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Afghanistan may take military action against Pakistan: Min.

Afghanistan is graveyard for invadors/attackers with help of PAKISTANIS.

why they are even bothered over shelling ? The ANA had been shelling into Pakistani areas so we are merely retaliating.

They tried to push terrorists and we chased and fired
There was no pakistan during three anglo-afghan wars.
Mostly pakistani artillary and rockets targated kunar and nuristan for last few years, but yea ANA also retiliated some times. But both never crossed border to chase militants. This is outrageous provokation by raheel sharif to cross into afghanistan so shamelessly.
Believe it or not , ANA faces similar situation with haqqani network. Haqqani militants attack ANA and run into pakistan, and ANA had to stop at the border.
Ghairatmand pashtuns of pakistan will not let that happen, whenever you have dirty thoughts of nuking afghanistan, imagine 35 pashtuns of pakistan standing in your way
Lol at Ghairatman .. that Ghairat went away when they sold their Lands to foreign Fighters , and gifted their daughters to them , that ghairat went away when they blew Mosques & killed scores of civilians ... this Ghairat you speek of is nothign but a mere Illusion which only exists inside your head , just to feed your oversized Ego.
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SSG better than the best
The Men:cool::cool::cool:
A pashto proverb "kor che kho maizhay hum ganda yi". Matlab "ghar may tou chewinti bi khatarnak ho jati hey".
Pak army is struggling with ground operations in its own terrain of FATA, you expect them to some how be magical in performance unfamiliar territory of afghanistan?. Their advantage and superiority would be air power, not these SSG failures
Containing and Quarantining an area population. And Cleaning Insurgents from population is a very different kind of warfare that is heavily dependent on Intelligence data and many other factors. And it is a Political issue in Pakistan that hampers the military operation. It only takes a Total Green signal to clear Bajaur or SWAT in weeks.

Taking out a military Establishment or a Militant Training camp is a totally different story.
So my Afghan friend stop day dreaming. This SSG is one of the best Special Forces in The world. Read details of SWAT operation a bit.
This is a 67 Years old Veteran Force with 7th largest Standind Army you talk about. We are trained to defend our selves against 7 Times greater army then us and World 4th largest the Formidable Indian Armed Forces. Afghanistan will be an Ant under the boot for PA.
But Regardless of this Fact, I still Pray that this time never come, And Afghan Forces grow stronger and become capable to Defend there people and contribute to a Stable Afghanistan. And a day should come when ANA and PA do joint operations against Insurgents .
And i say Pakistan should give any support Possible to ANA if they ask for it.
But dont day dream. We are not your enemies. These strikes in Afghanistan are against TTP not against your Govt or any ANA Establishment. It is beneficial for region if these insurgents are killed. Dont get touchy, be realist
Lol at Ghairatman .. that Ghairat went away when they sold theri Lands to foreign Fighters , and gifted their daughters to them , that ghairat went away when they blew Mosques & killed scores of civilians ... this Ghairat you speek of is nothign but a mere Illusion which only exists inside your head , just to feed your oversized Ego.

Bro let's not curse and generalise against a whole ethnicity. We love our pushtun bros and can surely tolerate a bit of ego:)
I agree with you about air power but SSG are joke
While i do agree that SSG suffered some causalities in Tirah Operation , however that was due to bad operational planning , poor intelligence & support , even after all that they still killed TTP scumms with a D:K ratio higher then anyone before , just few teams cleared villages faster then whole platoon used to do .

these are the same SSG who were dropped in the middle of TTP forces in swat & they slaughtered them inside out , were the main reason swat operation went as smoothly as it did , SSG scored the most kills in swat operation .

well I can list the operations they did & their achievements , unfortunately I am not allowed to , so you can think what you want , make any story you like or create any hypothetical scenario you want , at the end it still wont change the reality .

your so famed Guerilla experts TTP , have been slaughtered with the Kill Ratio of 10:1 by regular troops of Army (with the exception of few incidents ) .

