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Africans complain of discrimination in Mumbai, India

Racism is inherent in people. You would find racism of Blacks looking down upon whites or asians here in Africa. They often make comments that those people (the other races) are ugly and dirty. It is not strange for human beings to resent or fear that which is unknown or foreign to them. In fact in Africa, Whites are derogatorily called "mhlungu" meaning "strangely confirgured" whilst people of South Asian descent or South Asians are called "amacoola" meaning a dirty, sweaty brown skinned labourer. In a nutshell, the Africans find you to be as ugly as some of you find them to be. I guess the same can be said of South Indians whom the Pakistani poster here finds ugly. If they see him or her they most probably would make some derogatory comment about how disgusting he/she looks in their lingo :D

Oh , By the way what ya doing in Botswana ?
and surprising from a country whose " Father of the nation" was thrown off the train for the color of his skin.

Or they cut your throat off in the name of the religion

Or get bombed by fascist Americans in the name of oil. :azn:

Especially if they are not white..........if you are white they like you so much that they rape and if you are black they dont even let you enter. :cheesy:

Or some firangi kidnapped for dollars in Pakistan.
main reason, Indians look down on darker skin people...the reason for high sales and availability of Skin lightening lotions

So by that logic, whites loathe lighter skin because of the availability of tanning salons? :lol:
main reason, Indians look down on darker skin people...the reason for high sales and availability of Skin lightening lotions

As if all Pakistanis are light colored, :disagree:
Or get bombed by fascist Americans in the name of oil. :azn:
or walk into a market place and greeted with suicide vests over religion ;)

in 2 years we will be largest producer of oil , we don't bomb you over your oil. there is none in your NWF:usflag:
anyone starting to notice a clear trend in BBC focusing on so many domestic issues of india....sure they are a problem but how on earth do they make the front page of BBC world news section.....

you had a load of coverage on the gang rape, a few features on the general "plight of women in india", the backpacker stories, and now this.....

There's been a jump since the Eurofighter was thrown out, But Indians don't mind, we know we have issues and the mroe it's brought out in the open and our leaders become red faced in public the more the problems will get addressed - and it's not that they are wrongly reporting anything.
Kinda weird but i saw a couple of Africans , perhaps Nigerians in Lahore this year and i didn't know if they were any in Pakistan. I don't know about India, but i didn't see discrimination, or people stocking like mainiacs to make a point in my city.
Kinda weird but i saw a couple of Africans , perhaps Nigerians in Lahore this year and i didn't know if they were any in Pakistan. I don't know about India, but i didn't see discrimination, or people stocking like mainiacs to make a point in my city.

Yes that one anecdotal evidence should be the standard.
Gandhi thought black people were subhuman
Wednesday, March 23, 2005


By Yasser Latif Hamdani

LAHORE: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1870-1948), the man who inspired great leaders like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, may have harboured racial sentiments against black people if an article on Sulekha.com is to be believed.

The article quotes a series of letters and petitions from Gandhi, linking the black people of Africa to savages and portraying them as little better than animals. Gandhi writes, “A general belief seems to prevail in the colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than the savages or natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir”.

According to the article, part of Gandhi’s attitude stemmed from his belief in the Aryan Invasion Theory, claiming that the superior white race from the Steppes subjugated darker races all across Eurasia. Gandhi refused to accept classification with ‘aboriginal’ looking ‘savages’: “A reference to Hunter’s ‘Indian Empire’, chapters 3 and 4, would show at a glance who are aborigines and who are not. The matter is put so plainly that there can be no mistake about the distinction between the two. It will be seen at once from the book that the Indians in South Africa belong to the Indo-Germanic stock or, more properly speaking, the Aryan stock.”

He believed that White rule in South Africa – with the help of a reduction in Asiatic immigration was necessary for civilising the blacks with these characteristics: “We, therefore, have no hesitation in agreeing with the view that in the long run assisted Asiatic immigration - into the Transvaal would be disastrous to the white settlement. People will gradually accommodate themselves to relying upon Asiatic labour, and any White immigration of the special class required in the Transvaal on a large scale will be practically impossible. It would be equally unfair to the natives of the soil. It is all very well to say that they would not work, and that, if the Asiatics were introduced, that would be a stimulus to work; but human nature is the same everywhere, and once Asiatic labour is resorted to, there would not be a sustained effort to induce the natives to work under what would otherwise be, after all, gentle compulsion. There would be then less talk about taxing the natives and so forth. Natives themselves, used as they are to a very simple mode of life, will always be able to command enough wages to meet their wants; and the result will be putting back their progress for an indefinite length of time. We have used the words ‘gentle compulsion’ in the best sense of the term; we mean compulsion of the same kind that a parent exercises over children.”

Gandhi thus remained a firm believer in white settlement and rule in South Africa. More explicitly, he wrote that the White race deserved to be the dominant race in South Africa: “What the British Indians pray for is very little. They ask for no political power. They admit the British race should be the dominant race in South Africa. All they ask for is freedom for those that are now settled and those that may be allowed to come in future to trade, to move about, and to hold landed property without any hindrance save the ordinary legal requirements.”

Along with the dominance of the white race in South Africa, Gandhi also held dear the idea of racial purity: “We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race.”

Commenting on a petition opposing interactions between the whites and the coloureds, Gandhi wrote: “The petition dwells upon ‘the co-mingling of the coloured and white races’. May we inform the members of the conference that, so far as the British Indians are concerned, such a thing is practically unknown? If there is one thing, which the Indian cherishes, more than any other, it is the purity of type. Why bring such a question into the controversy at all?”

Gandhi’s desire for the Indians to be segregated from the blacks was so strong that he went to Johannesburg in late August of 1904 to protest the placing of blacks in the Indian section of the city: “Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian Location should be chosen for dumping down all the Kaffirs of the town passes my comprehension. ...Of course, under my suggestion, The Town Council must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About this mixing of Kaffirs with the Indians, I must confess I feel most strongly.”

It is unclear from the article whether Gandhi later changed his position. However, it does shed some light on the ideas that shaped the mind of one of the most successful political leaders of the 20th century. *

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Gandhi branded racist as Johannesburg honours freedom fighter | World news | The Guardian
indians discriminate against eachother. North - South East - West Brahmin - Shudra etc

Am I wrong?

thats part of our culture to cut throats :D.....

joking raaayyyyyy

to be honest i find people from africa more attractive then from maharashtra i.e mumbai area or south india

There was a tall Ethiopian girl in my MBA program and she was absolutely stunning. I'm not even joking with you.

Perfect body, face, eyes etc. she could've been a model if she wanted
indians discriminate against eachother. North - South East - West Brahmin - Shudra etc

Am I wrong?

Not as much as Pakistanis disscriminate against shia, sunni, ahmedi, sufi, wahabi and what not.

On topic, being from Mumbai, there are enough instances of Nigerian drug smugglers operating as a gang. And the problem is with sensitizing the police force towards the different nationalities. So if you are a black guy and show an American passport immediately reactions will change.
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