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Afghan wants 150 Battle tanks and 1 Squadron of Attack choppers from India

Still the cost benefit of getting second hand T72s over first hand BMP-2 is there. Afghans are very strapped for cash. So the cheaper the better.

As for transport - most inter district transport happens there over the Kabul - Gandhar - Herat - Mazar Sharif highways. (Actually the Government's writ runs only here) The main threat is from an ambush - triggered by IEDs. So neither BMP2 nor T72 is safe. Pilot recon and recon in force in advance is the only way. In fact this is what is implemented now.

For transport in pitched battles AFBs are useful. But Taliban prefers hit and run attacks. So a BMP2 won't have much of an effect.

Also to consider - the T72 chassis can be used in a number of ways. For example, the hull can be removed and replaced with a Flamethrower emplacement. BMPs cannot be customized.

Also the max armor of BMP2 is 33mm - that is vulnerable to 50mm Machineguns(recently captured from Americans!) The RPG inventory, though reduced can also be considered a major threat.

In the end the budget is the deciding factor.

I don't think, It will cost Afghan govt any!!!! These must be provided as support, If Afghan govt have to purchase these armaments they can do it from any ex USSR nation.
Afghanistan sends India a weapons wish-list ahead of NATO withdrawal

Afghanistan has handed an armaments wish-list over to New Delhi ahead of the 2014 NATO drawdown from that country.

It includes as many as 150 battle tanks, 120 (105 mm) field guns, a large number of 82 mm mortars, one medium lift transport aircraft (AN-32), two squadrons of medium lift and attack helicopters, and a large number of trucks.

The Afghanistan government has sought military and civilian support from India as part of its strategy to scale up its armoury. Afghanistan has also sought allied paraphernalia for training, maintenance and upkeep of the equipment from India.

Highly-placed sources in the government have said the Afghanistan army also wants New Delhi to set up a military training facility for its officers and soldiers in Afghanistan and provide a training team immediately.

The Afghan army men will be trained in English language, counter insurgency operations, ordnance-weapons and vehicle repairs.

India is also providing $2bn to Afghanistan for its infrastructure development projects, including construction of dams, roads, bridges, Parliament, schools, hospitals and training facilities.

"India is working very closely with the US, Russia and several other countries on Afghanistan post- 2014 drawdown and all like-minded powers have one goal. Afghanistan cannot be permitted to slide back into the tumultuous days of Taliban. An effort is being made to synchronize the rebuilding effort," sources said.

In a powerful signal to India, Afghanistan has turned down Pakistan's offer to train their service personnel and a generous line of credit to take "what they want" from Pakistan ordnance factories.

"Pakistan's powerful Army Chief General Ashfq Pervez Kayani had visited Afghanistan and offered to train the Afghanistan Army - both officers and men. One officer even attended the Command and Staff College in Quetta but in his assessment report after the course said officers in future should be sent to Staff College, Wellington (India)," sources said.

More than 400 Afghan army officers have undergone training at National Defence Academy (NDA) Khadakvasla, Indian Military Academy (IMA) Dehradun and Officers Training Academy (OTA) Chennai in the past three years alone. A total of 1,200 Afghan National Army officers have been trained by India.

"Back in Afghanistan, they proudly wear the NDA, IMA & OTA insignia on their uniform. Though the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has set up a training base for Afghan officers and enlisted men in Afghanistan itself, communication remains an issue. Therefore, they prefer to undergo training in India. We give pre-commission training to 50 officers every year. The cadets undergo an examination similar to Services Selection Board (SSB) in Kabul itself," sources said.

Afghanistan sends India a weapons wish-list ahead of NATO withdrawal | Mail Online







I have not replied to this thread before not a single post because I believe Afghanistan has the right to buy anything from anyone so does India to sell anything to anyone.

BUT after reading yours and some of other Indians usual rondo comments about Pakistan, I am here to reply .

1. As someone said instead of talking about Pakistan you rondos should have been bitching about Indian govt for c not clearly committing such transfer.

2. Pakistan never threatened Afghanistan or anyone about any such purchase unlike you bharotis threatened Sri Lanka, BD for buying military hardware from China and Pakistan.

So the fact is that its you who are insecure and are under some misconception that BD or SL are your colonies .

have a good day
Typical women logic!! :fie: You guys do the African drum dance and go berserk whenever you hear of India giving anything to Afghanistan, especially get red in the face and green with envy whenever you hear that India is giving massive aid for reconstruction of Afghanistan because:

> You can't afford it.
> You're more interested in playing games in Afghanistan with the ISI and sundry Taliban factions for the single minded aim of installing a pliable government there to do your bidding. And that's not going to happen! Period. :dirol:
Typical women logic!! :fie: You guys do the African drum dance and go berserk whenever you hear of India giving anything to Afghanistan, especially get red in the face and green with envy whenever you hear that India is giving massive aid for reconstruction of Afghanistan because:

> You can't afford it.
> You're more interested in playing games in Afghanistan with the ISI and sundry Taliban factions for the single minded aim of installing a pliable government there to do your bidding. And that's not going to happen! Period. :dirol:

I am seeing Nawaz's is interest in making some policy changes regarding India and Afghanistan. Pakistan is back tracking from their usual freedom fighter policy stuff. For India strong signals sent by Pakistan through arrest of Tunda and the Indian Mujahedin guys. After NS's US visit, It sent signals for US and Afghanistan by first providing information on whereabouts of Hakeemullah Mehsud for drone strike, gunning down Haqqanis son in Islamabad and current & first ever drone strike in KPK against Haqqani network. I think Nawaz Sharif must be be encouraged & supported by India, US and Afghanistan for its brave decisions.
What a silly immature statement. Its like saying pakistanis are so dumb they dont realize chinese game, they think chinese doing them favor is out of love.