Bro let's not curse and generalise against a whole ethnicity. We love our pushtun bros and can surely tolerate a bit of ego:)
I Love Pushtoon, some of my best Friends are pushtoons , hell even my Best friends is a pushtoon , and even they say that the concept of Ghairat is lost .
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Containing and Quarantining an area population. And Cleaning Insurgents from population is a very different kind of warfare that is heavily dependent on Intelligence data and many other factors. And it is a Political issue in Pakistan that hampers the military operation. It only takes a Total Green signal to clear Bajaur or SWAT in weeks.

Taking out a military Establishment or a Militant Training camp is a totally different story.
So my Afghan friend stop day dreaming. This SSG is one of the best Special Forces in The world. Read details of SWAT operation a bit.
This is a 67 Years old Veteran Force with 7th largest Standind Army you talk about. We are trained to defend our selves against 7 Times greater army then us and World 4th largest the Formidable Indian Armed Forces. Afghanistan will be an Ant under the boot for PA.
But Regardless of this Fact, I still Pray that this time never come, And Afghan Forces grow stronger and become capable to Defend there people and contribute to a Stable Afghanistan. And a day should come when ANA and PA do joint operations against Insurgents .
And i say Pakistan should give any support Possible to ANA if they ask for it.
But dont day dream. We are not your enemies. These strikes in Afghanistan are against TTP not against your Govt or any ANA Establishment. It is beneficial for region if these insurgents are killed. Dont get touchy, be realist
I dont care, ANA and pak army can kill each other off to their heart content, my concern is for unarmed pashtun civilians in waziristan or kun, Raheel shareef is behaving like general tikka khan and i am bothered about it.
Lar and bar one Afghan. Its simple. I have same thoughts like mahmood achakzai.

I am somehow very hopeful that you will start to love Pakistan, if not you then your children, if not them then their children. It's just a function of time. :)
He is ignoring SSG??????
Their training and mental toughness is unbelievable.I can bet on SSG against any special unit of the world without any hesitation.
But I would say SSG (N) is the best we got.They are trained by US Navy SEALs and SSG.Their work during 1971 war was impressive when they took out key people.
He is ignoring SSG??????
Their training and mental toughness is unbelievable.I can bet on SSG against any special unit of the world without any hesitation.
But I would say SSG (N) is the best we got.They are trained by US Navy SEALs and SSG.Their work during 1971 war was impressive when they took out key people.View attachment 33798

Don't take him seriously, he worship "super human" Afghanis which is grave sin in Islam :cry:
And as for Pakistan and Afghanistan. One day both will grow up like France and Germany.
While i do agree that SSG suffer some causalities in Tirah Operation , however that was due to bad operational planning , poor intelligence & support , even after all that they still killed TTP scumms with a D:K ration higher then anyone before , just few teams cleared villages faster then whole platoon used to do .

these are the same SSG who were dropped in the middle of TTP forces in swat & they slaughtered them inside out , were the main reason swat operation went as smoothly as it did , SSG scored the most kills in swat operation .

well I can list the operations they did & their achievements , unfortunately I am not allowed to , so you can think what you want , make any story you like or create any hypothetical scenario you want , at the end it still wont change the reality .

your so famed Guerilla experts TTP , have been slaughtered with the Kill Ratio of 10:1 by regular troops of Army (with the exception of few incidents ) .

I Love Pushtoon, some of my best Friends are pushtoons , hell even my Best friends is a pushtoon , and even they say that the concept of Ghairat is lost .
The concept of ghairat might be lost for your kind and your pathani friends, but not for us. The things is, you desis/indics have different interpretation of word ghairat. In our langauge, it is very broad concept, one of which is qaumi ghairat. I was talking about qaumi ghairat and wrorwali of 35 million pakhtuns of pakistan. Ask your pathani friends about nuking afghanistan, depending on their answer to you, one can judge them ghairati or beghairat
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