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Afghanistan plans for first national women’s cricket team


May 25, 2010
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Afghanistan plans for first national women’s cricket team

Afghanistan is to get its first national women’s cricket team, the sport’s governing body in the country said on Thursday, announcing plans for it to compete in an international tournament next year.
“This development is so exciting for our young women cricketers and their families and supporters,” said Diana, women’s cricket development officer at the Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB), in a statement.
The women’s cricket uniform will include a headscarf or hijab and is modelled on the one worn by the United Arab Emirates’ women’s side, it added.
Women’s participation in sport in Afghanistan has increased since the 2001 fall of the hardline Islamist Taliban. Sprinter-turned-lawmaker Robina Jalali made it to the Olympic Games in 2004 and 2008, competing in a hijab or traditional Muslim headscarf.
Football and basketball teams have sprung up in some urban areas, but women’s full involvement in sports is still lacking — as in other areas of society — and in many rural areas women rarely leave their homes.
The ACB said the team’s participation in next February’s short-format Twenty20 tournament in Kuwait would be the first time Afghan women will have taken part in cricket matches abroad.
More than 100 young women currently play the game in the capital Kabul and three have recently attended umpire training courses. The ACB has also set up coaching sessions to attract more girls and young women to the sport.
Coaching takes place in four girls’ schools, a “women only” park and an orphanage in Kabul, the organisation said.
A women’s tournament will be held to select the national side for the competition in the Gulf state, which is organised by the Asian Cricket Council.
The ACB said it has plans to build a cricket academy for women in Kabul that would provide the “culturally appropriate situation for women cricketers”.
“Women’s cricket provides an opportunity for Afghan young women to be fit and have healthier and more active lives,” said ACB chief executive Hamid Shinwari.
Women's Cricket: Afghanistan's Secretive New Sport


