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Afghans asks India trucks, light mountain artillery, close air support etc

This news is fully in line with Indian foreign affairs' interests. It says nothing about Indian armymen going and fighting there - that's wishful thinking by Pakistanis who want India to deal with the mess they created, and the mess they have on their hands. Afgh officers are trained here in India, and in future India may also supply them with equipment.

Go and read the first para of the article- Wishful thinking by whom?- Rest of your post based on that false assumption will be useless- not worth reading-
Only one Pakistani did it openly on this thread so far. You are the webmaster, and it is your place to give infractions or bans for that. I won't insist - I prefer to let some people show their true colors.

If a Pakistani is supporting suicide bombing attacks, that is unfortunately his view.

Some of our countrymen are confused and such confusion is the resultant of the state we are currently in.
Go and read the first para of the article- Wishful thinking by whom?- Rest of your post based on that false assumption will be useless- not worth reading-

It says direct military assistance - nothing about Indian army fighting there. Providing armed helis IS direct military assistance.
Only one Pakistani did it openly on this thread so far. You are the webmaster, and it is your place to give infractions or bans for that. I won't insist - I prefer to let some people show their true colors.

Pakistanis are saying that if your army goes in Afg there will be suicide bombings and other usual stuff that Taliban do-
Plus they will love to kill the hindu infidels- thats what they call you-
In a sense we warning you- not advocating it- Big Difference-
It says direct military assistance - nothing about Indian army fighting there. Providing armed helis IS direct military assistance.

Bhai direct military assistance is Indian soldiers fighting-
Indirect assistance means Equipments and stuff- cm on yaar basics--
Pakistanis are saying that if your army goes in Afg there will be suicide bombings and other usual stuff that Taliban do-
Plus they will love to kill the hindu infidels- thats what they call you-
In a sense we warning you- not advocating it- Big Difference-

Let me repeat it. No Indian said anything about our army doing anything more in afgh than it is already doing. NOBODY in India wants our army to be fighting the Taliban. That was your own misinterpretation (or wishful thinking) about the words "direct military assistance".

Yes we know talibs love to kill hindu infidels or anybody elsse they hate which is why we supported their enemies during the afgh war in the 70s, and since. Why we built medical facilities in forward bases for northern alliance fighters, while Pakistan was one of the 3 countries in the world to endorse the Taliban rule. As I said, our countrymen are different, we don't support such elements.

Anyway if we were smart enough to know the nature of Taliban and Islamic law (like killing infidels) decades before you were, you don't have to warn/lecture us about that.

We have been their enemies a long time before you woke up to their evils.
Bhai direct military assistance is Indian soldiers fighting-
Indirect assistance means Equipments and stuff- cm on yaar basics--

One of us doesn't know the basics, and it is not me. What does it mean when they say the pentagon is ramping up "DIRECT MILITARY ASSISTANCE" to pakitan? That they are sending more soldiers to fight in pak?

Pentagon ramps up direct military aid to Pakistan | Reuters

Providing military equipment or cash is direct military assistance. You can read any number of articles or statements to that effect, just google.

In other words, you like a lot of other Pakistanis misinterpreted this to mean actual indian soldiers fighting in afgh. I won't blame you, because many of you feel that since the pak army can't deal with the talibs, India will also go there and get in trouble. Our army and policy makers are far too mature to foresee things, unlike yours.
JonAsad bhai, it's all relative to deciphering the spaces between words.
I will be brigged for saying this but WHAT Afghanistan needs is not Indian military equipment but Chinese military equipment. :D:D:cheesy: ... and assistance :D:D
"To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions."

Newton's Third Law of Motion: So, don't be surprised when it comes :coffee:

As a clarification, I mean screws being turned on Pakistan by USA (thru such statements) ;)

Having said that, coming back to your reference to Newton's 3rd law..

Try colliding a Suzuki Mehran with a 20 wheeler monster truck.. The 3rd law still holds, but we all know what happens to the truck and what happens to the Mehran :D
One of us doesn't know the basics, and it is not me. What does it mean when they say the pentagon is ramping up DIRECT MILITARY ASSISTANCE" to pakitan? That they are sending more soldiers to fight in pak?

Pentagon ramps up direct military aid to Pakistan | Reuters

Providing military equipment or cash is direct military assistance. You can read any number of articles or statements to that effect, just google.

Comprehension problems?-
Direct Military Aid- Direct Military Assistance- You find no difference in that?- at all?- Really?-
If a Pakistani is supporting suicide bombing attacks, that is unfortunately his view.

Some of our countrymen are confused and such confusion is the resultant of the state we are currently in.
"War" , their aren't any laws for it, only achievement matters . wats unfortunate in something obvious? our establishment created this confusion , they imposed western agendas and war on civilians. Its an expected response.
????????????????????????????? Is this language tolerated???

I told you a page back, that now all we have to do is let the idiot vent his frustration and show everyone who is butt-hurt and who has truth and righteousness on their side.

Yes, such language is tolerated for some people. We shouldn't complain, it just brings out more of the differences between Indians and Pakistanis.
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