on Taiwan independence because it is de facto independent.)

The word Chinese sounds to have some ambiguity. &#8220;Chinese refers to anything pertaining to China.&#8221; &#8220;The Chinese&#8221; refers to more nationality than ethnic. But &#8220;overseas Chinese&#8221; is more ethnic than national. (BTW, when you shoot Americans next time, don&#8217;t forget that 1+&#37; Americans are Chinese.:wave:)

About Taiwanese identity: they are experiencing identity crisis. No question about that. They have trouble knowing who they are.

Ethnically they are overwhelmingly Chinese, or more specifically, Han Chinese. &#8220;According to the Republic of China government, the majority of Taiwan's 23 million population consist of 98% Han Chinese (GIO 2004) with a minority Austronesian population of less than 500,000.&#8221; (see Taiwanese people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Politically, some of them may consider themselves not Chinese, perhaps Chinese (Huaren) but not mainland Chinese.

It is all about propaganda: how the people are influenced.

De facto independence can be evolved into de facto dependence. The ball is now solidly in the court of mainland China. China is thus willing to keep status quo so the situation will further tilt to mainland's favor. And keeping status quo also happens to be in the US interest. Taiwan politicians also know it. That is why they want to kick the status quo, which is their best bet.

Remember: politicians make their living by creating issues and problems.

The bottom line is: Taiwan is not Kosovo. This is not only because China is not Serbia, but also because Taiwanese are not Albanian.
The word Chinese sounds to have some ambiguity. “Chinese refers to anything pertaining to China.” “The Chinese” refers to more nationality than ethnic. But “overseas Chinese” is more ethnic than national. (BTW, when you shoot Americans next time, don’t forget that 1+% Americans are Chinese.:wave:)

About Taiwanese identity: they are experiencing identity crisis. No question about that. They have trouble knowing who they are.

Ethnically they are overwhelmingly Chinese, or more specifically, Han Chinese. “According to the Republic of China government, the majority of Taiwan's 23 million population consist of 98% Han Chinese (GIO 2004) with a minority Austronesian population of less than 500,000.” (see Taiwanese people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Politically, some of them may consider themselves not Chinese, perhaps Chinese (Huaren) but not mainland Chinese.

It is all about propaganda: how the people are influenced.

De facto independence can be evolved into de facto dependence. The ball is now solidly in the court of mainland China. China is thus willing to keep status quo so the situation will further tilt to mainland's favor. And keeping status quo also happens to be in the US interest. Taiwan politicians also know it. That is why they want to kick the status quo, which is their best bet.

Remember: politicians make their living by creating issues and problems.

The bottom line is: Taiwan is not Kosovo. This is not only because China is not Serbia, but also because Taiwanese are not Albanian.

Definitely, Chinese is definite ambiguous term.

Who are Chinese?

Please see the following picture, who are they?

They should be ethnic koreans in America. They could be welcoming Chinese minority (Korean) as indicated by the Chinese language and flags used.:bounce:
Definitely, Chinese is definite ambiguous term.

This "ambiguity" is a strength. Allows of high degree of tolerance of variations. Else end up like the Japanese or Koreans.

---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------


US is insolvent.
Some signs of collapse:

Armed insurgencies
Child labor
Low life span
High disease rate
High crime
Outstanding foreign debt

Makes you think doesn't it?

Along with all these you have dictatorship that is not gonna suppress people like Liu who is fighting for freedom.
Along with all these you have dictatorship that is not gonna suppress people like Liu who is fighting for freedom.

dear indian friend, you people have already destroyed your own nation, it is fine and we Chinese didn't say anything. how about show some self respect and stop worrying about China?

since when loser countries like india has a say on such matter?
since when a nation has a 50% female literacy rate deserve anything about freedom?
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