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After 12 O clock tonight FBR and NADRA take control of public finance

Make it bit clear.

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Friday formally launched the online FBR Tax Profiling System, enabling 53 million people to check their bank details, properties, utility bills and travel history data.

FBR Chairman Shabbar Zaidi, while addressing a press conference in Islamabad, introduced the system, using which citizens can check their tax profile after paying a fee of Rs500.

The chairman said that the data has been compiled with the help of the National Database and Registration Authority. He said that anyone — on the basis of their computerized national identity card (CNIC) and cell phone number — can request access to their information.

Security features have been added to the online profile system so that no one can access the personal information of another person. Pakistan is entering a new era and tax assessment will now be made on the basis of available data as well as related information. He further said that Rs500 would be charged for each attempt to access one's profile.

According to the FBR, the system allows citizens to view their profile created by correlating their data from multiple data sources of assets, expenses and lifestyles available with the government.
It's better to take away tax collecting authority from tax collectors. In the begining Tax collector protested against Shabbar , seems now they save the norkari . Tax collectors were living on haram ki kamai for decades.

Hope data security is upto the mark.
It's part of FATF deal. Means other international institutions may get access to this data to check the financial activity , if any suspicion exist.
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Today , after midnight NADRA and FBR launch online access, where everyone can access there all hidden or non hidden asset online , plus accounts and transactions. Great achievement of Imran Khan. Now better pay the tax......it call big brother watching
Why are Pakistanis so writhing in pain when asked to pay proper taxes. This data contains 5 carore rich people and 17 carore are not in it .
How can you do that.. Look at the journalist as though they have to pay the tax .. And they are on coals . That it is not right of government to access info.. Then it is not right of nadra etc . What yar .
Normal country bana hai ke bhi nhn .
Duniya chand pe chali gai yahan pe tax nhn da raha .

Today , after midnight NADRA and FBR launch online access, where everyone can access there all hidden or non hidden asset online , plus accounts and transactions. Great achievement of Imran Khan. Now better pay the tax......it call big brother watching
Pakistanis claim they love their country but they don't .
They are charging you PKR 500 to create an account and have a look at your profile they have created. Now someone needs to ask these dumb asses why the heck people who don't file their income tax returns would pay Rs 500 to check what information you have about them. One thing

it looks like a Bait so people out of paranoia registered themselves and then they make profiles of them.

I suppose the point of this exercise is to let everyone know that authorities really have your records. Previously a lot of people were of the idea that authorities don't have any records so how can they enquire anyone for non/under declaration of tax. And its all pre-compiled, nothing to input from the user.

Second thing .......... what are the sources of information and data on public, to create such a profile? Majority of Pakistan's land records are not computerised, there are many land disputes pending in courts ........ unless some miracle has happened in one month I don't see how they can have information on everyone.

This profile doesn't have any land records, as you have rightly pointed out that these haven't been electronically compiled so far. But whenever these are compiled then it'll only be a matter of time for them to show up.

Similarly bank information doesn't seem to be available yet, but that might be coming up sooner than land records because a lot of banks are still going through biometric verifications. Once those are done, there's no reason why these cannot be made part of the profile.

Third thing .......... a filer already knows what he has declared its easy to create his profile, but how in the hell you created a profile on a non filer who doesn't operate a bank account?

I think this is the most important bit that is generally missed out.

A person can be filer of a nil return or filer of a return with a due tax of meager amount (say Rs. 4,000 only). Now if that's really a correct declaration then fantastic and the person can go about proudly that they are filer.

However, the profile highlights traveling records, mobile bills, no. firmarms licenses, cars, utility connections, etc. So for any person who is filer of above-mentioned returns and has excessive expenditures showing up in his profile, for him the question arises as to how he is filing nil returns or filing returns with declared income so low that it appears he is even struggling to live but still having such expenditures.

For example, there may be some people who frequently travel internationally, say routinely perform Umrah, but don't file any tax returns or nil returns or returns with meager amounts, so how come such person is affording such expenses. Similarly, excessive mobile bills, cars, firearms licenses and so on, you get the picture.

So I guess the real intention behind this profile thingy is to really inform everyone that please pay your due taxes and whether you haven't been filing returns or filing nil returns or returns with meager amounts then please know we have this information.
Its something that should happen but I don't know why this government has to be so nonsensical that they fail to put any serious thought behind whatever they do. A person who doesn't file his return he is going to pay you 500 to check his profile created by you? Seriously who is this idiot that came up with charge 500 to broaden the taxbase idea? The Amnesty failed ........ and somehow this would be a success. I don't know when would they stop with hit and trials.
This is for the elite only 5 carore individuals among 22 carore . They can do that . Not for middle or poor classes.
On the other hand you seem to find fault with everything they do.
Excellent work..... Those crying about 500 are the same people who got out and have a scoop of imported icecream for a 1000 ruppees every other weekend.

Default state of some Pakistanis is rona dhona.
Proper tax collection and online personal finance access was long due. FBR slowly heading toward that direction. It's nation building process. We know neither PPP or PML or some circle inside PTI won't like it. But, now world is changing and we have to get along with the rest. Corruption cancer is destroying Pakistan.
Proper tax collection and online personal finance access was long due. FBR slowly heading toward that direction. It's nation building process. We know neither PPP or PML or some circle inside PTI won't like it. But, now world is changing and we have to get along with the rest. Corruption cancer is destroying Pakistan.
Simple thing is that if we didn't adapt to the changing world we would be extinct .
They are charging you PKR 500 to create an account and have a look at your profile they have created. Now someone needs to ask these dumb asses why the heck people who don't file their income tax returns would pay Rs 500 to check what information you have about them. One thing

Second thing .......... what are the sources of information and data on public, to create such a profile? Majority of Pakistan's land records are not computerised, there are many land disputes pending in courts ........ unless some miracle has happened in one month I don't see how they can have information on everyone.

Third thing .......... a filer already knows what he has declared its easy to create his profile, but how in the hell you created a profile on a non filer who doesn't operate a bank account?
They must've gathered this information from various sources that are electronic...like bank accounts. While it may not include everything like the land ownership records u mention that may not be computerized yet...it would still be helpful for ppl to find out if they r secretly "millionaires". Many corrupt ppl who have laundered money have apparently stolen ppl's identity and deposited money under their names in bank accounts. This way ppl can at least find that out.

As for the 500 rupee fee...obviously ppl who already don't pay tax wouldn't wanna pay it...but still this is a step in the right direction. The more income and assets of a person are available electronically the harder it would be for them to continue their tax evasion and the easier it would be for the government to go after them with proof.
Who will ensure data confidentiality

Overseas Pakistanis data already being stolen for mobile duty thing
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