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Afghanistan to sign its first strategic partnership agreement with India

we have them because of the taliban and we have them because of YOU.

Me? What did I do lol?

Do you ever wonder why the Taliban control about 75% of Afghanistan?

Ever wonder where the attacks from Central Afghanistan, from the Western provinces of Herat & Farah, & Northern provinces such as Takhar, Kunduz, Balkh etc come from? It's not Pakistan.
All I'm saying is, all the omens are there that the times to come in Afghanistan will be worse than the 90s. And you yourself will be responsible for your own fate, no one else. Don't go about blaming Pakistan or anyone else when things get bad in Afghanistan in the future.

Com'on jgr bilal let these daydreamers sign these pacts. We can't change the mentality of these people. Pakistan is hosting more than 6 million afghans in Pakistan many many have business in Pakistan but still they wanna betray their own people, v treat them as brothers and in return they show us their fangs.

Sick people :frown::cheesy:
Great news. India should always help Afghanistan in development.

I strongly for expanding the highway from Chabahar port via Afghanistan till Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan & Tajakistan and other Central Asian Republics. We should also route natural gas from Central Asia via Afganistan-Iran-Oman Corridor. Also, the mining investment and infra investments should be done at a very fast pace.

Long Live Afghanistan & India Friendship:tup:
Me? What did I do lol?

Do you ever wonder why the Taliban control about 75% of Afghanistan?

Ever wonder where the attacks from Central Afghanistan, from the Western provinces of Herat & Farah, & Northern provinces such as Takhar, Kunduz, Balkh etc come from? It's not Pakistan.

I didnt say YOU as a person, you are clever than that to understadn what i mean. Secondly, you talk about the 75% which is not true, they have the capibilty to make explosions, that is not called cotnrol, your taliban have also in the past and near past have done devastated attacks, but it doestnt mean they are controlling the area. and abourt herat, it is one of the safest provices of Afghansitan and number one province having strong local economy, security, rebuilding, generating high revenure compare to all the other border cities, herat is also able to grow its own vege without importing it from outside and even it is sending its products to the neighoutring provinces, all of these cant be done without security. off course we get those cowardly attacks, but by no means it is control.
I didnt say YOU as a person, you are clever than that to understadn what i mean. Secondly, you talk about the 75% which is not true, they have the capibilty to make explosions, that is not called cotnrol, your taliban have also in the past and near past have done devastated attacks, but it doestnt mean they are controlling the area. and abourt herat, it is one of the safest provices of Afghansitan and number one province having strong local economy, security, rebuilding, generating high revenure compare to all the other border cities, herat is also able to grow its own vege without importing it from outside and even it is sending its products to the neighoutring provinces, all of these cant be done without security. off course we get those cowardly attacks, but by no means it is control.

Virginia M. Moncrieff: Taliban Support Increasing, Holds 72 % Of Afghanistan: Report

Taliban Control 72% of Afghanistan; Surround Kabul, Group Says - Bloomberg

^^^ This was about 2.5 years ago, the Taliban have only grown stronger & controlled more land.
If India had a little bit more sense, it would try talking with someone that controls most of Afghanistan, not the mayor of Kabul (& the title of the 'mayor of Kabul' is becoming doubtful as well, looking at the recent events in the city).

Iran has started talking to them already, even though they've traditionally hated them:

Iran hosts Taliban in bid for greater Afghan role

Secret Iran invite to Taliban signals new power play

and how do you know we aren't? India has said that we would support an Afghan led resolution. If they make peace with Taliban, we'll live with it.

Since when did India started taking Pakistani advice seriously? :P

you see bilal, you are misinterpreting everything, control is something and presence is somethig else, even with the term present it is hard to believe the number 75%. if we go by your logic, then the TTP control karachi too.
Bl[i]tZ;2159228 said:
and how do you know we aren't?

Because Karzai is going on his second trip to India, & is looking to get the backing of India in Afghanistan.
If India had a little bit more sense, it would try talking with someone that controls most of Afghanistan, not the mayor of Kabul (& the title of the 'mayor of Kabul' is becoming doubtful as well, looking at the recent events in the city).

Iran has started talking to them already, even though they've traditionally hated them:

Iran hosts Taliban in bid for greater Afghan role

Secret Iran invite to Taliban signals new power play

It's in Pakistan's interest to have Talibans powerful. Indian interest is in a non-fanatic Afghan govt. We will provide every support we can to have such a govt in Afghanistan. It may well be a peaceful taliban if Afghan govt can reach some peace agreement with them. But we won't support the Talibans that were in power before US arrival.

A powerful, democratic, stable Afghanistan is obviously not what you Pakistanis want.
Just wait till the Americans withdraw. This agreement will not be worth the paper it's written on! Mullah Omar, the chief-in-waiting is going to shove that agreement up - oh well, you know where!!!! :cheesy:
India is not going to play any overt role - it won't need to. Why? US will continue its CT campaign in AfPak after 2014. The lesser troops US has on ground, the lesser casualties, lesser political pressure at home and lesser Pak leverage regarding supply lines.

Many analysts have concluded that there will be SF till the end of the next Presidential term. With increasing CIA assertiveness vis-a-vis Pak, all we need is to grab a popcorn bucket and see drones fire hellfire or if lucky OBL type raids.
you see bilal, you are misinterpreting everything, control is something and presence is somethig else, even with the term present it is hard to believe the number 75%. if we go by your logic, then the TTP control karachi too.

Not really, having a "permanent presence" overrunning the present regime is regarded as control; & the Taliban have advanced out of their bases in the south and east and are extending their influence & infiltrating Kabul at will. The problem with Afghanistan is, the coalition troops drive the militants out, but when they vacate their spots, the militants come right back in. Meaning they are not able to hold territory, meaning it is out of the control of the present regime. You have to capture the area, & be able to hold it, & the coalition forces have failed to do that for most of Afghanistan (the holding part).

The TTP has not driven out the existing regime in Karachi, or been able to hold the city.

---------- Post added at 12:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

It's in Pakistan's interest to have Talibans powerful. Indian interest is in a non-fanatic Afghan govt.

If that is true, why did you support the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan? They are famous for their fanaticism & violence as well.
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