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Afghan Taliban Gen. Mubeen about Imran Khan comments

This is just 2 days old news... so which is true..
What's surprise here ? Why IK is commenting on there internal politics ? One day he comments against Taliban and then about others...he seems confused ...Taliban will comment on ik. For sure if he is doing same ..and Taliban are right here ...IK is just using western policy makers words about women and inclusive government...what if Taliban demands of inclusive government in Pakistan ?.how would we fee here ?

Are you more loyal to Taliban than Pakistan?
I can hope all good I can for Afghanistan but one thing is clear that Taliban won't learn. Everyone including Pakistan China Russia Iran were expecting an inclusive government to bring peace but all these people did was to form an exclusive government of Pashtuns. Imran Khan said nothing wrong.
All this will do is create a false sense of peace while another civil war brews in the background.
Taliban were the lesser of 4 evils that were haunting Afghanistan and Pakistan, Pakistani PM should mind his own business and try to not interfere in Afghanistan's internal matters until things are settled down, honestly I've heard far worse statements from Iran, UAE, KSA, so lets not take this one commander's opinion as their Policy.
All this will do is create a false sense of peace while another civil war brews in the background.

Ofc. How can you exclude all other ethnicities in a government. It's like making a Punjabi dominated government in Pakistan that has no Pashtun Sindhi Saraiki Gilgiti Balti etc.
Here comes a Taliban Mullah loyalist who's more loyal to them than his country.

That's rich coming from you buddy, You telling someone who is more loyal to others than his own country is hypocritical when you yourself based on your sectarian affiliation will Protect Tehran over Pakistan.
will ik for "inclusive" with likes of maryam or zardari? if not thenwhy would he expect taliban to firm govt with iranian cults or tajik?
Pakistan isn’t a country coming out of 50 years of constant war, they need a government which every afghan has a stake/voice in, if not the war will continue and millions will continue to suffer.
Pakistan isn’t a country coming out of 50 years of constant war, they need a government which every afghan has a stake/voice in, if not the war will continue and millions will continue to suffer.

I can bet that these Taliban would've commented for sure if we had zero Pashtuns in the government like they've zero Tajik Uzbek in their government.
Pakistan isn’t a country coming out of 50 years of constant war, they need a government which every afghan has a stake/voice in, if not the war will continue and millions will continue to suffer.
not true!
if taliban treats everyone with justice and equality that shoyld matter not having puppets who serves different masters!
will ik for "inclusive" with likes of maryam or zardari? if not thenwhy would he expect taliban to firm govt with iranian cults or tajik?
do you even know the meaning of inclusive govt?
not true!
if taliban treats everyone with justice and equality that shoyld matter not having puppets who serves different masters!
The government needs to reflect the demographics regardless of if they are just or not, if the governors don’t look like the governed they will be always considered outsiders.
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