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After iron, one day Modi will seek your wife

Seems congress goons are in suicidal mission by issuing such low statements.. :suicide:
"There was an Advt. in a News Paper that said "WIFE WANTED". 70% of men who were married responded "TAKE MINE!!". I am sure this fellow will be the first person to say "Take Mine!!"...:lol:

Kindly treat this as a joke...

Not interested in people who want's to donate his wife!! You must be booked and sent for cavity search for promoting anti-social, morally degrading thoughts and prostitution :sarcastic:.

KINDLY Treat it as joke too!!
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Electronics voting machines build by BEL!!

No they cant be tampered or congress would never have lost in Delhi and Rajasthan.

this all things are happening because congressi knows they are really loosing ground,congress is Drowning and this is there feeble attempt to save there sinking Ship.

and also Modi Phobia.
Not interested in people who want's to donate his wife!! You must be booked and sent for cavity search for promoting anti-social, morally degrading thoughts and prostitution :sarcastic:.

Treat it as joke too!!

Ah..ha..you forgot to add "Kindly"....:P
dude i think we should not troll on this topic cause it is serious, it shows how wrong we were in electing congress for 10 years.
This congressi can go at any level to eliminate the guys who oppose them.If they can say such things to a Chief Minister imagine what will this guys do to Common people like us?.

so all the Indian Members here on PDF i kindly request you to make a New Year Resolution of casting votes and that to against Congress,this is the only time we common people can show this politicians who we really are and what we can do.
also Voting is a Birth Right given to us by Constitution of India it is our Right as Well as our DUTY.

my new year resolution is to vote against Congress vote against corruption, what's yours?

I suppose my being polite made you feel my position was weak
Gandhian?? Are you??

Not Sure said:
- No complaints there, you are just being a typical Indian.
True....very very true.I am a TYPICAL Indian and a proud one too.

Not Sure said:
So here we go: On one hand you say election results are tampered with. It means the elected leaders are not what the people wanted. On the other hand you go on to say "Oh make no mistake we are a democracy".
You ducked the next line...."we are a democracy election to election".In short we have election campaigns and all the hullabaloo as the election approaches.But the results could be tampered is what I meant.

Not Sure said:
So where does your democracy start, and where does it end?
It starts at an election and ends at an election.

Not Sure said:
Can you even manage to keep a position, or would you again dwindle into each and every direction that your mood takes you?
Am I a grand father's clock??

Well dont expect me to wage a war here..no cataphracts required and no gauntlets to impale.

What I meant in my very first post where I had quoted you was that you can not blame the ppl completely.You can NOT blame democracy for bad governance.
An elected representative is not a typical representative.In the sense there could be many factors which could have helped him turn into one.
Like Ppl are influenced most of the time to vote for a particular candidate.And when I said most I meant the illiterate and poor.And then as I said the votes,or the so called election results could be tampered too.
How would we know??

Stopping Modi at all costs : Indiafacts
A US decision has evidently reaffirmed that Narendra Modi cannot be allowed to become prime minister of India.

Narendra Modi’s case is not fundamentally different because it is feared that Modi and his supporters will curtail the huge incursions into India by US agencies the UPA has facilitated. It is assumed that once Modi forms the government and becomes aware that India’s is well on the way to becoming a US banana republic satellite–in the age-old Central American and Asian tradition, subject to indirect rule–he will move to end it. The US has evidently infiltrated India on a massive scale, blackmailing politicians with covertly acquired information, sponsoring countless secular and religious foundations and the purchase of a huge swathe of the Indian media.

However, the erstwhile BJP as such was not really a drawback for the US because some of its prominent leaders had been surrounded by political advisories, who are very close to the US, virtual spokesmen for it. Others bent over backwards during the tenure of the NDA to please. Two of the BJP’s most senior decision makers (non-political), including the late Brajesh Mishra, even made offers of sending Indian troops to join the coalition in Afghanistan. The Americans themselves had not made such a request to India because it would have sent their vital ally in the Afghan war into veritable frenzy. This idea was very wisely vetoed personally by Atal Behari Vajpayee himself!

The Western intervention, which has destroyed much of Syria, killing more than 150,000 people, to the approving clamour of the Western human rights lobby, is another variant for re-imposing imperial control over a country. The invasion and destruction of Iraq was another, the death toll approximately 2 million so far.

The decision to accord India nuclear status occurred because of a US perception that it had finally managed to acquire a durable foothold in it and access to high level Indian decision-making during the tenure of the UPA. Indeed, it seems, the US was even able to determine appointments to the Union Cabinet, certainly in the case of the Commerce and the Environment portfolios and perhaps even the EAM’s selection is cleared now by the US ambassador in Delhi. The granting of nuclear status to India, which was well and truly an enormous gift was motivated by the US view of India as a new client satellite. The journey in this fateful direction began during the tenure of the NDA and has neared completion under a totally subverted Congress led UPA. To their credit, and India Gandhi had resisted this dire predicament during the first decades of Indian independence.

The UPA of course represents mainly the family, rather than India and is also deferential to the US, which is the fate of the family itself as well. Quite noticeably, the US has helpfully striven to conceal any embarrassing information on the likely UPA prime ministerial candidate. The purchase of untested Wastinghouse nuclear reactors as quid pro quo for the Indo-US Accord was a less significant secondary understanding. One also begins to understand why the UPA became an agent WalMarts rather than representing the vital interests of millions of Indian retailers.

