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Africa surpasses India in wealth per person - Credit Suisse Wealth Report

How does that work ? :unsure:

Ask the savvy, mulllionaire, personality disorder-ed Indians on this forum! It really depends on who I criticize. When I criticize China they don't mind, but when India is criticized they go crazy with their false-flag accusations. Doesn't just happen to me btw, anyone with a non-Asian flag is actually a Chinese-Pakistani-Bangladeshi false-flagger.
No knwoledge of geography, no knowledge of maths. Poor thing doesnt even realize that he is making a fool of himself

Poor Indian. For some reason you have the audacity to continue to insult others, yet you don't ever confront the supposed mistakes in Mathematics (what Math? Are you really this daft? No one is making any calculations) and geography (again, no one has stated any facts on geography) I'm [apparently] making.

Why is that? Like all Indians, you are just a smelly trash-talker. Btw, it's knowledge and doesn't. Poor thing, making spelling mistakes and all...
Those are just percentage increases. The total wealth per person in Africa was estimated at $4,909 and India at $4,706 per person.


Also from same report

Your illiteracy is so funny. Leave alone geography? What are you, Yoda?

Indians, dumb they are. Referring to Math, irrelevant it is!

PS: Wealth per person has nothing to do with the discrepancies in comparing a continent with a country, especially when that country has a population 20% larger than that continent. Understand that Math, did you? Probably not; Indians, dumb they are.

OK ! American Einsiten :omghaha:

For Africa , take 2,711 trillion and divide by 1 billion. For India, divide 3613 trillion by 1.2 billion. See how much you get. :rofl:

Now you see why world makes fun of Americans ! ??
Also from same report


Why are you happy that India's debt is rising faster than everyone else's? The second picture above shows that, "Household debt also rose according to our figures. Although the global rise of 1.7% was relatively small, India and China recorded sizeable increases: 16% and 20%, respectively."
What? We already agreed that the last name 'Stossel' is a mixed-race name, descended from my Pakistani-Chinese-Bangladeshi tri-parents.

So, you have a name identical to fox news anchor and so called White American obsessed with India. :omghaha::omghaha:
I don't find having the same name as this guy particularly awesome. I wouldn't want an even more popular name than that.

What do you have to say about nation of islam or trayvon martin.Seems Blacks are big hits with white girls these days. A large number of **** star males are blacks and pornstar females are white? Why ??

I always hear that blacks beat whitey boys in america...
OK ! American Einsiten :omghaha:

For Africa , take 2,711 and divide by 1 billion. For India, divide 3613 by 1.2 billion. See how much you get. :rofl:

Now you see why world makes fun of Americans ! ??

Einstein was an American, thanks for that. Try to spell Einstein correctly though.

For Africa , take 2,711 and divide by 1 billion. For India, divide 3613 by 1.2 billion. See how much you get

You must be REALLY stupid. The wealth per person metric is already done for you. 3rd column supah-powah.
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