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Afghans throng Torkham to enter Pakistan

More religious manipulated fabrications to cover Pakistani weakness at not defending Pakistan from Afghan terrorism. So tell me, does Isalm encourage and facilitate afghans carrying out terrorism in Pakistan and murdering Pakistani children and other civilians? Religious Pakistanis have allowed this to happen. Pakistani nationalism and patriotism matters. Pakistan's interest matter. Nothing else does.

PS You do realize that the afghans joined forces with their indian hindu overlords/gods in trying to destroy Pakistan. They failed miserably. Now they want us to help them. Pakistanis like you use religion to justify afghans worshipping indian hindus and trying to destroy Pakistan.

Not all afghans are like that though. Your generalizing a entire country over the crimes of a few.
Not all afghans are like that though. Your generalizing a entire country over the crimes of a few.
Please consider the social and religious fabric of Pakistan before 79 and after 79. The number of criminal activities and increase in use of drugs along with religious intolerance.

Pakistani establishment isn’t clean from this mess but a few Afghans did not cause this.
Please consider the social and religious fabric of Pakistan before 79 and after 79. The number of criminal activities and increase in use of drugs along with religious intolerance.

Pakistani establishment isn’t clean from this mess but a few Afghans did not cause this.

We created the mess and scape goat others.
Who encouraged afghans to do jihad?
Who helped afghans in jihad and started jihad against soviets?
Who used afghans for jihad in Kashmir?
Who supported Taliban against northern alliance and recognized them in 90s?
Who let the border open for decades and let people cross without visas and no checking?

We are equally guilty in this!

But my point is the afghans in need the afghans who need medical help or the afghans who have a legitimate reason to come to Pakistan should be allowed. After all their Muslims we shouldn’t abandon our Muslim brothers in times of need. You can say afghans abandoned us and helped india but Allah will question them for that not us.
If you have 1% humanity in you, you would allow all afghans who need urgent medical care into Pakistan and all afghans who are in a desperate state and have legitimate excuse to come to Pakistan
These fools are turning Quetta into hate-land yet we continue to take in more. What a masterstroke by our decision makers.
Pakistani establishment isn’t clean from this mess but a few Afghans did not cause this
Go say that to the people of Quetta. Am sure they will pelt you with roses. Afghans are leeches period.
Not all afghans are like that though. Your generalizing a entire country over the crimes of a few.

I disagree with you. The life of ALL Pakistanis means more to me than ANYTHING else...........I REALLY couldn't give a flying f**k about non-Pakistanis even if they are Muslims or not. ALL Pakistanis be they religious, left wing liberals, pious Muslims, devil-worshippers, wine drinkers, Mullahs etc are ALL my people and I love them to bits. If afghans have something against us then all 5-10 million of them living in Pakistan can f**k off back home to afghanistan. PAKISTAN FIRST, PAKISTAN FIRST, PAKISTAN FIRST, PAKISTAN FIRST.

F**K all else.

PS Pakistan is not a refugee camp for afghans.
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Let me tell you what is going to happen. Just like in FATA area we saw Chechens, Arabs and Central Asians marry locals and impose their rules the same prospect is likely with Afghan refugees settling in various regions of Pakistan. Afghans ars already present in almost every region of Pakistan. From Karachi to Lahore and even Azad Jammu Kashmir.

What did we learn when Afghan refugees settled in Pakistan during the US Cold War against Russia?

1. Afghans love to carry their flags and display them everywhere. In other words create ruckus.
2. Afghans love to break rules and resort to violence in order to achieve their goals of intimidation. Stone throwing at border areas and quarreling with authorities is nothing unusual.
3. Afghans love to multiply and disobey law of land.
4. Afghans love to spread opium.
5. Afghans love to spread AK-47 culture.
6. Afghans and particularly Pashtun nationalists and Northern Alliance thugs that hate Pakistan love to morph in Pak society and carry out terror attacks.
7. Afghans love to destroy Pakistani fabric and culture. Support for PTM is rife.
8. Afghans love to hate Pakistan within Pakistan. Afghans don't accept Pakistani territory and Durand Line whilst living in Pakistan.
9. Afghans love to stir the pot by aiding enemy India. Carrying out terror attacks against high value targets and killing Pakistani children in schools is not a secret to anyone.

