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After Galwan clash, Ladakh faceoffs, Chinese Army realised it needs to be better trained: CDS Rawat

I just realized one possibility: is it possible that the regional Indian commander hid details of the failure from Bipin Rawat? After all, the PLA did not disclose much information initially. Did the IT Cells spread rumors of Galwan victory just to save his sorry *** from getting fired?

No bro you’re giving too much to them. Remember their airforce chief stood talking to world media with an AMRAM casing spinning tails of how they shot down an F-16.
Rawat is also a habitual liar.
I really wish that Bpin Rawat stays as their policy maker for at least another decade. This great man will fcuk Indian Military Beyond recognition. Words by a military leader can either make or destroy a Military.
why Indians behave this way? From generals to penniless bhakts, all delusional living in the la la land
You don't know the secret bottle?
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