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Afghani attack on Pakistan border post at Spin Boldak

Death by 1000 cuts strategy going well.Economy on life support and dependant on regular begging.On FATF greylist,on brink of blacklist.Fiscal deficit at all time high.Inflation rising and rising.PM has become part time driver,full time beggar.Army overstretched and exhausted.Running out of fuel.Water crisis.Population explosion.2 major insurgencies,1 minor insurgency plus 2 active fronts.Dozens of soldiers killed every month in insurgency or LOC,now even afghans joined the party.No more help from the west due to choosing chinese camp.Chinese economic colonization underway.Society totally radicalized. Remittances decreasing due to gulf economic decline and corona.Largest and most productive city underwater.Boys played well.:haha:

Has Delhi stopped burning yet???

Have floods in Assam cleared??

Has China given back the territory it captured?

Has Corona come done???

Honestly Indians and their dream
Death by 1000 cuts strategy going well.Economy on life support and dependant on regular begging.On FATF greylist,on brink of blacklist.Fiscal deficit at all time high.Inflation rising and rising.PM has become part time driver,full time beggar.Army overstretched and exhausted.Running out of fuel.Water crisis.Population explosion.2 major insurgencies,1 minor insurgency plus 2 active fronts.Dozens of soldiers killed every month in insurgency or LOC,now even afghans joined the party.No more help from the west due to choosing chinese camp.Chinese economic colonization underway.Society totally radicalized. Remittances decreasing due to gulf economic decline and corona.Largest and most productive city underwater.Boys played well.:haha:
Yeah i heard its going to contract 4%
No there are 16 full insurgenies going on not 2

Dozens soliders are not only beheaded on LOC but also beaten with birb base ball bats (walking dead style) on LAC as well

Society is now getting full hinduvta even countries like nepal and bengladesh are upto your throat

Chinese do love walking dead i guess
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Death by 1000 cuts strategy going well.Economy on life support and dependant on regular begging.On FATF greylist,on brink of blacklist.Fiscal deficit at all time high.Inflation rising and rising.PM has become part time driver,full time beggar.Army overstretched and exhausted.Running out of fuel.Water crisis.Population explosion.2 major insurgencies,1 minor insurgency plus 2 active fronts.Dozens of soldiers killed every month in insurgency or LOC,now even afghans joined the party.No more help from the west due to choosing chinese camp.Chinese economic colonization underway.Society totally radicalized. Remittances decreasing due to gulf economic decline and corona.Largest and most productive city underwater.Boys played well.:haha:

Says an ugly rat whose country is dying of corona like a pig. These are ur sponsored kids and see how we flatten them. Worry about ur own existence as china is about to take more of ur land and ur PM will keep saying nothing is wrong. Stupid morons shitting urself feom two front war and barking here.
@mods see this ugly rat and his language, send this gutter rat back to the hole it came out of.
Yeah i heard its going to contract 4%
No there are 16 full insurgenies going on not 2

Dozens soliders are not only beheaded on LOC but also beaten with birb base ball bats (walking dead style) on LAC as well

Society is now getting full hinduvta even countries like nepal and bengladesh are upto your throat

I also heard poor Pakistan also surrendered Galwan Valley without firing a single shot and also a Pakistani pilot (pictured) was shot down and captured.

Death by 1000 cuts strategy going well.Economy on life support and dependant on regular begging.On FATF greylist,on brink of blacklist.Fiscal deficit at all time high.Inflation rising and rising.PM has become part time driver,full time beggar.Army overstretched and exhausted.Running out of fuel.Water crisis.Population explosion.2 major insurgencies,1 minor insurgency plus 2 active fronts.Dozens of soldiers killed every month in insurgency or LOC,now even afghans joined the party.No more help from the west due to choosing chinese camp.Chinese economic colonization underway.Society totally radicalized. Remittances decreasing due to gulf economic decline and corona.Largest and most productive city underwater.Boys played well.:haha:

Now this is what we call a classic case of moronism. Every thing you mentioned here is happening in India as well on daily basis but considering you are classic indian chutiya you wouldnt realise that obviously.
Death by 1000 cuts strategy going well.Economy on life support and dependant on regular begging.On FATF greylist,on brink of blacklist.Fiscal deficit at all time high.Inflation rising and rising.PM has become part time driver,full time beggar.Army overstretched and exhausted.Running out of fuel.Water crisis.Population explosion.2 major insurgencies,1 minor insurgency plus 2 active fronts.Dozens of soldiers killed every month in insurgency or LOC,now even afghans joined the party.No more help from the west due to choosing chinese camp.Chinese economic colonization underway.Society totally radicalized. Remittances decreasing due to gulf economic decline and corona.Largest and most productive city underwater.Boys played well.:haha:
Yet, we jammed your radars, shot down your Su30 and mig 21 in broad daylight. Disgraced you in front of the entire world by parading your wing commander. Not to mentioned bombed you with evidence showing we could smash your hqs and military installations.
Sooo i’d Say we re good.
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