This does not mean India accedes to all US dictates, for example over the purchase of Iranian crude. However, a deeper subservience to US preferences has been established and is being 'institutionalised'. The US has become the major shareholder in the equity of the GoI, much as it has been in Pakistan for decades.

The virtually instant announcement, after the swearing-in of Arvind Kejriwal and his juvenile crew, following their inept, comic preening for the media, was a hunger-strike in Bhopal and the decision to contest elections in Gujarat. The goal of AAP is now blindingly obvious. The intention is to split the anti-Congress vote to prevent Modi and the BJP winning enough seats in 2014 to form a viable government. The other alternative outcome would be to reduce their number sufficiently to facilitate the barely-concealed claim of his implacable opponents inside the BJP to propose an alternative candidate for prime minister, ostensibly to help form a governing coalition. The Indian domestic political support for the AAP intervention is from the counterparts of the so-called young and liberal in Cairo’s Tahir Square. They are really all a product of India’s manipulative and manipulated English language media, much of it in hock to banks and foreign conglomerate owners.

How the AAP originated and their personal international ties are indeed a matter of interest, but not the only issue. The Magasaysay award is a known instrument for affording recognition to Asians sensitive to the US portrayal of the world. Volunteering to work for Mother Teresa is also an agreeable item on a CV, indicating desirable political impulses to Western governments. At the very least, the US has intervened in a dynamically unstable Indian polity to affect outcomes. Funding a useful political or voluntary local entity through an Indian business house is standard practice for foreign countries. They reimburse the business house by engaging with it in an unrelated profitable transaction. The Saudis regularly employ such business deals in India on behalf of Pakistan and the US does so as well in scores of countries. It offers complete anonymity and its legality hard to question.

The final solution to a difficult and high stakes political standoff will be to assassinate Narendra Modi. The attempt already made in Patna is almost certain to have had foreign participation and the background to it presents a truly shocking picture of high level local complicity. Attempts to assassinate Modi are likely to occur again. Determined efforts continue to incite Islamic radicals to make such an attempt, by funding endless court proceedings to ensure the accusations over the 2002 Gujarat riots remain alive.

The logistical backup for any plan to murder Narendra Modi will likely originate in Pakistan, already rejoicing at the colossal damage to Indian intelligence the UPA attempt to curb him has inflicted. It is also extremely suspect that invitations to Narendra Modi to visit came from three close US allies, two of them with little compelling reason for extending them. The US itself persists in using the issue of his visa to cause him whatever negative publicity possible. Quite clearly, assassinating him abroad might have been considered more logistically feasible and less damaging politically than in India. The intention is to end the career of the most popular Indian politician since independence and one that threatens to assert it.
Stopping Modi at all costs | India Facts
View attachment 12723 About the Author : Dr Gautam Sen taught 'international political economy' at the London School of Economics.
"There was an Advt. in a News Paper that said "WIFE WANTED". 70% of men who were married responded "TAKE MINE!!". I am sure this fellow will be the first person to say "Take Mine!!"...:lol:

Kindly treat this as a joke...

@sms @Guynextdoor2 @levina @Not Sure @AnnoyingOrange

Kya sirji

Subah subah PJ sunato ho!!!:sick:

Such men dont respect women and so I'll not be surprised even if he's the first one to say that.

Stopping Modi at all costs : Indiafacts
A US decision has evidently reaffirmed that Narendra Modi cannot be allowed to become prime minister of India.

The logistical backup for any plan to murder Narendra Modi will likely originate in Pakistan, already rejoicing at the colossal damage to Indian intelligence the UPA attempt to curb him has inflicted. It is also extremely suspect that invitations to Narendra Modi to visit came from three close US allies, two of them with little compelling reason for extending them. The US itself persists in using the issue of his visa to cause him whatever negative publicity possible. Quite clearly, assassinating him abroad might have been considered more logistically feasible and less damaging politically than in India. The intention is to end the career of the most popular Indian politician since independence and one that threatens to assert it.
Stopping Modi at all costs | India Facts
View attachment 12723 About the Author : Dr Gautam Sen taught 'international political economy' at the London School of Economics.

dude what you say is true and if they assassinate Narendra Modi, then whoever does that will pay consequences.
It depends, how far you swing and how quickly you turn.
I am extremely moody so you should expect that.
Don't be surprised if I declare unmitigated support to your theory.

Not Sure said:
I would say lota, after all, grandfather clocks are predictable.
Lota has many bad meanings...tell me which one did you mean in this context???

That's not PJ, It's truth..
Ever married man after 2 year of marriage will say this...:lol::lol::lol:

Yeah men have a habit of oscillating from one extreme to another.
I wish and I seriously wish that there's this parallel world where women are men equivalent of this world.
And next I wish I could transport you there for your comment.8-)
Yeah men have a habit of oscillating from one extreme to another.
I wish and I seriously wish that there's this parallel world where women are men equivalent of this world.
And next I wish I could transport you there for your comment.
ha ha so you believe what I said. but do not worry, girls number is also increasing exponentially these days.:lol::lol::lol:
Girl, you are in bad mood today...hard core BJP supporter.
But why do you want me to send to other world..I am still single here.:(. Wait for atleast 4 to 5 years..o_O

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