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Afghanistan agrees to join Pakistan in anti-terror ops (US to monitor)

This is another trap.

Sharing intel of our ops with USA and Afghans ... Heck No!
Let's see what Afghanistan has to offer here. This is pakistans chance of proving that India is part of the whole scheme here.

This is a desperate measure from US to bring both Afghanistan and Pakistan on he stable.

Show some success followed by kicking afghans out of pakistan. That should be the game plan.
Pakistan being bended backwards. Whatever Pakistan will do accusations wont stop. Nobody there to forcefully present Pakistan case while there is a dysfunctional govt and dysfunctional foreign policy.
Pakistan being bended backwards. Whatever Pakistan will do accusations wont stop. Nobody there to forcefully present Pakistan case while there is a dysfunctional govt and dysfunctional foreign policy.

Actually there is no foreign policy.
Nawaz was is and will be pro India.
Zardari is just a US puppet.
And Imran Khan is not capable of governing Pakistan, i mean no personal offense to him, but just look to KPK ministers they often caught with alcohol. And i personally dont think he has the right team to make a good cabinet. He need some new people not old and corrupt like shah mehmood qureishi.
Actually there is no foreign policy.
Nawaz was is and will be pro India.
Zardari is just a US puppet.
And Imran Khan is not capable of governing Pakistan, i mean no personal offense to him, but just look to KPK ministers they often caught with alcohol. And i personally dont think he has the right team to make a good cabinet. He need some new people not old and corrupt like shah mehmood qureishi.
i dont know how true this is but come on man, u r saying he cant govern just because his ministers drink alcohol? what kind of reason is that?
i dont know how true this is but come on man, u r saying he cant govern just because his ministers drink alcohol? what kind of reason is that?

U didnt get my point im saying that he need some serious people not shity people.
He has my vote but he need to change his team. we all now that he is good leader but we also now that his team members are very very corrupt people.
Hope now u get my point.
Actually there is no foreign policy.
Nawaz was is and will be pro India.
Zardari is just a US puppet.
And Imran Khan is not capable of governing Pakistan, i mean no personal offense to him, but just look to KPK ministers they often caught with alcohol. And i personally dont think he has the right team to make a good cabinet. He need some new people not old and corrupt like shah mehmood qureishi.
I used to think that maybe Imran Khan really would bring change when he would make all those claims and I thought why not give someone new a chance that hasn't been tried before. Since everyone is tired of trying the same damn corrupt politicians over and over...

...but then Imran Khan(as he came close to winning in the last election) got impatient and let all the lotas into his party -_- those same goons from PPP/PML-Q/and other such idiotic parties that everyone knows r corrupt and incompetent...and that's when Imran Khan became just another politician to me.
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I used to think that maybe Imran Khan really would bring change when he would make all those claims and I thought why not give someone new a chance that hasn't been tried before. Since everyone is tired of trying the same damn corrupt politicians over and over...

...but then Imran Khan(as he became close to winning in the last election) got impatient and let all the lotas into his party -_- those same goons from PPP/PML-Q/and other such idiotic parties that everyone knows r corrupt and incompetent...and that's when Imran Khan became just another politician to me.

did it occur to you that corrupt leaders are a reflection of society at large ?
did it occur to you that corrupt leaders are a reflection of society at large ?
Yes...I have highlighted this point many times in various threads. An average person who is fed up and complains about the corrupt system then turns around and takes bribes as a cop...or waters down the milk as a milkman...etc.

Everyone has a convenient excuse that they have no choice and they have to do it to make ends meet...or bcuz everyone else is doing it...or whatever other excuse...

They fail to realize that our leaders come from among us. The only solution, which seems insurmountable, is that everyone should look inwards and try correcting themselves. Keep trying to do the right thing even if it feels like u r a fish swimming against the flow of the river. In short "be the change u want to see in the world".

Though that kind of a change is too optimistic and may never happen...what we could do in the meantime is at least make an educated/informed decision while voting. Don't pick the corrupt to the core politician/party over and over that has already been tested. Set better standards based on merit rather than family names(Bhutto/Sharif/etc) or ethnicity(Punjabi/Pukhtoon/etc) or wealth. This method may not yield any angels but it at least shuts out the known corrupt and self serving assh*les...and just might give way to the kind of person who does something for the country while also filling his pockets here and there...

it's sad to say but it's better to have a leader that's willing to take care of the chicken(country) that lays the golden egg(money to be squandered) as compared to the likes of Zardari that tried to cut the chicken open to try and get his hands on as much golden eggs as possible.
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Yes...I have highlighted this point many times in various threads. An average person who is fed up and complains about the corrupt system then turns around and takes bribes as a cop...or waters down the milk as a milkman...etc.

Everyone has a convenient excuse that they have no choice and they have to do it to make ends meet...or bcuz everyone else is doing it...or whatever other excuse...

They fail to realize that our leaders come from among us. The only solution, which seems insurmountable, is that everyone should look inwards and try correcting themselves. Keep trying to do the right thing even if it feels like u r a fish swimming against the flow of the river. In short "be the change u want to see in the world".

Though that kind of a change is too optimistic and may never happen...what we could do in the meantime is at least make an educated/informed decision while voting. Don't pick the corrupt to the core politician/party over and over that has already been tested. Set better standards based on merit rather than family names(Bhutto/Sharif/etc) or ethnicity(Punjabi/Pukhtoon/etc) or wealth. This method may not yield any angels but it at least shuts out the known corrupt and self serving assh*les...and just might give way to the kind of person who does something for the country while also filling his pockets here and there...

it's sad to say but it's better to have a leader that's willing to take care of the chicken(country) that lays the golden egg(money to be squandered) as compared to the likes of Zardari that tried to cut the chicken open to try and get his hands on as much golden eggs as possible.

I won't disagree with your analysis. you have tough choices to make for leadership
as an outsider I feel Nawaz Sharif is better than the other choices. Is that correct ?
I won't disagree with your analysis. you have tough choices to make for leadership
as an outsider I feel Nawaz Sharif is better than the other choices. Is that correct ?
It's somewhat correct. He is the type who does move the country forward a bit(not as much as can be done) but is also somewhat corrupt(or so it seems...nothing yet proven...but then again it never gets proven for any of them).

My main issue with his government(and others did this in the past too) is that they try to put their relatives and chamchas in any spot they can fill in the government or government owned agencies like PIA/Railway/etc. This approach is more destructive in the long run as compared to him stealing money.

It inflates these agencies like the PIA with way more employees than needed causing a financial strain. Moreover these ppl r not put in there based on merit...they just happen to be some sort of kiss-asses or relatives. This is what's currently plaguing all the government run institutions(and the government itself) right now.

This approach is specially destructive in the key areas of the government like certain ministries...where we need ppl who know a thing or two...instead we have again unqualified ppl.

In short u can see that there is no planning for any long term issues that the nation would face...like severe water shortages. Instead u would see them trying to fulfill electricity shortage, which shouldn't have been a problem in the first place if previous governments had done their job of long term planning.

It's all just "give me ur vote and I'll fix the problem u r facing right now"...and then there's a half-assed attempt at solving that problem mostly to win the next election...that about sums up Nawaz Sharifs way of government

In case of PPP/MQM/PML-Q it's just "hey I can't believe these idiots elected us...well let's take advantage of their mistake to the fullest and loot anything and everything we can"

Imran Khan(PTI) remains to be seen...but I'm not expecting anything different bcuz he let in lotas of PPP and other idiots into his party.

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