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Afghanistan 'furious' over speculated US 7 billion military aid to Pakistan


Feb 2, 2007
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- A report in the Washington Post claiming that Pakistan is set to receive approximately 7 billion US dollars in military hardware from departing US troops has angered Afghan officials, while reigniting old Durand Line wounds.

A report in the Washington Post claiming that US military authorities have been in discussions with their Pakistani counterparts to hand over approximately 7 billion US dollars worth of military hardware to Afghanistan’s neighbour has stunned and enraged much of the Afghan media, reigniting old Durand Line wounds.

Despite Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and NATO troops fighting insurgencies in Afghanistan side-by-side in the last decade, a source in the report claims Pakistan is close to securing nearly 1,600 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles and other modern military hardware which Afghan forces were hoping to receive.

“No final decision has been made on the handover of the equipment and it is still being discussed,” said Sedid Sediqi, spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of Interior Affairs (MoIA), talking on Farakhabar, a program on Tolo News. “We hope that this decision will not be made and the equipment is not handed over to Pakistan”.

Sediqi says that Afghan forces have become accustomed to handling and using MRAP vehicles. “We really need them. We desperately need modern equipment,” added Sediqi.

“Afghanistan Betrayed”

Afghanistan Times ran with the headline: ‘Afghanistan Betrayed’, asking why such valuable military equipment should go to Afghanistan’s neighbour and not Afghan forces themselves. “The US has deliberately preferred Pakistan over Afghanistan. The latter has been fighting terrorism sincerely and bleeding profusely, but the US largesse has always showered on Pakistan,” wrote Afghanistan Times on the morning of March 24.

In its lead editorial on March 18, Hasht-e Subh – Afghanistan’s most-circulated daily – said others were benefitting from Afghanistan’s sacrifice.

“The people of Afghanistan, Afghan National Security Forces and the government of Afghanistan all want this equipment handed over to Afghan forces. According to the Declaration of the NATO Summit in Lisbon (ED: November 2010), NATO member states committed themselves to equipping Afghan Security Forces. But now that they are withdrawing from Afghanistan, they are going to hand over their equipment to Pakistan. We should not forget the war is devastating Afghanistan and Pakistan has one of the mightiest militaries in the region. Afghanistan’s National Army needs mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles far more than the Pakistan army does.”

“According to the Declaration of the NATO Summit in Lisbon, NATO member states committed themselves to equipping Afghan National Security Forces.” Hasht-e Subh.

Jawed Kohistani, a military analyst talking to Afghanistan Today, says Afghanistan is being punished for Hamid Karzai’s refusal to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the US. “Not signing the Bilateral Security Agreement and criticizing the policies of the United States of America in Afghanistan in the media, especially calling the US a competitor as opposed to a partner, while challenging their policies on combating terrorism, has deprived of us some opportunities we had,” said Kohistani.

Dowlat Waziri, a spokesman for the Afghan Ministry of Defence (MoD), strongly rejected claims NATO-trained Afghan forces cannot operate the equipment in question. “All Afghan security forces have been trained by US and NATO forces and they are fully capable of operating equipment currently used by Western troops in Afghanistan,” said Waziri, urging the US military to hand over the equipment to the Afghan National Army (ANA).

Fazel Sancharaki, a spokesman for presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah, described the possibility of the weapons transfer to Afghanistan’s volatile neighbour as a form of punishment.

Old friend’s revenge?

“This decision by the USA is a kind of revenge towards President Karzai, but the people of Afghanistan will pay for it,” said Sancharaki. “Should Afghan security forces not be equipped and funded well, Afghanistan will again turn into the centre of international terrorism. In that case, the international community will be hurt.” Many observers in Afghanistan believe the Pakistan army directly or indirectly supports insurgent networks.

“President Hamid Karzai’s refusal to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement has led to this decision by the United States of America,” added Fahim Kohdamani, a spokesman for Islamist candidate Abdul Rab Rassoul Sayyaf. “Attacks by Afghan security forces on foreign troops may also have caused the US not to count Afghanistan as an ally,” added Kohdamani.

Afghanistan furious over speculated US 7 billion military aid to Pakistan | Pakistan Today
Giving this equipment to Agfhan Forces mean, giving to Taliban....It is interesting to know that Afghan Army is capable to operate and keep safe them from Taliban because after 2014 the Afghan scenario will change
Well Afghans can rent Suzuki Mehran for day if they need to patrol Kabul

I wonder why Afghanistan does not take the Durand line issue to UN like India did in 1947 and over which Pak is soooooo very happy so I am sure they will appreciate Afghanistan as well!
I wonder why Afghanistan does not take the Durand line issue to UN like India did in 1947 and over which Pak is soooooo very happy so I am sure they will appreciate Afghanistan as well!

