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After Himalayan avalanche, many in Pakistan call for patching ties with Ind

I am reminded of kayani's boast when he was head of the ISI, that pak would "bleed india through a thousand cuts".
That quote wasn't from Kayani. It was Zia!

Kayani's quote was that the militant organizations the PA/ISI were controlling are his 'Strategic Assets'. :cheesy:
The indian nature is such that he can never be trusted, even now these so-called people are trying to play politics. We should not talk with such people.
India should maintain her vigil on the Siachin glacier without giving any consideration if the opposite party is finding it hard to maintain a post or not. Its in our interests and anybody else's needs should not be factored in harming our own security, Just like Kargil, Pakistan will attempt to occupy Siachin if our troops are not present there.

Well yes, India should and will continue to do what it is doing. That is precisely my point. India can afford to continue this indefinitely, but the strains of this are showing on pak. Which is what this article is saying. Which is what I said earlier, that it is not pak that is "bleeding india through a thousand cuts" (presumably terror attacks), but india that is bleeding pak by maintaining a fine military force, well within an affordable budget.

So while heads of ISI (which is what kayani was when he made that statement) may TALK, india actually ACTS it out.

Added later: My mistake, that quote was zia's as orionhunter pointed out, but kayani has said things to the same effect.

The indian nature is such that he can never be trusted, even now these so-called people are trying to play politics. We should not talk with such people.

Don't. We don't need to talk, it is pakistanis who are now questioning the wisdom of maintaining hostility with india. India is perfectly happy to keep this up.
Well yes, India should and will continue to do what it is doing. That is precisely my point. India can afford to continue this indefinitely, but the strains of this are showing on pak. Which is what this article is saying. Which is what I said earlier, that it is not pak that is "bleeding india through a thousand cuts" (presumably terror attacks), but india that is bleeding pak by maintaining a fine military force, well within an affordable budget.

So while heads of ISI (which is what kayani was when he made that statement) may TALK, india actually ACTS it out.

Added later: My mistake, that quote was zia's as someone pointed out, but kayani has said things to the same effect.

Don't. We don't need to talk, it is pakistanis who are questioning the wisdom of maintaining hostility with india. India is perfectly happy to keep this up.

LoL ask the family members of the martyrs, they are proud that our boys were defending our motherland, against our eternal enemy, the people are sad, and want the situation to end, but they are not at any cost willing to let even an inch go to the enemy.
If you don't want india's help, that is fine. Why do you have to take cheapshots like "where was the angle [sic] of mercy when..." etc?
oh expect that from them. It reminds me of what someone once said, "if you see a poisonous creature like a snake or a scorpion in distress and want to help it out of compassion, then beware it will still bite/sting you".
some of them just don't want to miss a single chance of bashing India even when we sincerely want to help them on humanitarian grounds....all because of brain washing that is carried out there.
It is not india that covets someone else's territory. We are not interested in an inch of your territory, we have a fine country for ourselves. It is pakistan that has delusions of taking kashmir, it is pakistan that has made it a national identity to take someone else's land. And that is not going to happen, which is why this present situation is a victory for india and a defeat for pak.

We are defending our territory, indian kashmir remains indian kashmir, pakistan military bleeds the country in attempting to get it.

Kargil war did not happen because india wanted pakistani territory. It happened because pak tried to get india's territory. And failed as usual. So tell that to the families of the martyrs. And get that into your head as well.

LoL a victory, we had an avalanche - remember this indian, there are thousands and millions of young men and women who are ready to replace the fallen. india is the eternal enemy we shall never forget that.
We will never forget Kashmir or our martyrs. We will never make peace with Indians until we achieve what our martyrs set out to do. We will hold the Indian's back as we have been doing from fulfilling their potential. In due course imo in our lifetime we will see the Pakistani flag flying not just on peoples houses in Kashmir but official buildings of the Pakistan gov.
Well I know that. What I would like to know is whether they still have that dream, or whether they have realised that it is impossible for them. Just want to know their thinking.

What we think and believe is let the Kashmiri people decide what they want. Its easy for international global warriors to talk big on the net - the truth of the matter is if you allowed the people decide you would see the true feelings are.
Peace can only be made when both parties are prepared to give and take.
Your poor quality attempts of trolling isnt really an advert for this is it - isnt it?

