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Afghans asks India trucks, light mountain artillery, close air support etc

US has been asking India to play more direct role in Afghanistan which India has ignored because we know that this will backfire us and will give terrorists another reason to recruit more terrorists against India, add to Kashmir reason has been quite sufficient for them in the past.

Indian Policy Makers are not idiots especially Indian Foreign Office.

I do hope so there are saner minds in Indian Foreign Office.
The OP and some indians seems to rejoice this news- :butcher:
Gloating about terrorism activities, that too sitting in America might not go down well with homeland security. Just a friendly advise.

what they call it- i dont know- like freedom of some thing- They still have it?-
Gloating about terrorism activities, that too sitting in America might not go down well with homeland security. Just a friendly advise.

They were all friends at one point. What does it have to do with me?

No point in shooting the messenger.

But I'm glad to see Sparky and your ilk are in fact idiots. -_Personal

Perhaps 90% of them are. :woot: -offtopic flame and childish smiley

Funny these gentlemen think that bollywood can break blood ties between our two countries. -Disillusion

I said it before like a gentleman, but none of the Indians wanted to listen. - Troll face save

Better to get out now- Threat.]

Ignoring all.
Doesn't matter, not going to happen. Indian foreign policy is not controlled by US.

Dont you feel like you in a minority here?-
i mean other indian comments as usual feel like novice-
High on hormone low on senses-
I do hope so there are saner minds in Indian Foreign Office.
The OP and some indians seems to rejoice this news- :butcher:

This news is fully in line with Indian foreign affairs' interests. It says nothing about Indian armymen going and fighting there - that's wishful thinking by Pakistanis who want India to deal with the mess they created, and the mess they have on their hands. Afgh officers are trained here in India, and in future India may also supply them with equipment.

The Indian armymen posted there don't do any fighting - for decades they have provided hospitals and built roads there. In return for which we get a foothold for our military and civil intelligence personnel. RAW and the IA special forces have a presence there, far from anybody's eyes, and they are meant to be valuable against Pakistan, not the talibanis, who will be dealt with by afghans and americans.

Nobody in India wants Indians fighting in afgh. Not the foreign office, not the public.
Any Pakistani supporting suicide bombing against anyone is an idiot. If the lesson is not learned yet, not sure when it will be.

Only one Pakistani did it openly on this thread so far. You are the webmaster, and it is your place to give infractions or bans for that. I won't insist - I prefer to let some people show their true colors.
This news is fully in line with Indian foreign affairs' interests. It says nothing about Indian armymen going and fighting there - that's wishful thinking by Pakistanis who want India to deal with the mess they created, and the mess they have on their hands. Afgh officers are trained here in India, and in future India may also supply them with equipment.

The Indian armymen posted there don't do any fighting - for decades they have provided hospitals and built roads there. In return for which we get a foothold for our military and civil intelligence personnel. RAW and the IA special forces have a presence their out of anybody's eyes, and they are meant to be valuable against Pakistan, not the talibanis, who will be dealt with by afghans and americans.

Nobody in India wants Indians fighting in afgh. Not the foreign office, not the public.

Dude, your wet dreams are getting out of control.

Please, stop it.
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