Now you tell me what the prospects are for the new Afghan refugee wave settling in Pakistan? Not a single nation around the world has settled this many Afghan refugees as Pakistan has. Pakistan has paid the ultimate price and it will continue to pay the price.

This is all meant to appease the Americans. Americans have time and time again pressed Pakistan to allow Afghan refugees to settle in Pakistan. Especially after US/NATO exit the Americans have requested Pakistan to clean up their mess. Our leaders are cowards. Appeasment of Afghan refugees and Americans comes first. Pakistan comes second. We always have excuses. Even at the expense and well-being of Pakistan.

In the end, Pakistan will have to clean up the Afghan mess just like it had to clean up FATA. The Americans, Europeans and others won't be there just like they turned a blind eye during the last 20 years.
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All the Mexican Americans voted for Democrats hoping their kin will get residency papers. But Guess what, if establishment is strong, countries do what is best for their interest.

1.7 million kicked out in 12 months.
A person needs about 5 to 6 acres of land to live comfortably, producing their own food. So for every Afghan refugee, Pakistan sould be able to utilize 5 to 6 acres of Afghan land.

This brotherly love of sharing needs to start flowing both ways.
Let me tell you what is going to happen. Just like in FATA area we saw Chechens, Arabs and Central Asians marry locals and impose their rules the same prospect is likely with Afghan refugees settling in various regions of Pakistan. Afghans ars already present in almost every region of Pakistan. From Karachi to Lahore and even Azad Jammu Kashmir.

What did we learn when Afghan refugees settled in Pakistan during the US Cold War against Russia?

1. Afghans love to carry their flags and display them everywhere. In other words create ruckus.
2. Afghans love to break rules and resort to violence in order to achieve their goals of intimidation. Stone throwing at border areas and quarreling with authorities is nothing unusual.
3. Afghans love to multiply and disobey law of land.
4. Afghans love to spread opium.
5. Afghans love to spread AK-47 culture.
6. Afghans and particularly Pashtun nationalists and Northern Alliance thugs that hate Pakistan love to morph in Pak society and carry out terror attacks.
7. Afghans love to destroy Pakistani fabric and culture. Support for PTM is rife.
8. Afghans love to hate Pakistan within Pakistan. Afghans don't accept Pakistani territory and Durand Line whilst living in Pakistan.
9. Afghans love to stir the pot by aiding enemy India. Carrying out terror attacks against high value targets and killing Pakistani children in schools is not a secret to anyone.

Now you tell me what the prospects are for the new Afghan refugee wave settling in Pakistan? Not a single nation around the world has settled this many Afghan refugees as Pakistan has. Pakistan has paid the ultimate price and it will continue to pay the price.

This is all meant to appease the Americans. Americans have time and time again pressed Pakistan to allow Afghan refugees to settle in Pakistan. Especially after US/NATO exit the Americans have requested Pakistan to clean up their mess. Our leaders are cowards. Appeasment of Afghan refugees and Americans comes first. Pakistan comes second. We always have excuses. Even at the expense and well-being of Pakistan.

In the end, Pakistan will have to clean up the Afghan mess just like it had to clean up FATA. The Americans, Europeans and others won't be there just like they turned a blind eye during the last 20 years.

On top of all the above the afghans can't stop telling everyone how wonderful they are and that they would have been a global hyper power had it not been for Pakistan and those evil Pakistanis................:lol:
A person needs about 5 to 6 acres of land to live comfortably, producing their own food. So for every Afghan refugee, Pakistan sould be able to utilize 5 to 6 acres of Afghan land.

This brotherly love of sharing needs to start flowing both ways.

According to afghans we Pakistanis do nothing but destroy afghanistan.
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All the Mexican Americans voted for Democrats hoping their kin will get residency papers. But Guess what, if establishment is strong, countries do what is best for their interest.

1.7 million kicked out in 12 months.

LOL now this is when Biden and the Democrats are in power.

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