This shows the resolve of the Pakistani Armed Forces, and the people of Pakistan to defend our Motherland.
"Rescue operations in the avalanche-striken pakistani garrison at Siachen Glacier futile"

Quick reaction is what is required in such situations. Just look 130 troops died for this now, atleast
a few of them could have been saved if pakistan had a high-altitude chopper like Dhruv that
could ferry in logistics/personnel to really high altitudes to support such rescue operations when
emergency ops are to be executed.

Dhruv has been solved of all problems/defects and now is the most versatile platform for IA
to support high-altitude missions.

Ferrying in troops/vehicles/rescu workers by road is not all an efficient way of supportng rescue ops,
a versatile chopper is required, i think its high time pakistan realizes that.

If differences between Ind. and Pak. and patched up, then i think a sale of the versatile Dhruv to pakistan
could be within the interests of India.

The Dhruv Advantage
Always Mission-Ready

How was the brochure??

this is not heavy machinery idiot??
We will never forget Kashmir or our martyrs. We will never make peace with Indians until we achieve what our martyrs set out to do. We will hold the Indian's back as we have been doing from fulfilling their potential.
At the cost of?

In due course imo in our lifetime we will see the Pakistani flying not just on peoples houses in Kashmir but official buildings of the Pakistan gov.
That's what your ancestors thought and now you are thinking and even your great grand children will be thinking. Kashmir WAS IS and WILL be an integral part of India...INSHALLAH. Not even an inch of land be compromised.
This shows the resolve of the Pakistani Armed Forces, and the people of Pakistan to defend our Motherland.

You conveniently ignored the point. You dont need to talk of defending your land, because nobody is interested in taking it. The sad fact is that you sometimes try to take India's land, and many of your soldiers' lives are lost for that. THe question is whether you still have ambitions of taking indian kashmir. Not whether you should defend your land, which nobody wants to take. Anyway you dont have anything to give except one liners, so hopefully someone else might.
The indian nature is such that he can never be trusted, even now these so-called people are trying to play politics. We should not talk with such people.

Then how come India has so much goodwill in the middle-east? Why Pakistan's close friend Saudi Arabia wants to strengthen relations with India? Both Israelis and Palestinians wanted India to mediate in their dispute, why?
why is India regarded as soft power by most countries?
In contrast look at world opinion about Pakistan. You guys claimed to support War on terror and Osama bin laden was found in Pakistan and that too close to a military facility. LOL, so much for your trustworthiness. On one side you people were waging war on terror and on the other hand you guys were supporting and harbouring terrorists. With your double game you people have been deceiving the world for years then how can you are talk about trust?
We will never forget Kashmir or our martyrs. We will never make peace with Indians until we achieve what our martyrs set out to do. We will hold the Indian's back as we have been doing from fulfilling their potential. In due course imo in our lifetime we will see the Pakistani flying not just on peoples houses in Kashmir but official buildings of the Pakistan gov.

Ok, thanks for your response. Does the military also think this way, that they will see pakistani flag fying in indian kashmir, that pakistan is actually capable of taking indian kashmir from india? Or is it just jingoistic posters here who think so? I'm really not trying to troll, I'm just amazed how anybody can think that, when the military and economic power is just too overwhelmingly to india's advantage and going to grow for the foreseeable future. And when 32 million kashmiris in india are happily living as indians. I know I know, you can find a few pics of a pakistani flag in india or a signboard saying "indian dogs go home" (free speech is allowed on this side, RAW does not "disappear" people like ISI does) or a hundred paid protestors every year, but by and large it is a huge state of 32 millioon people living democratically in india, with more rights and priviledges than their pakistani counterparts get.

So you have made your ambitions clear (thanks for that), but tell me, does your military and leadership also think that they will get kashmir in their lifetimes?
The news item doesn't say anything about any Indian soldiers ending up on the Pakistani side, none the less it still took Indian authorities several days to retrieve the bodies from a few feet of snow, now compare that with a wall of snow measuring over 100 feet deep.

As for the cheap banter, an Indian Cheetah helo sits prominently in Gilgit while another after forced down was allowed to return just a few months earlier. !!! Back to topic.

We are not giving sympathy here, its your law makers whi think de-militarization of that space is needed. Now whether our Dhruvs are good or bad or even forced to land thats a separate matter of debate, but what surprizes me that you found no body even after scavanging for days, tells me lot about your plans on how to keep that place battle ready and I think that should be the topic.
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