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Africa surpasses India in wealth per person - Credit Suisse Wealth Report


I'm not sure why you keep posting new images. What does this have to do with anything?
See I told you ! Only chinese say such things. So when will you come out of the closet ! ?? :azn:


Credit Suisse Wealth Report.-2013.

They can read the report if they like - you are responding to me with random pictures you took.

If it's in response to me showing you that you didn't even to bother to read the references to India by showing you one of the images you took (the rapid growth was due to rapid growth in debt, not wealth), then forget about it.

They can read the report if they like - you are responding to me with random pictures you took.

If it's in response to me showing you that you didn't even to bother to read the references to India by showing you one of the images you took (the rapid growth was due to rapid growth in debt, not wealth), then forget about it.

Thread is still . Credit Suisse Wealth Report.-2013 .. All pics are relevant.

Thanks for posting. It has lots of positives.
The interesting thing is that debt is growing at the fastest rate in india.....which means that this growth is all "borrowed"........ and with the slowest economic growth.... North America still is growing at the fastest pace in terms of wealth.... amazing

Yep, I was surprised to find that we are growing faster than any other region. Truly amazing.

Funnily enough, one of the Indians (Spark I believe) was trying to refute the OPosting by showing all of the references to India's fast growth.

One of these was India's amazing 16% growth... but no one noticed it was 16% growth in? Household debt. Lol

Thread is still . Credit Suisse Wealth Report.-2013 .. All pics are relevant.

Thanks for posting. It has lots of positives.

Then post the pics without replying to me as if you are attempting to refute what I said. Also, posting every single pic like you are trying to do will just make me refer you for spamming. If they want to read the report they can; you don't need to post every single page, there is a link at the top.
OMG this is absolutely faster than I have thought!

Does that mean india is moving more toward the reversed order of super powder? (like their ranking on the PISA tests?)

In a report published by the UN not too long ago a very large proportions of indians have been living below the standard of Sahara Africans already! So this is another confirmation.
Those are just percentage increases. The total wealth per person in Africa was estimated at $4,909 and India at $4,706 per person.

For example, just because China's income is growing faster than almost anyone else's, it does not mean the have surpassed the US in per person income. Pretty simple.

Ask the savvy, mulllionaire, personality disorder-ed Indians on this forum! It really depends on who I criticize. When I criticize China they don't mind, but when India is criticized they go crazy with their false-flag accusations. Doesn't just happen to me btw, anyone with a non-Asian flag is actually a Chinese-Pakistani-Bangladeshi false-flagger.

Chinese doesn't need to false flag , it's only poor Pakistanies and Bangladeshies who are ashamed of their flags , so choose your parents wisely . ;)
Einstein was an American, thanks for that. Try to spell Einstein correctly though.

You must be REALLY stupid. The wealth per person metric is already done for you. 3rd column supah-powah.

One more proof of your false flagging , Einstein was German , at least Americans are supposed to know :rofl:

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