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After jailing Kashmiri lobbyist Fai, US is being fussy over its CIA agent?

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Mar 24, 2006
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US jailed Fai on the simple charge of only lobbying for legislation in support of Kashimr's freedom, an old man now, who has been doing this for many decades suddenly US prosecutors found it illegal and nabbed him a person doing something good, and in front of everybody.

Dr. Afridi on the other hand collaborated on a CIA mission, that has been termed unlawful even by Amnesty International since it violated Pakistani airspace and despite having the chance to capture OBL alive they shot him. Causing actual violence, several deaths, explosions, mobilization of SSG, Pak Air force, and US Navy seals lied to Pakistan ATCs and Dr. Afridi also lied to various residents of Abottabad that he is giving them vaccines on behalf of the government whereas he was giving them god knows what and to top it all off when he knew where OBL was, he didn't tell Pak authorities he told CIA.

All in all, the hypocrisy is amazing from the US side. It jailed an old man with such venom for being a foreign lobbyist who was not registered, we however are jailing someone for the high crime of Treason, treason of collaborating with a foreign intelligence agency.
A Case Study on Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai

“A senior security official here, who asked not to be named, said “We believe that Dr Fai has been arrested in retaliation to Pakistan’s refusal to release Dr Shakil Afridi, who was arrested in the wake of Abbottabad operation on charges of working for the CIA,” he said. “They (Americans) say that Dr Fai was being kept under observation for years so it is questionable why now has he been arrested. It’s the timing that matters. Lt. General Pasha went to Washington where US officials demanded the release of Afridi. Lt General Pasha refused and the Americans decided to arrest Dr. Fai,” he added.”

“A Pakistani diplomat, who wished to remain unnamed, said: “Another important reason of this American act to arrest Fai was to please the Indians. Dr Fai is the most despised Kashmiri leader in India, since despite being someone with origins from Indian-Held Kashmir he has been struggling for the cause of Kashmiris in the US very effectively for years.” “What better timing than Hillary Clinton’s visit to India to go for the arrest of Dr Fai?”

Abdus-Sattar Ghazali, The Journal of America, July 22, 2011
Hypocrisy from USA is nothing new as their history is filled with it. Shakil Afridi is a traitor and should have been given death sentence but sometimes death sentence is not enough and keeping alive a man for the rest of his life while in chains is more effective. That will teach him a lesson. But I feel they should have given 23 hour per day solitary confinement punishment too or may be it is not announced in judgement but in actual this is how it will be in reality.
But I must say Pakistan must show resolve and shouldn't let USA take this man now because USA has made their intentions very clear and may try for some adventure or pressure tactics. In that case killing Afridi would be the best option.
Arent you conveniently overlooking a simple fact? This one:
Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, a convicted felon, is an American citizen of Kashmiri origin, born in Indian state of Jammu Kashmir. He was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on July 19, 2011 for allegedly accepting monies from Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to lobby and influence the U.S. government on the Kashmir conflict in violation of Foreign Agents Registration Act.
According to Neil MacBride, the United States Attorney at United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia "Mr. Fai is accused of a decades-long scheme with one purpose — to hide Pakistan’s involvement behind his efforts to influence the U.S. government’s position on Kashmir, his handlers in Pakistan allegedly funneled millions through the Kashmir Center to contribute to U.S. elected officials, fund high-profile conferences, and pay for other efforts that promoted the Kashmiri cause to decision makers in Washington.”[2] According to prosecutors he was directed by ISI and was in touch with them 4000 times in the last 3 years.[15] The prosecutors also alleged that Kashmiri American Council was run by elements of Pakistani government including ISI and had Fai had received at least $ 4 million from Government of Pakistan.
A US citizen, violates US laws and US LEAs take him to task. Lobbying the US congress is not illegal, accepting funds for such lobbying from illegitimate sources is.

Also, isnt it funny that Pakistan's govt claims that its agencies "helped" US nail OBL, but OTOH, imprison the very person who provided details of OBL's cover on the flimsy charges that he shamed the country?

