no bomb blasts, nuclear detonation, relative stable and growing economy,example is motorway, intense patriotism, stable neighbour, peaceful afghanistan, increasing foreign relations, no war, peace, no sactarianism, protectin of border soverignty, no drone attacks, no fear of militants, no compromise on kashmir issue.. tourism and agriculture was growing, let to arrests of non state RAW terrorists, exposed indian mischief of shooting pakistani planes in pakistan border, kargil war etc, influence of pakistani media in pakistan(restriction of india media)
corruption was there and will be always be there..., what im giving is a comparison and not the ideal age im talking about..
Bomb Blasts
As i said extremist time bomb was ticking..all the ingredients were in place all that was needed was catalyst ...which came in form of US invasion of Afgahnistan.
Average growth rate in 1990 was little over reserves were non the time of nuclear explosion..when Pakistan came under even worse sanction ..pakistan's forex stood at $1 billion..motorway were just superficial growth..real infrastructure which is required for sustained economic development was not developed.
Stable neighbor- peaceful Afghanistan
is just a myth..there was civil war going in Afghanistan for better part of the decade..Taliban came to power in 1996 was one of the bloodiest period in Afghanistan.. they pushed Afghanistan into dark ages..their treatment of women was abysmal.
No Sectarian killings
Again you are misinformed about your country.. sectarian violence which started in 1960s..has continued since.
Here some info on Sect killings in 1990.
Sectarian Violence in Pakistan
Ingredients..which you had prepared for kashmir..are what, which is haunting you these days..even with all your antics you haven't been able to take an inch kashmir..but as a byproduct of those antics have manged to set your own house on fire.
Atlantique incident-
your naval plane came in to our airspace(just days after Kargil war) ..we ordered it to change course and land at Indian airbase..instead it changed course tried to dash towards border...we shot it down ..
Pakistan filed lawsuit($60 million) in International court of Justice, spent four hundred thousand dollars in the case but lost the case..h
ow is it a "Golden era" moment for Pakistan??
Kargil war
was the worst tragedy for Pakistan in 1990s did not gain an inch of land... lost 2500 hundred lives in the process..tried to lie but was caught ..was ridiculed internationally for its sneak attack..brought peace process started after Lahore Summit ..did irreparable damage to its Kashmir cause.
Nuclear explosions
Pakistan had already developed nuclear bomb in 1980s ..had it not exploded(just like Israel never has) would not have come under sanctions..could have got a lot for free goodies from US(eg F-16s)..explosion of Nuclear device has not empowered it with any special advantage, which it already did not posses from before.
it was actually 3 governments in ten years not 5, and till 1998 it showed pakistan could handle democracy with need for dictatorship
It was 5.. PPP was in power in 1990 ..In later part of 1990 Nawaz sharif came into power...1993 again PPP came into 1997 Nawaz sharif came into power..In 1999 Musharaff came into power