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Afghanistan has optional routes if enemies think to block trade routes: President Ashraf Ghani

Central Asia doesn't want to deal with Afghanistan unless Pakistan takes responsibility for Afghanistan. Iran, Russia, Turkey, and China are on board because of Pakistan. And Afghanistan cannot deal with India without Pakistan geographically.

So there lies the answer. Stop being stubborn, Mrs Afghanistan Pakistan!!! :D
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Pakistan government should fix the issue of border management and should allow the trade between us and them.
No Afghani should be allowed to Pakistan without visa, we can not disallow people from Afghanistan or other countries, but we should allow them to enter after proper Security checkup and identification.
Afghanistan and Pakistan (being Islamic and neighbors) should discuss all the issues on the table and find a solution that benefits both of the countries.
It's seems like Pakistani blockade of Afghan boarder is causing more panic in Indian circles then Afghans.

"Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan Sign Railway MoU around in March 2013 expected to be complete 2015. A 400 km long line that will go from Atamyrat-Ymamnazar, Turkmenistan, to Akina-Andkhoy, Afghanistan, then east to Panj, Tajikistan. According to Ashraf Ghani "that will eventually connect Iran and China via Afghanistan".


Hope fully they are connected by now. But either way Afghan's have to be dependent on other neighboring countries if not Iran and Pakistan, then others (And on their terms).

Forgetting one thing here Mr.Ghani, The dynamics of region is changing.

"The Afghan government “has lost territory to the insurgency” and “district control continues to decline,” the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said in its most recent quarterly report to United States Congress. An estimated 15 percent of Afghanistan’s districts have slipped from the government’s control over that time period.

The picture is more bleak than what the Obama administration and top military commanders have let on when looked at from a longer distance. According to SIGAR, the Afghan government controls or influences just 52 percent of the nation’s districts today compared to 72 percent in Nov. 2015."


In this scenario only Afghan's historic friend India has courage to pursuit their betterment dreams about Afghanistan. Possibly sending Indian troops to secure Afghan government + securing their trade corridor routes and fund them to run the government as well. Because as a superpower US has proved her self failed to do so.
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It's seems like Pakistani blockade of Afghan boarder is causing more panic in Indian circles then Afghans.

"Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan Sign Railway MoU around in March 2013 expected to be complete 2015. A 400 km long line that will go from Atamyrat-Ymamnazar, Turkmenistan, to Akina-Andkhoy, Afghanistan, then east to Panj, Tajikistan. According to Ashraf Ghani "that will eventually connect Iran and China via Afghanistan".


Hope fully they are connected by now. But either way Afghan's have to be dependent on other neighboring countries if not Iran and Pakistan, then others (And on their terms).

Forgetting one thing here Mr.Ghani, The dynamics of region is changing.

"The Afghan government “has lost territory to the insurgency” and “district control continues to decline,” the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said in its most recent quarterly report to United States Congress. An estimated 15 percent of Afghanistan’s districts have slipped from the government’s control over that time period.

The picture is more bleak than what the Obama administration and top military commanders have let on when looked at from a longer distance. According to SIGAR, the Afghan government controls or influences just 52 percent of the nation’s districts today compared to 72 percent in Nov. 2015."


In this scenario only Afghan's historic friend India has courage to pursuit their betterment dreams about Afghanistan. Possibly sending Indian troops to secure Afghan government + securing their trade corridor routes and fund them to run the government as well. Because as a superpower US has proved her self failed to do so.

Oh i am so praying for the Hindus to cross the hindu kush again...

please modi ji, send troops to afganistan
After the occupation in 1947, India automatically become the United Nations member (She did not apply for a UN membership), while Pakistan needed to apply, and Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British India. Pakistan was created as a new country on 14th of August 1947.

By the way Islamic Republic of Afghanistan become member of UN in 1946 even before the creation of Pakistan by the British.
  1. After the occupation in 1947, India automatically become the United Nations member (She did not apply for a UN membership), while Pakistan needed to apply, and Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British India. Pakistan was created as a new country on 14th of August 1947.

    By the way Islamic Republic of Afghanistan become member of UN in 1946 even before the creation of Pakistan by the British.
    Are you that ignorant as your name sound? Pakistan created by British?
Someone please shut that bi*ch permanently by closing border and all Afghans back to their country. We're their biggest enemies anyway, so, let it be.
Thanks God, we've started building Pak-Afghan border fence.
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Oh i am so praying for the Hindus to cross the hindu kush again...

please modi ji, send troops to afganistan
ha ha hindu kush name implies tons of historical wisdom. India will get a bloody nose again
Those who challenge or undermine the integerity of the Pak State can never be trusted. EVER.

Pak must fence the border for good. Allow access/traffic through proper, designated checkpoints and to only legitmate people.

AF can go to india and party there...they belong to the same camp.

Any failure not to do so will only bring more grief to Pak....unless and until AF mends its ways and join Sino-Pak Axis fully... Pak must keep the pressure on these bought indian stooges in AF.
Neither is Pakistan Taliban an international movement. Pakistani Taliban is also a Pashtun movement and confined to Pakistan. So why do you say Pakistan Taliban is terror organization? Anyway, why was Osama protected by Afghan Taliban? What is the relations between AQ and Afghan Taliban? Moreover, do you know that Pakistan Taliban and Afghan Taliban show allegiance to the same person. Lack of knowledge of the region is from you and not from me.

As on Chabahar, I would say CPEC is more risky and controversial than Chabahar. What business Pakistan has building CPEC through GB that Pakistan itself calls a disputed territory? What happens to CPEC in case of GB joining Indian union? Chabahar doesn't pass through any disputed territory.
You indian are biggest jokers of the world ...GB joining india ..hahahahahahaha good joke
THANKS GOD.. if they use other routes and have no interaction with Paksitan
IMHO, here "they" implies Doval the Devil's and Modi the Melun's very own "Last Afgan"(s)!!!!

So basically the head of Afghan state has declared Pakistan an enemy.

Scums are desperate and hurting.
But, that state is for the "Last Afgan"(s)!!!

*I don't know why but this "Last Afgan" has got into my psyche!!!

Then go ahead and see how expensive the things become and go out of reach of already deprived people. the route they are talking about are either from Chabahar or from Central Asia. both ways a much longer and time consuming and proper infra structure is also not present to support such big transportation. and every area has its own landlord, they will either have to convince the warlord or capture and secure the route areas to do so. still not impossible to do. Better to for alternate routes because we are done with Afghans..
The route might be like this: take the road STRAIGHT toward CA, take a RIGHT turn into the CPEC toward Pak, stay ON CPEC, it's GWADAR - you've reached your destination!!!!
Afghan Government is successful in bringing in Taliban and other groups in the mainstream and here the role of Republic of Turkey and Republic of India is clearly visible. United States of America is aware of all this.

Afghanistan cast a negative vote followed by Parliament nullification in 1949 of all treaties signed between Afghanistan and the British . And even during that time Afghanistan Establisment was having valid arguement against Durrand Line .

We Indians are aware about this that Pakistan was created by British against the wishes of the majority of Indians in 1947. Religion card was played to divide the unity of Indians after the 1857 war.

Air Corridor is already there between Afghanistan and other nations but here Pakistan Establishment doesnt want Indian goods to enter Afghanistan markets and this is creating problems for Afghanistan.
Muslims made Pakistan as a transitory step. It will be ppermanent when Pakistanis will join rest of the subcontinent with it.

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