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Afghanistan may take military action against Pakistan: Min.

Waisa i don't understand kah why havent we done anything up till now against this bastard regime in Afghanistan. This Karzai harami leaves no stones unturned in accusing Pakistan and blaming us for everything while fully supporting elements like fazalullah and co.
We should had bombed them long ago. Why the wait. We should take a page out of Israel and blow these scum bags back to the hole they pop from
The ongoing rift between the regional partners is a cause for concern. At the end of the day, The U.S., Afghanistan and Pakistan share a common vision in regards to restoring peace in the region. Our failure to work together only shifts the advantage in our common enemies favor. Rest assured our common enemies would love to see us remain tangled in our differences for the sake of gaining advantage. Ultimately, it is up to us to realize the importance of ironing out any differences for the sake of achieving our common objectives. We are fighting the same terrorists and suffering at the hands of the same terrorists. We have made too many sacrifices to let our differences prevail over our shared peace objectives in the region. We wish to see the regional partners overcome any issues and form a healthy partnership for the betterment of the region.

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
We have nothing in common, either with the Taliban, nor with NLA thugs running Afghanistan.

The ongoing rift between the regional partners is a cause for concern. At the end of the day, The U.S., Afghanistan and Pakistan share a common vision in regards to restoring peace in the region. Our failure to work together only shifts the advantage in our common enemies favor. Rest assured our common enemies would love to see us remain tangled in our differences for the sake of gaining advantage. Ultimately, it is up to us to realize the importance of ironing out any differences for the sake of achieving our common objectives. We are fighting the same terrorists and suffering at the hands of the same terrorists. We have made too many sacrifices to let our differences prevail over our shared peace objectives in the region. We wish to see the regional partners overcome any issues and form a healthy partnership for the betterment of the region.

Ali Khan

Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
Retaliation with what? lol. cant stop afghan taliban....daring Pakistan army....Afghan Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi time to stop dreaming
oh goshhhh... give me a break... they still think it is 11th century when barbaric ghauris and ghaznavis used to attack India.. it is high time Pakistan fences the Durand Line for good with 100 amperes of current flowing through it! Afghans are just mean.. they don't know how much Pakistan has suffered for them..
oh goshhhh... give me a break... they still think it is 11th century when barbaric ghauris and ghaznavis used to attack India.. it is high time Pakistan fences the Durand Line for good with 100 amperes of current flowing through it! Afghans are just mean.. they don't know how much Pakistan has suffered for them..

load shedding
Afghans can't co-exist with us, that's a fact we must all accept.

Our goals should be to keep some relations with them, but always at arms length and make sure, neither has influence over the other, on a people to people level or government.

load shedding

Best comment of the thread award. :lol:
Afghanistan may take military action against Pakistan: Afghan minister

This isn't good. Pakistanis should also refrain from falling into the bait.
Pakistan kicking indian-backed vermin inside Afgaynistan is giving too much heart ache to Indian losers
afgaynistan and hindia both thought they can put the squeeze on Pakistan due to presence of NATO/US but that didnt happen -- FAIL :P
Afghans are most welcome to attack us , we'll gladly nuke the crap out of them.
India is anyway backing these thugs , we should do cruise missile attacks on building housing Indian vermin , like the Indian embassy in Kabul and other consulates
WOW! Dude check your pants looks like you've sh!t your pants just by hearing the news :omghaha:
India is anyway backing these thugs , we should do cruise missile attacks on building housing Indian vermin , like the Indian embassy in Kabul and other consulates

And you guys would be replied...with a few Brahmos missiles..
On Topic: I think afghans have got enough arms to keep their enemy at bay.
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