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Afghan war costs USD 300 million a day: Pentagon

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Afghan war costs USD 300 million a day: Pentagon

The withdrawal of American troops from Iraq will allow for a reduced US defense budget in 2012 but the war in Afghanistan still costs the United States close to 300 million dollars a day.

Under the Pentagon's proposed budget, the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will drop to USD 117.8 billion for fiscal year 2012, a reduction of 41.5 billion from the previous year.

As the US war effort winds down in Iraq, the budget sets aside USD 10.6 billion for "Operation New Dawn," with the remaining 50,000 US troops there due to withdraw by the end of 2011.

Spending for the Afghan mission calls for USD 107.3 billion, down slightly from the last budget, which requested USD 113.5 billion.

President Barack Obama has vowed to start a withdrawal in July of the roughly 97,000 troops now in Afghanistan.

The budget released on Monday offered no insight into the scale of the planned drawdown, with the Pentagon's budget document assuming an average of 98,250 troops on the ground by the end of 2012.

Gates said the Pentagon had "decided to budget conservatively" as it was too soon to predict how many troops would be withdrawn after July.

"But that's not to say that we will have 98,000 troops at the end of FY 2012. In fact it's a lead pipe cinch we won't."

The budget for Afghanistan and Iraq includes USD79.2 billion for operations, USD10.1 billion to counter the threat posed by homemade bombs -- the main killer of NATO-led troops in the war.

Some USD11.9 billion is devoted to repairing and replacing equipment lost or damaged and USD12.8 billion for training and arming Afghan security forces, who are supposed to gradually take over security duties between now and 2015.

By October, the United States and NATO plans to expand the Afghan army to 172,000 soldiers and the police to 134,000 police.

Afghan war costs USD 300 million a day: Pentagon - The Times of India
US FEDs make 3 trillion a year alone just with income tax...... 300 million is pocket change :p
a sincere request to US. please halt operations one day in a week and use the money saved to help afghan people.
We can afford both and have been doing it. Now what could be more done with the money if the Taliban would just go out of existence?
The US and NATO forces continue to support Afghanistan’s representative government and growing prosperity. It is not a question of how much we spend, but about completing basic infrastructure for the people of Afghanistan to build upon.


The US continues to spend graciously to restore and rebuild what was destroyed under the Taliban regime. Did you know, Uruzgan Province is experiencing tremendous growth in educational opportunities, with 250 schools now open and staffed by more than 1,100 teachers and 425 trainees? In 2006, only 36 schools were operating in the Taliban controlled province. In Behsod District, Wardak Province, four health centers were opened to the public and are now serving more than 80,000 people? This number reflects 90 percent of the district’s population.

Progress in Afghanistan Highlighted by Business Growth, Job Creation and New Infrastructure Projects


Here you can read about Coalition forces rebuilding roads for Afghans.

Engineers Rebuild Roads for Afghans, Coalition Forces | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

Do you see how our forces have been hard at work and “helping Afghan people”? Any changes indicate that everything is getting done according to plan before we begin our drawdown from Afghanistan. The ultimate picture also requires the Afghanistan security forces to be fully capable of protecting their great nation. The US and NATO training ensures that the Afghan Security forces can work independently of outside help to protect their people and their land. Here you can read about a program to train and equip Afghan police.

Development Program Graduates 40 New Police | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

US and NATO rebuilding projects leave Afghanistan a more secure and stable nation. The US has clearly outlined its agenda in Afghanistan for the near future. The US and NATO forces will begin withdrawing in accordance with an agreement with the Afghan Government to complete training the Afghan Security Forces by “2014”. Our phased withdrawal from Iraq provides an excellent example of our direction and our long term commitment to Afghanistan.

CDR Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Representative Government?? Karzai??

LOL... Applause for the clown!!!

I say we give him a standing ovation folks!!!
Thats just great another lost cause another rubish war on nothing.... and we here in America have to suffer how about helping the people here at home first jerks .
For a country like afghanistan, he is the best we got so far in the last few decades.

I remember Afghans talking exactly like you when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan...

The best is not good enough alaka... wake up and smell the coffee... Americans are no clowns... they are insane murderers who have killed many of your countrymen in cold blood... and I m not even talking about the Taliban... For someone who talks about wanting the best for Afghans you are doing one hell of a messy job...
Thats just great another lost cause another rubish war on nothing.... and we here in America have to suffer how about helping the people here at home first jerks .

Have you heard... they plan... but God plans too... and God is the best planner!!! ;)
America can afford the bill so long as the ink of the dollar printing presses at the federal reserve doesnt run out

How about... Operation: Get the fudge outta there? I would also like to suggest Operation: I can't afford this damn war.

Wow, 300 million a day. I just love paying taxes so that we can bomb another country to pieces and then help pay for rebuilding their infrastructure. Never mind the fact we're working our off over here and still going down the toilet. It is imperative that we liberate these people and let democracy run its course, whoopie-do!!! :disagree:

We... are... SCREWED! :hitwall:
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