Now what is it? Blowing OBL's cover was a shame or Pak authorities really helped US? If its the latter, then why 'punish' 'field agents'?
Arent you conveniently overlooking a simple fact? This one
The official charge does not say ISI, it says from Pakistan

to act as an agent of a foreign principal without registering with the Attorney General in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Moreover lobbying for Kashmir, hardly anything criminal in that, he didn't just register but did it all in the open. He didn't say for example go into Senators and congress persons homes and did a mind meld on them and made them support Kashmir. He gave speeches, did adverts, etc. etc.


A US citizen, violates US laws and US LEAs take him to task. Lobbying the US congress is not illegal, accepting funds for such lobbying from illegitimate sources is.
So then same thing was done on Shakil Afridi right?

Also, isnt it funny that Pakistan's govt claims that its agencies "helped" US nail OBL, but OTOH, imprison the very person who provided details of OBL's cover on the flimsy charges that he shamed the country?
It's not been said so officially, not a single agency helped the OBL raid operation. We have been helping America since 12th September, 2001 to help nab OBL.

Now what is it? Blowing OBL's cover was a shame or Pak authorities really helped US? If its the latter, then why 'punish' 'field agents'?
We punished a Pakistani citizen for treason of helping a CIA operation on Abottabad.
After supporting Dr. Affia, Pakistanis must fully support the release of Dr. Fai.

He was only a man speaking of freedom, peace, and the truth.
The official charge does not say ISI, it says from Pakistan

Moreover lobbying for Kashmir, hardly anything criminal in that, he didn't just register but did it all in the open. He didn't say for example go into Senators and congress persons homes and did a mind meld on them and made them support Kashmir. He gave speeches, did adverts, etc. etc.
It is right there in the charges - accepting money from ISI and Pak authorities to influence US lawmakers opinion on Kashmir - favorable to Pakistan. That he did not declare his source of funding violates the Act. And for that he is being punished. Its that simple, no?
So then same thing was done on Shakil Afridi right?
What laws, exactly, did Dr Afridi violate? That he brought shame to his country by exposing OBLs hiding place? Is there such a law even? There are many more really dangerous people who constantly bring shame to Pakistan by blatantly violating Pakistani laws and through their nefarious activities and yet those people roam free!
We punished a Pakistani citizen for treason of helping a CIA operation on Abottabad.
What treason? Under what laws?

The point is this: the article's comparison and justification of Dr Afridi's case with Nabi Fai's case is totally irrelevant and amounts to "journalistic trolling".
US jailed Fai on the simple charge of only lobbying for legislation in support of Kashimr's freedom, an old man now, who has been doing this for many decades suddenly US prosecutors found it illegal and nabbed him a person doing something good, and in front of everybody.

Dr. Afridi on the other hand collaborated on a CIA mission, that has been termed unlawful even by Amnesty International since it violated Pakistani airspace and despite having the chance to capture OBL alive they shot him. Causing actual violence, several deaths, explosions, mobilization of SSG, Pak Air force, and US Navy seals lied to Pakistan ATCs and Dr. Afridi also lied to various residents of Abottabad that he is giving them vaccines on behalf of the government whereas he was giving them god knows what and to top it all off when he knew where OBL was, he didn't tell Pak authorities he told CIA.

All in all, the hypocrisy is amazing from the US side. It jailed an old man with such venom for being a foreign lobbyist who was not registered, we however are jailing someone for the high crime of Treason, treason of collaborating with a foreign intelligence agency.

Thanks for contributing towards making this a propaganda site by shutting down a thread based on a news article and starting a thread of your own views on the same episode..

Anyway, your 1st sentence is inaccurate.. Fai has been imprisoned for financial fraud.. of accepting money from a foreign entity and not declaring it. Not for lobbying for Kashmir...
Thanks for contributing towards making this a propaganda site by shutting down a thread based on a news article and starting a thread of your own views on the same episode..

Anyway, your 1st sentence is inaccurate.. Fai has been imprisoned for financial fraud.. of accepting money from a foreign entity and not declaring it. Not for lobbying for Kashmir...

