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Afghanistan's Pakistan Policy is Built on Hypocrisy

Great Article Written by @Horus. Afghanistan has been our enemy from day one. They Denied us, they fought against us, they threatened to break us and yet some of our political leaders are there to defend them. When our government tries to send those Afghans back, they start to cry for the so called Human right violation by the State of Pakistan. All the Afghan immigrants here are major security threat to the Peace of the whole region. Apart from the terrorism they have caused here, they have also sold a record quantity of drugs. They should be definitely sent back as soon as Possible.

Apart from that, Border Management System should be made more effective and functional. Sealing of Pak-Afghan Border may not be the best choice for Pakistan but keeping a Strict eye on the Border is. Maybe the time has come to recognize Afghanistan as an ENEMY country and treat its border like we treat LOC.
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