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Afghanistan set to train in Pakistan

Most of the Parlimentarians of the Afghanistan are Pakistan literate and they speak against the pakistan in the parliments and jargas in the favour of america and india.we saved hamid karzai from taliban, now see what is he doing in the favour of Pakistan! running RAW's training camps. these drug dealers are so mean...
Now i think, pakistan should wait NATO and US to withdraw their forces , seal the border and leave them where they are.
yes i know.....Someone said in our history that never trust Afghans they r known for their betrayal. We didnt listened and now we r paying the prize. And Karzai lived in Quetta in all his life.

I think we should wage a war on Afghanistan and capture Kabul and establish a Friendly government by eliminating this Karzai Gov.
Just grow up man!


You have failed to address the question I have posed.


1. Is racism a trivial charge ? No
2. Is there ample proof of racism by Afghans against Pakistanis ? Yes
3. Is the racism question relevant ? Yes
4. Can the question be answered/refuted/discussed ? Yes
5. Is the question abstract ? No

So my dear perhaps you should grow up.

To this date:
1. I have have not been able to find a single editorial, article where an Afghan intellectual, author, civil society member has condemned this racism.
2. No Afghan, including ones on this forum have been able to provide a single such reference.

My dear the emperor (you) has no clothes -- even you know it.

:P :P let them call us what they want.

We also call them kabaljak, gilumjam ;)

anyway you had been trying your best to use biggoted nonsense whenever you post something about Pak-Afghan issues/news etc etc

yeah and you have been absent a brain for a while I suspect.

You have failed to address the question I have posed.


1. Is racism a trivial charge ? No
2. Is there ample proof of racism by Afghans against Pakistanis ? Yes
3. Is the racism question relevant ? Yes
4. Can the question be answered/refuted/discussed ? Yes
5. Is the question abstract ? No

So my dear perhaps you should grow up.

To this date:
1. I have have not been able to find a single editorial, article where an Afghan intellectual, author, civil society member has condemned this racism.
2. No Afghan, including ones on this forum have been able to provide a single such reference.

My dear the emperor (you) has no clothes -- even you know it.

yeah and you have been absent a brain for a while I suspect.

My dear we all are racists one way or the other.

The bold line in your own post has put the accused aka racist Afghanistanis in negative list. Their attitude is only putting then in bad NOT us.

Their general behaviour does not mean that we Pakistanis should also become monkeys ;)

and oh you even failed to make a point despite claiming presence of some brain in your head so i am better without one.
My dear we all are racists one way or the other.

The bold line in your own post has put the accused aka racist Afghanistanis in negative list. Their attitude is only putting then in bad NOT us.

Their general behaviour does not mean that we Pakistanis should also become monkeys ;)

and oh you even failed to make a point despite claiming presence of some brain in your head so i am better without one.

You accused me of being a racist and a bigot without specifics.

To be clear: I do concede that I *may* have latent racial bias but:
1. if I do I acknowledge it is a reprehensible part of my character
2. and if I do I would work to rectify such a bias.


I my case has been that Afghans are overwhelmingly racially biased based on anecdotal and social evidence -- and I've asserted that the racial bias of Afghans toward Pakistanis is of orders of magnitude larger than Pakistanis toward Afghans.

As I see it there are largely three mutually non exclusive responses to my position:
1. My assertion is irrelevant
2. My assertion is largely wrong
3. My assertion is largely correct

Rather than respond along the above lines with specifics you have called me a bigot and a racist (without) any specifics. I at least have enough respect towards the members of this forum (including yourself) that I take the time to annotate my postings with references and evidence -- clearly a standard you have chosen to ignore.

To be clear:
1. The standards I use apply to Afghans are the same standards I apply to myself, to Pakistanis, to Americans and pretty much everyone else.
2. In my postings on this community and elsewhere I have criticized the ungratefulness of Pakistanis toward for example US Aid.
3. In my postings on this community and elsewhere I have criticized as reprehensible the discrimination against minorities such as Hindus, Sikhs, Christians in Pakistan
4. In my postings on this community and elsewhere I have criticized as reprehensible the antisemitism that pervades the Muslim world including Pakistan.

I believe I try very hard to behave as a human being and not as a monkey, nor have I advocated that Pakistanis turn into monkeys -- it is sad that you choose to act as one -- actually let me take that back, it would be an insult to monkeys worldwide to call you a monkey -- you are after all a spring onion.
Not related to guns or rockets but I think this signifies a deep problem in Pakistani psyche vis-a-vis Afghanistan.


You've got to be kidding me! Pakistanis will never learn.

Do they not see what previous efforts to *help* the Afghans have wrought us?!?!

After hosting million of Afghans in our homes for over three decades the Afghans hate us Pakistanis.

Pakistanis have to pretend to be Indians to escape harassment in Afghanistan.

Any precious Pakistani resources, net time, schools should go to the poor people of Pakistan and not the ungrateful nation of Afghanistan. If we must, there are countless other nations in the world to extend a hand of friendship: Somalia, Chad, Madagascar, and others come to mind.
Is not Pakistan beholden to Afghanistan.

Pakistan is the reason why Afghanistan is in a mess to this day. It is Pakistan who supported the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Had Pakistan not interfered and ruled Afghanistan by proxy in search for its 'strategic depth', then Afghanistan today would have been a much more prosperous nation.

And this is one of the reasons(among others) why Afghans dont like Pakistani's.