Stop comparing yourself with Chinese...you have no right to insult them.

There is no such thing as Chinese game. Read Sino-Pak history & relations. Pakistan helped them when they were cut off from the world & now China is trying to help Pakistan. Not only that China & Pakistan are next door neighbours unlike Afghanistan & india. The only reason india is trying to lure dumb Afghans is to unleash indian terrorism via Afghanistan against Pakistan. Afghans are dumb because they don't realize indo-Pak proxy war will be fought on their land.

I certainly hope you are not a fanboy who actually believes in such crap when discussing geopolitics..

I' am fanboy or what i don't need to prove anything to you.
Afghan wants 150 Battle tanks and 1 Squadron of Attack choppers from India


Afghanistan few months ago had given a wish list of Military equipment which it wanted from India to face Taliban post American- NATO withdraws from Afghanistan post 2014; idrw.org had hinted that Afghanistan had requested Attack choppers but other request for equipment were never revealed until now.

According to latest media reports Afghanistan have requested 150 upgraded T-72 with its ammunitions and have also requested to hand over soon to be retired Mi-35 Hind attack choppers from Indian air force to them.

Idrw.org spoke to sources in Army and they have hinted that old T-72 in Army storage (war Reserve) can be overhauled and upgraded and can be handed over to Afghanistan if Indian government clears such request but he refused to provide further information. Indian army has 2000 fleet of T-72M and T-72M1 of which older ones are in war reserve , Few hundred have been upgraded with Better engine and Modern weaponry .

Other Requests includes one An-32 Medium Transport aircraft from current IAF fleet, 120 (105 mm) field guns along with large number of 82 mm mortar rounds. List also includes 2 Dozen Mil-17 transport helicopters.

Afghanistan have also requested Military Trucks and Military Grade jeeps, and Training for their men in handling these machines in India. It is likely that Government of India will clear request for Military trucks and Jeeps and even light arms and ammunition but there seems to be a divide weather to clear other Heavy War Machinery like Battle tanks and Field guns, Indian Military planners are in favor of transfers of Battle tanks and Field guns but Government is divided, they clearly don’t want to upset Pakistan.

Idrw.org spoke to Defense analyst who said that Afghans have prepared their wish list keeping in mind their need and Soviet equipment’s which India already possesses and can provide to them , Ball is clearly in India’s court now , and it will be interesting to see if Indian Government bites the Bullet and Provides Equipment’s to Afghans .

Link - Afghan wants 150 Battle tanks and 1 Squadron of Attack choppers from India | idrw.org
i think india should give them as this will open market for our tanks and other products in Srilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan.
afghanistan is a sovereign country they should buy or get whatever they like we are nothing to comment on it while we have nukes in our bag and we question abut few tanks choppers?

Good news :)

If possible try to get an air base, sea port in Afghanistan :cheers:
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:mamo kabhi world map bhi dekh liya kar :rofl::rofl::rofl:
afghanistan is a sovereign country they should buy or get whatever they like we are nothing to comment on it while we have nukes in our bag and we question abut few tanks choppers?

:rofl: :rofl::rofl:mamo kabhi world map bhi dekh liya kar :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Do Pak members have special permissions to edit posts :pakistan:
The Afghan govt will have to wait for 50 years to get 150 tanks from DRDO.
Stop comparing yourself with Chinese...you have no right to insult them.

There is no such thing as Chinese game. Read Sino-Pak history & relations. Pakistan helped them when they were cut off from the world & now China is trying to help Pakistan. Not only that China & Pakistan are next door neighbours unlike Afghanistan & india. The only reason india is trying to lure dumb Afghans is to unleash indian terrorism via Afghanistan against Pakistan. Afghans are dumb because they don't realize indo-Pak proxy war will be fought on their land.

I' am fanboy or what i don't need to prove anything to you.

I wasn't comparing Afghans with Pakistani, as I did not wish to insult Afghans, it was a parallel example. And do read China Pakistani history with whom you seem to believe you share same religion, race, language, food, culture, political system, music etc to find out when and at whose orders you ''helped'' china just few years after proposing an anti china alliance to tauba tauba - India!

You are indeed a fanboy, and the Chinese will fight Indians to the last of you.
i think india should give them as this will open market for our tanks and other products in Srilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan.

we give weapons as Aid mostly..few actually got sold.only few days ago,we supplied large amounts of heavy trucks and jeeps to Nepal.few years ago,we gave 10 T-55 tanks and scored of 105 mm field guns as aid to Mayanmar.we give weapns in loan to many countries.hell,we even provided helos and OPVs as aid.but when it come to sell,mostly its small arms,vehicles,radars and so and so.we barely sells our Tanks.
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