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Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

While Pakistanis are rejoicing at the Islamic Emirates successful take over of Afghanistan, scared Indians are telling Pakistanis to be also scared when Indians themselves are living under a twice democratically elected Hindu Extremist Government.

15 August 2021: A day of humiliation for India.
Biden has thrown India under the bus in Afghanistan. Phone call or not. Worry about your billions of dollars of terror investment going up in smoke.
3 billion is all we invested in Afghanistan. America did over a trillion. Do you think they would worry about India's pittance? Lol.

Any case, we'll come to know who gained what in a few years. You enjoy the day. Who knows how the tomorrow will be.
3 billion is all we invested in Afghanistan. America did over a trillion. Do you think they would worry about India's pittance? Lol.

Any case, we'll come to know who gained what in a few years. You enjoy the day. Who knows how the tomorrow will be.

You are a joke. An absolute joke. Defeated and demoralized. Just have some pity for yourself and take a day off.
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Russia says that they are not interested to take out their embassy staff from Kabul
So Russia recognizes them. China has signaled they will recognize them. Any word from Iran?
US will find a scapegoat for whatever is happening in Afghanistan. My gut feeling says that they will sanction Pakistan to relieve the domestic pressure and to show the world that US was/is serious about Afghanistan.
So what our establishment know that n they are prepared,China ,Russia aur Iran zindabad
Looks like Ali Ahmad Jalali is going to be the new interim president.
3 billion is all we invested in Afghanistan. America did over a trillion. Do you think they would worry about India's pittance? Lol.

Any case, we'll come to know who gained what in a few years. You enjoy the day. Who knows how the tomorrow will be.

3 billion to India is like a trillion to the US considering how desperately poor India is. This is investment down the toilet for a nation that can't afford toilets!

Those $3 billion could have reduced thousands if not hundred of thousands of deaths in India with toilets.

India has a problem with toilets. It doesn't have enough of them.

That means hundreds of millions of people in the country end up defecating outside, which can spread diseases including cholera, typhoid and COVID-19. Poor sanitation in India leads to over 126,000 deaths every year from diarrheal diseases.
3 billion to India is like a trillion to the US considering how desperately poor India is. This is investment down the toilet for a nation that can't afford toilets!

Those $3 billion could have reduced thousands if not hundred of thousands of deaths in India with toilets.

India has a problem with toilets. It doesn't have enough of them.

That means hundreds of millions of people in the country end up defecating outside, which can spread diseases including cholera, typhoid and COVID-19. Poor sanitation in India leads to over 126,000 deaths every year from diarrheal diseases.
Ok bud. you had enough to drink. Don't waste my time. GOI spends $950 billion a year. Don't reply with an idiotic comeback.
There were reports that usa stopped 2 PIA planes at international airport

can’t find any other news about it or any update on it

anyone knows why and what is being done about it ?
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