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Afia Siddiqui sentenced to 86 years

I haven't followed the case much but, from what I understand, her only conviction was for attempted murder of a couple of American soldiers. Now 86 years is a ridiculous sentence, especially for such an old woman, especially if she is mentally ill.

how many years can you propose?
how many years can you propose?

I don't know what is considered reasonable in similar circumstances for an old, possibly mentally ill, woman. This should be treated as a common, attempted murder case, not a terrorism case. As for her husband and others, it is irrelevant unless she was proven to have provided material help to their operations.

86 years seems like 'cruel and unusual punishment' for attempted murder and not even pre-meditated at that. Even the prosecution admits that it was attempted in a fit of momentary rage.
I think US made her Challenge to its ego and took revenge

As son of a soldier, I want to ask US members what happend to that soldier who neglected to keep his weapon with him self and allowed Afia a chance to pick or snach his weapon if at all the story is true?

I think all the squad and its commander would have been court marshalled or reprimanded

but we see same soldier (s) coming to testify against aafia

is US army that unprofessional or what ever afia is being accused is plain lie???????????
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I think US made her Challenge to its ego and took revenge

As son of a soldier, I want to ask US members what happend to that soldier who neglected to keep his weapon with him self and allowed Afia a chance to pick or snach his weapon if at all the story is true?

I think all the squad and its commander would have been court marshalled or reprimanded

I agree
even if that incident is true then that soldier should be court marshelled
should be drummed out in the presence of his unit
I agree
even if that incident is true then that soldier should be court marshelled
should be drummed out in the presence of his unit

but some of them came to testify against them

Irfan Bhai you are a soldier, what does it mean
Is US army that /unprofessional?
Yo bro we're not that bad... that sarcasm went a lil overboard, if you know what I mean.

yes, we are not that bad, that's why we'd kill two innocent, unarmed kids in broad daylight while hundred spectators watch. We can announce people guilty without any kind of courtroom trials and deliver justice on the street, wohoo public hanging FTW!!!
yes, we are not that bad, that's why we'd kill two innocent, unarmed kids in broad daylight while hundred spectators watch. We can announce people guilty without any kind of courtroom trials and deliver justice on the street, wohoo public hanging FTW!!!

No, not all is lost...

This certain case 'shocked the Pakistani nation'. It's like saying Afghans are all taliban.

Yeah, I know you are angry and your own qaum, it is not undeserved, but let's look on the positive side and wait for the next elections.
Instead of just making lame half hearted comments why not look into the an in depth

Analysis of Aafia's Siddiqui's Case by Anas Abas

A critical analysis of Aafia Siddiqui’s case – by Anas Abbas|Let Us Build Pakistan


Aafia Siddiqui was finally convicted on 4rd February 2010 for trying to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan. She is now expected to face a maximum of 60 years in prison.

Below is a study that will analyze some important questions that are related to Aafia Siddiqui’s case. The questions are:

What happened to Aafia and her children in 2003?
Why is this case so extraordinarily popular in Pakistan?
Why are the majority of Pakistanis so adamant about Aafia’s integrity?
Why has Pakistani media been creating a mass hysteria from this case?
Why is Aafia popularly known as “Sister” and “Daughter” in Pakistan?
Why is this case being exploited by Pakistani political parties such as PTI and JI for political rivalries against their opponents?
Why Pakistani government paid a hefty sum of $2 million to hire one of the best law firms, Dawn M. Cardi & Associate, to represent this case?
Why have people (including Aafia herself) been dragging Israel into this case and calling the ruling of U.S. court as partisan and Zionist influenced?

impressive post my friend.. hats off to you

You hit nail in the head when you said that the whole hype about Dr Afiya is because US can be blamed. This is the height of hypocrisy at the hands of morally & ethically corrupt right wing media & religious parties who remain completely indifferent to the continued atrocities of Taliban towards the women in tribal areas and Swat.

The teachers targeted by TTP
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Militants kill female teacher in Bajaur

Schools destroyed

DAWN.COM | National | Militants blow up three more schools

the real daughters of the east are the ones that have fallen victim to the Taliban atrocities

specially the female teachers & students who refused to bow down to the demands of Taliban to stop teaching. For me the daughters of Pakistan are those who stood up to Taliban and fought them off in Sawat and the ones who are working as doctors, healthcare workers and part of army and police.

Dr Afiya

now coming to this ex Pakistani now US citizen well what more can I say other than that she was playing with fire so shouldn’t complain & play the sympathy card. Why on earth did she decide to associate & even marry a well known top terrorist who is part of a terrorist organisation responsible for the killings of 10s of thousands of people (majority Muslims).

The other thing which I find annoying and shameful is the deceit of likes of her, Faisal Shazad (failed NY bomber) and Muhammad Sadiq Khan (ring leader of London underground terror attach). These people betrayed the trust, the hospitality and the acceptance of their new countries & its people. They should’ve been treated the same way the Taliban treat their victims on spy charges. After all it is that brand of Islam they love so much that they are willing to contradict the teachings of the Holy Prophet PBUH (re behaviour in host countries during Hijrat/ migration).

I have no comments about the length of the sentence but what I know is that she was a willing, diehard fanatic who would stop at nothing short of killing anyone who doesn’t agree with the twisted ideology that justifies the mass murder of civilians.
but some of them came to testify against them

Irfan Bhai you are a soldier, what does it mean
Is US army that /unprofessional?

No it doesn’t mean the organisation is unprofessional but an individual who didn’t display or exercised the training and his conduct fell short of a professional. There are procedures in the army for that ranging from physical punishments, lockup and in severe cases firing squad (like treason or deserting in the time of war).

Every fore has such people and it is the harsh punishments or their fear that keeps people inline. Not sure if you will remember during Sindh operation during late 80s to mid 90s an army officer was charged with the killing of few people that was later found to be a family feud. Also I recall a court marshal proceedings in Muzaffarabad where an officer killed his wife in a domestic argument but the seriousness of that sad incident was intensified because a stolen G3 was used for that purpose. Moving on we have had cases where the army personnel had been unable to keep their manhood in their pants (to put it bluntly) resulting in **** accused by Baloch nationalists. It doesn’t mean that Pak army as an institution is unprofessional but it is some people who betray the their oath
She is a convicted terrorist and a US citizen and she deserves the punishment.

Why is it that still some members support her ?
She is a convicted terrorist and a US citizen and she deserves the punishment.

Why is it that still some members support her ?

i think it's more about suspicion than anything else; yes she is a US citizen so therefore she's bound by US laws, not Pakistani.

but the passport she carries doesnt change who she is, as a person.

If the trial could have been televised from start to finish --public worldwide would have the testimony and legal proceedings and have an idea of what kind of information and evidence was being presented --in her favour and not in her favour

that would have made it more transparent and more fair I think

it's wrong to blindly support her or villify her until then....

I do believe that 86 years is WAY too extreme; as extreme as her initial antics in the courtroom
Americans are trying their level best to destroy Pakistan image softly and slowly and with the help of this they are trying to show that Pakistan is a terrorist country. We should say no to USA for good. We have our best best friend China and with them we can develop our country nicely without any conditions i don't know why govt always runs behind USA like dogs. We should face the fact that they want to destroy our country they could have done it easily if we didn't have nukes that's the only reason why they are scared of attacking us directly, so they are doing it like this frame Pakistan. I pray for Dr. Afia Siddiqui and she comes back home INSHAALLAH AMEEN.

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