The dust storm whips through town and obscures the mud-brick farming compounds built into the rocky hillsides 12 miles west of Kabul. The bustling thoroughfares of the Afghan capital, with its women in jeans and loose headscarves, have given way to men on rickshaws and the ghost-like figures of women in burqas that whip around them in the wind. "This neighborhood has lots of mujahideen and people who are close-minded. If they are not Taliban, they have a Taliban mentality," says Mohammed Ajmal Barakzai of his neighbors in Paghman District. "So we keep a low profile so as not to create a problem."
Barakzai is being secretive about Afghanistan's first national women's cricket team, which is using Paghman as its practice grounds — albeit shielded by a high brick wall from public view. The team, where he is assistant coach, isn't typical of Afghanistan, certainly not of Paghman. Last year, Barakzai's father, Mohamed Naeem, returned from a decade in exile in Pakistan with an unusual mission: to set up a cricket team on which his four cricket-loving daughters could play. The plan quickly mushroomed into a family dream for a national women's cricket team.
(See how cricket's impossible record was broken.)
Cricket had already hit it big in Afghanistan, with enthusiasm for the sport fueled by 3 million refugees returning from Pakistan, where it is hugely popular. Afghanistan's national men's team was one of 12 top teams to compete in this year's International Cricket Council Twenty20 international cricket tournament — a first for Afghanistan and a matter of huge national pride. During President Hamid Karzai's visit to Washington in May, Hillary Clinton even used the war-torn country's cricket team as a model for overcoming adversity. "I might suggest that if we are searching for a model of how to meet tough international challenges with skill, dedication and teamwork, we need only look to the Afghan national cricket team," she said, speaking alongside the Afghan president.
(See pictures of a speeded up version of cricket.)
That was the men. For the women's team however, one might speak more of the domestic challenges. Eight years after the fall of the Taliban, women's cricket — like other initiatives for women — still lags far behind. And despite efforts by the Afghanistan Olympic Committee to bring sports to girls in Afghan schools and establish national teams, the country had yet to see a national women's cricket team — until two weeks ago.
Most of the players are teens with little to no prior cricket experience. They pile into taxis and rickshaws several days a week to journey from Kabul to Naeem's rented home in Paghman, where the family borrowed a tractor to smooth a fallow plot of land into a makeshift cricket pitch. It's a routine that would be unacceptable for most girls in Afghanistan's provinces, but most members of Naeem's team hail from relatively well-educated families, or at least families exposed to the more liberal leanings of Kabul. Naeem says all of the girls' parents have approved their travel to India to participate in a tournament next month — provided he can find the money. "They are motivating me," says Madina Wahidi, 18, of her parents and her sport. "I want to be world famous."
For the Afghan Olympic Committee, the cricket team marks the latest of over two dozen women's teams to be registered across 21 sports — all developed since 2002. "Six months after the collapse of the Taliban, we started to go into schools to establish teams," says Shamsol Ayot Alam, head of social women's sports at the Afghanistan Olympic Committee. But Alam received "warnings" at first: that girls shouldn't be playing sports; and a year ago, she received a threat over the phone. Around the same time, a man on a motorcycle drove into the girl's basketball team, injuring one of the players. Still, she says there are now around 2,000 female athletes participating in sports in Kabul — most of them in schools.
Then again, as Naeem has learned over a year of organizing, the fact that his players are women is only one of the challenges. And Afghan sports are no more immune to the rampant corruption, inefficiency, and cronyism than other Afghanistan institutions. On a few weekdays, when TIME visited, Olympic Committee staff sat in cramped offices at empty desks. Some stared listlessly into space. Others lamented their low government salaries. And no one appeared to be working.
But accomplishing just about anything official in Afghanistan can be a challenge if you don't have the right connections. And Naeem says it's a mix of politics and tribal loyalties — not gender — that has so far kept the women from getting sponsorship from the Afghanistan Cricket Board, which manages the men's team. "The majority of the cricket board is Pashtun, and they don't want a non-Pashtun team," says Naeem, who is himself a Pashtun, but says his team is a mix of Pashtuns and Tajiks. "They like their own tribes from the border and they like Pakistanis," he says. Head coach Diana Barakzai, Naeem's eldest daughter, adds: "For us, it doesn't matter as long as they're Afghans."
Naeem has been unable to mobilize financial sponsorship — a failure that he likewise attributes to cricket board maneuvering. The chairman of the cricket board is also Afghanistan's finance minister — a post with close ties to Kabul's rapidly developing economy, and a common example of overlapping responsibilities in a system fraught with corruption. "Azizi Bank Foundation had promised some money to prepare the cricket pitch, but today they said they have other priorities now," says Naeem. "The banks are under control of the finance ministry." Emal Shinwari, CEO of the Cricket Board says the rejection of Naeem's team had nothing to do with tribe, gender or politics; it was merely a matter of budget.
Funding and recognition will be the team's most crucial obstacles moving forward. The team has been invited to competitions in New Zealand and Argentina, but had to decline the invitations without official backing and official funds. "We were ready for it, but we couldn't make it," says head coach Diana Barakzai. It was only because of Olympic Committee sponsorship that the team was assigned a practice field for training. But the pitch was deemed unsuitable for girls because it isn't "covered" from public view, so Naeem continues to pay for the transport of his players to Paghman. "In Afghanistan, if they play in public, people will disturb them and say girls cannot play cricket," explains Ajmal, the assistant coach.
Additionally, some national players are spread across the country, in cities like Mazar-e-Sharif and Ghor, making it impossible for them to practice as a group more than once a month. On any given practice day, only 10 of the 15-person national team members can make it. The session is supplemented by younger cricket trainees from the family's now 200-strong cricket workshops, where enrollment is free.
It may be a long time before Naeem has the resources to create Afghanistan's first female cricket heroes. But he seems patient. "My dream is that my daughters, my team, go to another country and bring me a cup of victory from an international competition," Naeem says. "If I have a chance, I'll make a team of retired people too."

