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Afghans throng Torkham to enter Pakistan

I come to Pakistan all the time

You people can always go and live like beaten dogs in India, the years where Altaf supporters used to pretend a united India would be some paradise is long long gone,

United India or not , you can keep enjoying your "freedom" as long as 200 indian muslims die everyday for you.
Pakistan is primarily responsible for what is happening to muslims in India.

Everyday indian muslims pay for the price of freedom Pakistanis enjoy.

So when did Pakistan and Pakistanis make indian Muslims so weak that they became the slaves of indian hindus? Also, when did Pakistan and Pakistanis instruct indian hindus too attack, rape and murder indian Muslims?
So when did Pakistan and Pakistanis make indian Muslims so weak that they became the slaves of indian hindus? Also, when did Pakistan and Pakistanis instruct indian hindus too attack, rape and murder indian Muslims?

I don't know whether you study history or not but Indian muslims are by default considered Pakistani proxies. Indian hindus know that they can't invade Pakistan as of now so they take out their anger and frustration on indian muslims because as I said before they are considered as Pakistani breathen.

Pakistan was supposed to be very strong and liberate Kashmir and keep eastern wing intact. Most indian muslims actually hoped a strong Pakistan would somehow guarantee their safety just like how strong India safeguard Hindu rights in Pakistan.
I don't know whether you study history or not but Indian muslims are by default considered Pakistani proxies. Indian hindus know that they can't invade Pakistan as of now so they take out their anger and frustration on indian muslims because as I said before they are considered as Pakistani breathen.

Pakistan was supposed to be very strong and liberate Kashmir and keep eastern wing intact. Most indian muslims actually hoped a strong Pakistan would somehow guarantee their safety just like how strong India safeguard Hindu rights in Pakistan.

In that case why don't indian Muslims stop being kusras, grow a pair and fight the indian hindus murdering and raping them? indian Muslims are NOT the problem of Pakistan and Pakistanis. The BIGGEST mistake indian Muslims made was that they believed in india and indianism. They though that indian hindus were their own people. They are now paying the price of that mistake.
Help goes both ways. If they expect Pakistan help as brother than allow mineral mining so Pakistani brothers can also reduce poverty.

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United India or not , you can keep enjoying your "freedom" as long as 200 indian muslims die everyday for you.

They should have listened to Jinnah then

Maybe the afghans should have fixed their shitty county rather then spend 70 years trying to attack Pakistan

Hindutva is our greatest weapon against India and it's given those Indian Muslims who used to bark against Pakistan a very good lesson
KHYBER: Thousands of Afghans made a beeline for Torkham border crossing early on Friday morning when the news about resumption of cross-border pedestrian movement spread in most parts of the neighbouring country.

Sources in Torkham told Dawn that the number of aspiring Afghans was so high that Pakistani authorities had to deploy additional security personnel to prevent crowding and panic at the border crossing.

It was also learnt that the Afghan Taliban made repeated announcements on loudspeakers to its ‘unruly’ nationals to avoid congestion at the border crossing and let only those, who needed the most, cross over to Pakistan.

However, the announcements fell on deaf ears as the Afghans made desperate bids to get online visa for Pakistan.

Bilal, a 28-year-old resident of Laghman province in Afghanistan, told Dawn that he got online visa on Friday morning after spending a sleepless night near the border crossing.

He said the number of people, including women, children and the elderly, was so high on the Afghan side of the border that it was literally impossible for both the Afghan and Pakistani authorities to entertain everyone’s request for visa.

Abdullah, a resident of Nangarhar province, also said he reached Pakistan after getting visa online.

He said though majority of Afghans welcomed the resumption of pedestrian movement via Torkham border, it would take the authorities weeks and months on both sides of the border to clear the ‘waiting lot’ as Afghans had started reaching Torkham in large numbers after learning about the border reopening for ordinary people.

Pakistani officials also confirmed crowding on the border and said security clearance was meticulous and painstakingly slow.

They said only 801 from among thousands of aspiring Afghans were allowed to enter Pakistan on Friday.

Independent sources told Dawn that the clearance process on the border zero point was so strict that even infants above the age of two months with no visa were not allowed and their parents were returned despite having online visas.

They added that moving scenes were witnessed when family members were separated from each other as some had visas, while the others had yet to obtain it.

Meanwhile, the Torkham Labour Union ended a strike and withdrew the call for a road blockade announced for Oct 25 to press the government for the resumption of pedestrian movement and restoration of their jobs.

Union president Farmanullah Shinwari told Dawn that the strike was called off after the border reopening for pedestrian movement.

He said the union hoped that the manual jobs of workers would be restored.

Mr Shinwari said around 8,000 daily wagers and porters alongside over 3,000 taxi drivers lost work after Pakistan announced the closure of the border for pedestrian movement in early May to stem the spread of coronavirus from Afghanistan.

He said he hoped that those workers would reclaim livelihood after the complete restoration of pedestrian movement on both sides of the border.

After the visit of FM to Afghanistan this week, Pak has relaxed rules for Afghan to enter Pakistan. Pak even cannot stand firm against Taliban.