There is no line , that is why afghan's can rent suzuki mehran from Pakistan get it, Afghanistan is our spare territory , we just don't patrol it since its desert area so we rent out the services to Kabul
Jawed Kohistani, a military analyst talking to Afghanistan Today, says Afghanistan is being punished for Hamid Karzai’s refusal to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the US. “Not signing the Bilateral Security Agreement and criticizing the policies of the United States of America in Afghanistan in the media, especially calling the US a competitor as opposed to a partner, while challenging their policies on combating terrorism, has deprived of us some opportunities we had,” said Kohistani.

That about says it all.....As the old saying goes tell the last person to turn off the light when they leave.

I'm not surprised the US has no faith whatsoever in the Afghan army.

Would you?

That about says it all.....As the old saying goes tell the last person to turn off the light when they leave.

I'm not surprised the US has no faith whatsoever in the Afghan army.

Would you?

this is why US got frustrated and decided to leave.
US Army slogan...Army of one
Afghan Army slogan...Army of Lun
Pakistan Army is a 21st century military machine capable of deploying such sophisticated weapons.

Afghan Army? seriously? They don't even know BASICS of war and how to deploy/maintain weapons of 21st century. In a documentary called "This is what the winning looks like", a U.S commander on ground embedded with Afghan military tells that Afghan Army don't even know the 18th century "common sense" tactics of organized war and maintenance of weapons. They had no idea of chain of command, duty, supply-lines, tactics and what not.

Why will U.S give MRAPs to Afghans, then?

@Afghan-India What do you have to say about this brother?
I wonder why Afghanistan does not take the Durand line issue to UN like India did in 1947 and over which Pak is soooooo very happy so I am sure they will appreciate Afghanistan as well!

Pashtun are not people that anyone can just 'control'. Believe me, if our Pashtun population truly wanted to, they'd have already gotten a separation and joined Afghanistan. But Pakistan is where they belong, and our country is not complete without them.
Besides, the border has always to this day been open, although it needs to be sealed up until the war on terror is over.
Is there a time when they forget Durand line issue?
Why would US waste their billion dollars of equipment on incompetent ANA?
There is no line , that is why afghan's can rent suzuki mehran from Pakistan get it, Afghanistan is our spare territory , we just don't patrol it since its desert area so we rent out the services to Kabul
But I hear the Afghanis say exactly what you say except they think of Pak in terms YOU think of Afghanistan. Why dont we let UN decide it once for all since Pak likes to brandish the UN resolutions on Kashmir in front of the whole world!

Pakistan Army is a 21st century military machine capable of deploying such sophisticated weapons.

@Afghan-India What do you have to say about this brother?

You may be right about Afghanistan but your claim "Pakistan Army is a 21st century military machine capable of deploying such sophisticated weapons.." Please say something that at least passes the laugh test!

Because they know their case is weak and bogus.
Since Pak has such a strong case why doesnt IT take the case to UN to forever shut the Afghani mouth. Put your money where your mouth is
Since Pak has such a strong case why doesnt IT take the case to UN to forever shut the Afghani mouth. Put your money where your mouth is

Why should we. The whole world including USA considers Durand line as international border and thus supports our stance. It is onus on Afghans to take this to UN. But the since their story is all bogus they don;t do it.
I wonder why Afghanistan does not take the Durand line issue to UN like India did in 1947 and over which Pak is soooooo very happy so I am sure they will appreciate Afghanistan as well!

because, after that we'll cut free petrol supply to Indians in Afghanistan and block transit aid as well.
Why should we. The whole world including USA considers Durand line as international border and thus supports our stance. It is onus on Afghans to take this to UN. But the since their story is all bogus they don;t do it.

Pal, don't try to fool the world. Internally Pak is SO afraid of this issue that it wants Afghans to first recognize Durand line issue. 3.4 Geo-politics of a Settlement | Durand Line

> Pakistan is afraid of the challenge Afghanistan could bring to the Durand Line question, if it acquires the strength to do so in the future.

This kind of verbal braggadocio fools nobody!

because, after that we'll cut free petrol supply to Indians in Afghanistan and block transit aid as well.

But I thought you LOVED India taking Kashmir issue to UN which is impartial so what exactly are you guys scared of? If you personally are not your mly leadership SURE is
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