Read more: Women's Cricket: Afghanistan's Secretive New Sport - TIME
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First women's cricket team for Afghanistan

By Phil Hazlewood (AFP) – 3 days ago
KABUL — Afghanistan is to get its first national women's cricket team, the sport's governing body in the country said on Thursday, announcing plans for it to compete in an international tournament next year.
"This development is so exciting for our young women cricketers and their families and supporters," said Diana, women's cricket development officer at the Afghanistan Cricket Board (ACB), in a statement.
"We love our country and hope to support it through our sport. Seeing a women's cricket team in the Asian Cup will do so much to raise the hopes of many women here," added Diana, who like many Afghans uses only one name.
Women's participation in sport in Afghanistan has increased since the 2001 fall of the hardline Islamist Taliban, who banned education for girls and forced women to retreat behind the all-enveloping burqa.
Sprinter-turned-lawmaker Robina Jalali made it to the Olympic Games in 2004 and 2008, competing in a hijab or traditional Muslim headscarf.
Football and basketball teams have sprung up in some urban areas, but women's full involvement in sports is still lacking -- as in other areas of society -- and in many rural areas women rarely leave their homes.
The ACB said the team's participation in next February's short-format Twenty20 tournament in Kuwait would be the first time Afghan women will have taken part in cricket matches abroad.
More than 100 young women currently play the game in the capital Kabul and three have recently attended umpire training courses. The ACB has also set up coaching sessions to attract more girls and young women to the sport.
Coaching takes place in four girls' schools, a "women only" park and an orphanage in Kabul, the organisation said.
A women's tournament will be held to select the national side for the competition in the Gulf state, which is organised by the Asian Cricket Council.
The ACB said it has plans to build a cricket academy for women in Kabul that would provide the "culturally appropriate situation for women cricketers".
The women's cricket uniform will include a headscarf or hijab and is modelled on the one worn by the United Arab Emirates' women's side, it added.
"Women?s cricket provides an opportunity for Afghan young women to be fit and have healthier and more active lives," said ACB chief executive Hamid Shinwari.
"The ACB has a strong commitment to developing the game for women in a way that is good for them and, at the same time, respects our Islamic and Afghan values.
"Women?s cricket will build self-esteem, leadership and positive values for young women in our country, just as it is doing for young men."
Cricket in Afghanistan is taking off after the men's national side qualified for the Twenty20 World Cup held in the West Indies earlier this year.
The team is currently preparing to play in the Asian Games from Saturday.
Cricket for the disabled is also thriving, with a number of teams made up of players who lost limbs to the landmines and other explosive materiel left behind from nearly three decades of bitter conflict and civil war.
Many Afghan cricketers learned the sport in neighbouring Pakistan after fleeing the violence as refugees.
Afghan cricket is developing but playing facilities are lacking: Kabul is home to 22 cricket clubs but only one cricket ground while the men's national side plays its matches in Sharjah in the UAE for security reasons.
@Ahmad... what else would you suggest be a better thing to do.

Congrats to the new team!
Hahaa... interesting comment. How about focusing on the 20-20 format then? :cheers:

oh man, what is that? but trust me cricket doesnt have many followers in afghanistan, although they have a team, there are some reasons taht i wont mention it here.
Good news,
we need Afghanistan to play all major sports :)

Really glad to hear that

bhai cricket is played by only 11 players.... you have millions of women's population, don't worry - its not going to affect everybody's life... perhaps only few dozens of peoples and that too they will be playing for their country's pride

I don't find any reason why they shouldn't be playing cricket.... let them play yara
oh man, what is that? but trust me cricket doesnt have many followers in afghanistan, although they have a team, there are some reasons taht i wont mention it here.

Hey at least the women are doing something productive. It'll give Afghanistan a positive image. I agree there are "reasons" to disapprove, but as long as the people are happy and they find something they like. I'm positive Afghanis will show their talent. :cheers:

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