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After blocking airspace ban against India, FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi gives another relief to India

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Nov 30, 2018
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PTI Govt. now needs to explain who Mr. Qureshi is representing, India or Pakistan. Another cowardly decision by Imran Khan cabinet who can't seem to control his ministers big mouths, is being celebrated across the border while Pakistan Army is doing operational readiness exercises in Balochistan and Azad Kashmir against India.

Mr. Qureshi blocked move to ban airspace to Indian airlines and now he again has given yet another relief for Indian media to celebrate, just hours after Kashmir Hour. PTI Govt. drama is finally exposed.

You only posted a picture from a tweet of Indian news (the most unreliable source), at least give a link from Pakistani source, when and where did he say it and what else did he say, so that people can discuss it properly
Taliban know how to do dialog these scum have no shame next will be accept indian contorl in occupied kashmir and than give azad kashmir to modi gee whose chest is now 67 inch
You only posted a picture from a tweet of Indian news (the most unreliable source), at least give a link from Pakistani source, when and where did he say it and what else did he say, so that people can discuss it properly
Bro, it is true... he did the opposition to the proposal of closing the airspace for Gangaland.

How this statement been interpreted in Indian media and btw this is actually contradicting his own leader PM Imran Khan.

View attachment 576745
Indian media interpretations should not be the basis of our judgement to our ministers, I believe every Pakistani have brains so lets see what SMQ himself said before jumping to conclusion :

“There are three disputes to this conflict: India, Pakistan and Kashmir,” Qureshi told the BBC. “I think if India is serious it should first set Kashmiri leaders free and allow me to meet the Kashmiri leadership and hold consultations.

“I will have to assess their (Kashmiri leaders’) emotions. [We] cannot come to the table for talks by trampling the sentiments of Kashmiris.”

I do not think what he said here is illogical, and this is something India will not even allow, they will want to block any attempt of meeting from our side with Kashmiri leadership

Bro, it is true... he did the opposition to the proposal of closing the airspace for Gangaland.
let me know what u think on what i just said
Plz read the article first before jumping to defend India's ambassador to Pakistan Mr. Qureshi.

PakistanToday is a Pakistan-based publication and correspondents of BBC Urdu are also PAkistan-based.

In the article Mr. Qureshi not only contradicted the PM Imran Khan by offering or 'begging' for talks from Modi , he also defended UAE's fecilitation to Modi as well.
Mr. Qureshi has shows a very cowardly and weak stance at a time when India has already retracted from bilateral dispute and is targeting talking with Pakistan on return of Azad Kashmir. Qureshi's moves are embarassing the Pakistani nation as well as PTI cabinet.
Plz read the article first before jumping to defend India's ambassador to Pakistan Mr. Qureshi.

PakistanToday is a Pakistan-based publication and correspondents of BBC Urdu are also PAkistan-based.
i took that quote from the PakistanToday website you posted and I know its a Pakistan news, what made you think I didnt know that?

You also posted a picture of India Today, and you complained about how they are interpreting SMQ's statement, didnt you? To that I replied not to judge Pak ministers according to Indian media interpretation, maybe think carefully what you posted before replying next time?

In the article Mr. Qureshi not only contradicted the PM Imran Khan by offering or 'begging' for talks from Modi
the word "begging" is what India Today wrote not Pakistan Today, he didnt beg as I explained in my previous post, you still havent explained which part of the sentence i quoted in the previous post is wrong

he also defended UAE's fecilitation to Modi as well.
maybe you have difficulty in reading articles and simply follow headlines, let me quote again from Pakistan Today :

“The nation should not forget that Pakistan was about to default. Did the UAE and Saudi Arabia not come for our help at the time?” the minister said, adding that hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis were employed in the two countries who sent their remittances home.

In case you are still a 10 year old, let me tell you he is only asking us to appreciate what UAE did for Pak, nowhere did he "defend UAE felicitation to Modi", can you find anywhere in the article that he defended UAE award to Modi?

If you don't have patience to read the article then please don't bother replying, im not here to spoon feed you what SMQ or anyone else have said
Shah Mahmood interview to BBC Urdu where he offers bilateral talks to Modi Govt. awful step by PTI minister :

guys don't waste energy you will see after a year this gov will make the merging of Kashmir normal.
all this hype is for hiding their incompetence.
i am sick of all these fanboy and teenager mentality threads.
@Dubious @Eagle @waz can we do somthing about these useless threads based on nothingness... these threads are only creating confusion and promoting defeatist ideas. People who have never heared a whizz of live bullet in their lifetime are speaking of war as if its a joke. SICK OF IT
Condition is put forward by us, and that is that India will lift the curfew. I don't have an opinion if it was good to put this out or not.

As for how Indian media is twisting it, nothing new. Let them live in their own world.
People who have never heared a whizz of live bullet in their lifetime are speaking of war as if its a joke.

Pakistan should not that take War out of the table.

Talk about peace but War with India is inevitable now.

Watch starting at 31:00 mins

Sheikh Rasheed predicts Pakistan-India war in October, November | Naya Din | 28 August 2019

Someone needs to seriously think about putting a tape on SMQ mouth once and for all.

The guy is a walking suicide bomber on Pakistani narrative.

PMIK clearly said that no talks with India. And now he is completely going off the tangent.

IK team is full of these turn coats from other party. They are dragging him in quick sand and he is still clueless.
To me, it is another diplomatic master stroke by Pakistan.
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