If this is correct then the whole thing changes ...
If this is correct then the whole thing changes ...

It is...he was arrested not for lobbying for Kashmir..but for getting money from foreign intelligence sources and not declaring it...
And there fore he was given a light sentence...

But people comparing this with dr.Afridi's sentence need to answer one simple thing, If Pakistani authorities have supposedly helped US by providing intelligence on Osama, then why the hell is the person who is the reason the world is rid of a monster been sent to 33 yrs of prison???
Thanks for contributing towards making this a propaganda site by shutting down a thread based on a news article and starting a thread of your own views on the same episode..

Your lot seems incapable of understanding the meaning of a simply word called " TREASON " ... No matter how much justification is given , you will continue going round and round in circles ... No Use , Just like we see here , Fai is a traitor for accepting money from ISI - notice he wasn't providing any intelligence help to them but just lobbying , Shakil on the other hand is a hero for illegally providing information to a foreign spy agency for greed ... Hypocrites !

A US citizen, violates US laws and US LEAs take him to task. Lobbying the US congress is not illegal, accepting funds for such lobbying from illegitimate sources is.

A Pakistani citizen violates his country's law and law enforcement agencies take him to task ... Helping catch a terrorist isn't illegal but providing that information to a foreign spy agency for money is ...

Simply , huh ? :azn:
He collaborated with a foreign agency. No ambiguity about that.

He is a Pakistani citizen, and we tried him on our own laws.

Collaborating with a foreign agency, without the governments consent.

What some 19th century tribal law? I don't how this is serving Pakistan's cause.

Shakil Afridi ‘in poor health’

“He has been kept away from other prisoners to avert any danger to his life,” Khan said, without elaborating further on Afridi’s condition.

On Wednesday, officials announced that the surgeon had been convicted and jailed for 33 years under the archaic tribal justice system that has governed Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal belt since British colonial rule. A court operating under the Frontier Crimes Regulations (FCR), which date back to the 19th century, found him guilty of waging war against the state.

Afridi comes from Khyber, one of the seven districts that make up the tribal belt. But critics said he should not have been tried under tribal law for an alleged crime that took place outside tribal jurisdiction, in the town of Abbottabad where he ran a fake vaccination programme designed to collect Bin Laden family DNA.
Thanks for contributing towards making this a propaganda site by shutting down a thread based on a news article and starting a thread of your own views on the same episode..

First of all we let the discussion of a news item run for several pages for over a day and all sorts of mixed bag opinions were dumped in it. I separated it into two separate lines of discussion - fairness of decision and morality of his act (in support of CIA).

Moreover please don't attack the good name of this website, if you have an issue take it up, if I start defending the actions taken towards administration to each and every person's liking, then we'd be done with discussion.

This being primarily a discussion forum, not a news items aggregation. I'm shifting the focus upon discussions. But rest assured, content management and administration of content is my job alone. It's not done to censor anything as evidenced by the multitude of opinions but to manage discussions towards more interesting lines of thought.

This being the last of my explanation on the matter.

Anyway, your 1st sentence is inaccurate.. Fai has been imprisoned for financial fraud.. of accepting money from a foreign entity and not declaring it. Not for lobbying for Kashmir...
More accurately I have posted the language of his charges, already and my point is precisely that. The US has so viciously gone after an old man doing a good thing for this world and doing so for many decades in the US, just because he didn't register his name somewhere and got penalized on a technicality. Compare that with the offense committed by a CIA agent, causing violent op, multiple deaths, bomb explosions, sovereignty violation, a standoff between SSG and CIA operatives, PAF being mobilized.
What some 19th century tribal law? I don't how this is serving Pakistan's cause.

Shakil Afridi ‘in poor health’
Our country , Our Law - Who are you to tell us what to try him under ? :azn: ... If he wants , he can appeal in High Court and then Supreme Court ( they aren't so lenient to let a traitor go with 33 years ) ...

Nah , it will deter anothers considering to betray their country for money ...

P.S Tribune is a well known anti-Pakistan **** ... Dont bother with it !
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