Your country Sir, is duty bound to support them now, as your country has been the cause of their misery.
Is not Pakistan beholden to Afghanistan.

Pakistan is the reason why Afghanistan is in a mess to this day. It is Pakistan who supported the Taliban in Afghanistan. Had Pakistan not interfered and ruled Afghanistan by proxy in search for its 'strategic depth', then Afghanistan today would have been a much more prosperous nation.

Nope. Funny how you completely missed the part of Russia invading and constant Indian support to Northern Alliance during this whole period.
I advocate a foreign policy i which we don't interfere or intervene in internal matters of any state and stop acting like the thekaydaran-e-Islam. We should stop helping states on the basis of the ''Ummah''. Because we have only got ungratefulness in return. Let's focus on the current Pakistan
There is no harm in Training the Afghan forces but we should get the same amount in return as if we are training Any Non muslim state
actually we are training afghan forces..... we cal them afghan taliban......... afghanistan+US+nato+india are doing the same favour to us but they call it TTP AID:lol::lol:

I think we should stop hating afghanistan, afterall by hating them we are actually making a road for india to afghanistan..... just think about it guys:frown:
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Is not Pakistan beholden to Afghanistan.

Pakistan is the reason why Afghanistan is in a mess to this day. It is Pakistan who supported the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Had Pakistan not interfered and ruled Afghanistan by proxy in search for its 'strategic depth', then Afghanistan today would have been a much more prosperous nation.

And this is one of the reasons(among others) why Afghans dont like Pakistani's.

Your country Sir, is duty bound to support them now, as your country has been the cause of their misery.

I'm surprised that for a *contrarian* your reading of history is rather selective.

Tell me, surely you must have read about Daud Khan, Taraki, Hafeezullah Amin, Babrak Karmal's anti-Pakistan antics. Pakistan only responded in kind.

Pakistan and Iran (and yes even India) may not be blameless but the overwhelming proportion of the responsibility of Afghanistan's misery rests with the Afghans.
Nope. Funny how you completely missed the part of Russia invading and constant Indian support to Northern Alliance during this whole period.
I thought the then Govt of Afghanistan invited them. Is that information wrong?
And yes, GoI supported the opponents of Taliban. Any civilized nation should oppose Taliban.

Nope, so is Russia, America, the CIA, MI5, and about every other western state that wanted rid of the USSR!
Yes. They are equally guilty.
However, they were the ones who provided the gun to you. Pakistan was the one who used the gun to shoot. Pakistan has primary culpability.

Had Pakistan stayed away from the Afghan affairs, not tried to interfere in their domestic issues, today Afghanistan would have been a far more prosperous and stable nation than what it is now.

Pakistan's search for strategic depth with all its attendant connotations and constant use of the term 'brother country' automatically makes Pakistani's think that they know what is best for Afghanistan - even better than Afghans.

I'm surprised that for a *contrarian* your reading of history is rather selective.

Tell me, surely you must have read about Daud Khan, Taraki, Hafeezullah Amin, Babrak Karmal's anti-Pakistan antics. Pakistan only responded in kind.

Pakistan and Iran (and yes even India) may not be blameless but the overwhelming proportion of the responsibility of Afghanistan's misery rests with the Afghans.
No Sir.
My understanding of Pak Mil's motivations in Afghanistan are what drives an understanding of what is happening there today.
Had Pakistan Army not wanted an extended playground, it would have stopped support to the Taliban long ago.

Even today, Pakistan supports Afghan Taliban. The Pakistani population still has a very romantic view of the Talibs as warriors of Islam and thence support it.
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Lmao tovt of Afghanistan in ited them... Than why were they slaughtered by Democratic Party of Afghanistan? Aka the communist party of Afghanistan? And why did the people start a resistance against the soviets and why were 1 million afghanis killed n millions became refugees?
No Sir.
My understanding of Pak Mil's motivations in Afghanistan are what drives an understanding of what is happening there today.
Had Pakistan Army not wanted an extended playground, it would have stopped support to the Taliban long ago.

Even today, Pakistan supports Afghan Taliban. The Pakistani population still has a very romantic view of the Talibs as warriors of Islam and thence support it.


You do know that Afghanistan's successive leaders supported expertise movements in Pakistan first. It was not until Zulfikar Ali Bhutto that Pakistan adopted an Afghan forward policy -- Almost 30 years after Afghans cast the first stones.

History did not start with the Taliban.
Yes. They are equally guilty.
However, they were the ones who provided the gun to you. Pakistan was the one who used the gun to shoot. Pakistan has primary culpability.

Had Pakistan stayed away from the Afghan affairs, not tried to interfere in their domestic issues, today Afghanistan would have been a far more prosperous and stable nation than what it is now.

Pakistan's search for strategic depth with all its attendant connotations and constant use of the term 'brother country' automatically makes Pakistani's think that they know what is best for Afghanistan - even better than Afghans..

INDIANS and INDIA has not lived with Afghan's on their soil for 27 years. SO YOU GUYS HAVE NO RIGHT TO LECTURE ANYONE!
INDIANS and INDIA has not lived with Afghan's on their soil for 27 years. SO YOU GUYS HAVE NO RIGHT TO LECTURE ANYONE!

So Niazi Bhai if we were to bring a seasoned Taliban fighter & you together in a ring - Do you think you'd be able to best him in a hand-to-hand fight ? :azn:

Ya phir kahiiin 'Begum Bachaoooo' kiii awaz tou nahin aaiii giii aaap seiii ! :whistle:
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