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Afghanistan province could fall back into Taliban control

I don't understand this "Can"/"Could" kind of idiotic reports. US negotiated withdrawal with Taliban, so there's no question of can/could - only thing to see is how much peaceful/bloody this transition will be for people of Afghanistan. I don't want more refugees coming to Pakistan.
I don't understand this "Can"/"Could" kind of idiotic reports. US negotiated withdrawal with Taliban, so there's no question of can/could - only thing to see is how much peaceful/bloody this transition will be for people of Afghanistan. I don't want more refugees coming to Pakistan.
I think whats shocking is the rapid defeat of the Kabul security forces. I expected them to put up more of a fight. USA think tank experts and Kabul regime representatives keep pushing the narrative that the Kabul security forces can defeat the Talibs as long as they get funding. Seems they are losing even with the funding....corrupt Kabul elites are most likely using the money for penthouses in Dubai they will flee to.

The Quad's Afghan op also shows the Quads fragmented dis-unified nature. Plus the quad collectively made big strategic miscalculations and showed a lack of understanding of the "Indo-Pacific" region on the ground. Any wonder why the Australians shake their heads today wondering what the effort was about.
I don't understand this "Can"/"Could" kind of idiotic reports. US negotiated withdrawal with Taliban, so there's no question of can/could - only thing to see is how much peaceful/bloody this transition will be for people of Afghanistan. I don't want more refugees coming to Pakistan.
Yes, you’re right. The reality is that the Doha peace agreement was signed between the Nato occupation forces and Afghan Taliban for safe withdrawal of occupation forces from Afghanistan. The puppet regimes was not a part of either negotiations or the agreement. Occupiers knew the real worth of their puppets and no one in world treats puppets as real actors. Only Afghan Taliban were accepted as the real actors in Afghanistan by the whole world including the occupying Nato countries. It’s just a matter of time when these puppets get their fat a$$ kicked and thrown out by Afghan Taliban. These puppets have no roots in Afghanistan. They were just installed as showpiece by their occupying masters.

Most of these reporters/bloggers are utterly ignorant. Or they might be spreading disinformation on purpose.
People in Afghanistan are chanting "rarawan de rarawan, taliban taliban".

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