Excuse me for being dumb but can someone please explain the Afghan mindset to me? I simply DO NOT understand it. So Afghans hate Pakistan with a passion and continously bad-mouth it yet these same people run like wild animals to Pakistan given half the chance. What is the reason for this contradiction? Have I missed something?
Pakistan is so weak that can't take a stand against some savages of Afghanistan.
Luckily I left such a weakling country long ago.
The other day I heard some Pushtoon minister of Pakistan talking about Afghanistan, as if Pakistan is solely responsible for helping Afghan people and the Afghans are not responsible to do anything for themselves.

Likewise we Biharis fought and died for Pakistan but hundreds of thousands of our Keith and kin are still stuck in Bangladesh after 50 years. They all had Pakistani nationality and Government of Pakistan refused to accept them.

So Afghans being Pushtoons despite not having Pakistans nationality and being of no good to Pakistan, and hating Pakistan, can use Pakistan as their own.
But we were left stranded I'm Bangladesh and those of us who made it to Pakistan, still get treated like trash anywhere in Pakistan.

Humanity and Islam come first. We can’t just ignore afghans trying to get into Pakistan for medical reason or for other serious and legit reasons. They might be namak haram but it’s not like every single one of them is. Islam first any Muslim in the world who’s in a time of need and needs to come to Pakistan should be allowed here
Humanity and Islam come first. We can’t just ignore afghans trying to get into Pakistan for medical reason or for other serious and legit reasons. They might be namak haram but it’s not like every single one of them is. Islam first any Muslim in the world who’s in a time of need and needs to come to Pakistan should be allowed here

The above is flawed thinking. Pakistan is not a pit stop for non-Pakistani Muslims. We need to make ourselves powerful and help our own before we will help those who are not one of us. Especially if they hate us. afghans are the problem of other afghans and afghanistan. Not us.
The above is flawed thinking. Pakistan is not a pit stop for non-Pakistani Muslims. We need to make ourselves powerful and help our own before we will help those who are not one of us. Especially if they hate us. afghans are the problem of other afghans and afghanistan. Not us.

Pakistan was made for Muslims of the Subcontinent and for Islam. 70 years ago we were facing worse than what afghans are facing right now. Allah gave us Pakistan and now you want to turn arrogant and forget what our condition was before we had Pakistan?
Humanity and Islam come first. We can’t just ignore afghans trying to get into Pakistan for medical reason or for other serious and legit reasons. They might be namak haram but it’s not like every single one of them is. Islam first any Muslim in the world who’s in a time of need and needs to come to Pakistan should be allowed here
Yeah , it works both ways.
There's no humanity or Islam when it comes to Afghani treatment of Pakistan.
They kill and harass Pakistani workers in Afghanistan, despite them all being Pushtoons and their Keith and kin.
They burn Pakistani flag on Pakistani soil and run propaganda against Pakistan while living in Pakistan.
With the added benefit of calling you "Daal khor" and "Heera mandi ki paidawaar".
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Don't let them in, not a single one...they eat and drink in Pakistan and abuse Pakistan at the same time.
Pakistan was made for Muslims of the Subcontinent and for Islam. 70 years ago we were facing worse than what afghans are facing right now. Allah gave us Pakistan and now you want to turn arrogant and forget what our condition was before we had Pakistan?
And Afghan had no hand in creation of Pakistan. In fact Afghanistan didn't accept Pakistan in the UN.
Also has been provoking border tribes to revolt against Pakistan since 1947, with varying degrees of success.
The biggest benefit that Afghans have in Pakistan is the presence of Pashtuns in this country. They will always have soft corner for afghans.

We , the hindustani muslamans are alien race ... You will not find much support among the ethnic population of Pakistan. A lot of them actually prefer we never came. Good thing you left the country.
That's true. Myself was born and brought up in whats now KPK. Was treated like garbage all my childhood. Because I wasn't white and looked different. Was told to "go back to India " everyday.

In 1850s my great grand dad revolted against the British in Bihar. He got tied to a cannon and blasted into smithereens.
His entire family got killed, except one boy who was hidden by a neighbour, and the British didn't look for him.
Then again in 1971 while living in what was then east Pakistan, half of our family was killed by Mukti Bahini, because we supported Pakistans.
And I am not alone. If you look into your family history, you will find similar sacrifices.
We cannot forget all that and start hating Pakistan.
We chose to be Pakistani and will continue to do so. No matter what.
Our love for Pakistan is unconditional.
However things did go too bad for me until I couldn't take it anymore.
I have been a British citizen for decades now, but keeping my Pakistani nationality intact , even for my children, and they will continue to do so.
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Pakistan was made for Muslims of the Subcontinent and for Islam. 70 years ago we were facing worse than what afghans are facing right now. Allah gave us Pakistan and now you want to turn arrogant and forget what our condition was before we had Pakistan?

More religious manipulated fabrications to cover Pakistani weakness at not defending Pakistan from Afghan terrorism. So tell me, does Isalm encourage and facilitate afghans carrying out terrorism in Pakistan and murdering Pakistani children and other civilians? Religious Pakistanis have allowed this to happen. Pakistani nationalism and patriotism matters. Pakistan's interest matter. Nothing else does.

PS You do realize that the afghans joined forces with their indian hindu overlords/gods in trying to destroy Pakistan. They failed miserably. Now they want us to help them. Pakistanis like you use religion to justify afghans worshipping indian hindus and trying to destroy Pakistan.

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