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Afghan Taliban financing militants in Pakistan:TTP


Sep 12, 2013
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Afghan Taliban financing militants
in Pakistan: TTP
Published at
2013-10-07 06:39:44
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Afghan Taliban are financially
supporting the Pakistani militants
and providing sanctuary to them in
Afghanistan, spokesman for the
Pakistani Taliban has said.
The disclosure, which the spokesman
made on Saturday in an interview
with a small group of reporters, is
meaningful because Pakistan has
long been accused of pursuing a
policy of differentiating between the
Afghan and Pakistan Taliban as so-
called ‘good’ and ‘bad’ militants ---
even though Islamabad denies this.
“The Afghan Taliban are our ******
brothers,” said Shahidullah Shahid
in an interview in Waziristan, the
Taliban’s main tribal sanctuary in
Pakistan along the Afghan border.
“In the beginning, we were helping
them, but now they are strong
enough and they don’t need our
help, but they are now supporting
us financially.”
The Afghan Taliban were also
providing sanctuary for a prominent
Pakistani commander, Mullah
Fazlullah, in eastern Afghanistan’s
Kunar province, said Shahid.
The Pakistani Taliban have financed
many of their attacks through a
combination of kidnapping for
ransom cases, extortion and bank
robberies. But Shahid’s comments
indicate these sources of financing
do not always provide the funds they
Shahid reiterated the Taliban’s view
that peace talks would not succeed
unless the government released all
militant prisoners and withdrew the
army from the tribal region. He also
demanded an end to US drone
strikes targeting militants in the
tribal region.
“Yes, we are terrorists, but we are
against the system of the infidels,”
said Shahid. “We will fight up to our
last drop of blood to impose Sharia
(Islamic) law in the country.”
The interview took place in a
guestroom attached to a mud house.
The Taliban requested that the
reporters refrain from revealing
exactly where in Waziristan the
house was located.
Shahid arrived at the house
surrounded by bodyguards in a
vehicle with tinted windows. He
wore white shalwar kameez and a
green army jacket. One of the
pockets contained a grenade.
After the interview, the reporters
were served a meal of beef curry,
rice, fruit and cold Pepsi and
Mountain Dew.—AP

source dawn.com
--------------------------------------------------------i thought that Afghan talibans are stratejic assets of Pak army. after 2014 Afghan taliban will support Pakistan or India, Iran ? intersting situation
Finally.....the cat is out of the bag - So much for the good Taliban!

The Afghan Taliban are bankrolling their counterparts in Pakistan and providing sanctuary for them in their own country, The Associated Press reported on Sunday.

The disclosure, made by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s (TTP) spokesman Shahidullah Shahid is meaningful because Pakistan has long been accused of pursuing a policy of differentiating between the Afghan and Pakistan Taliban as so-called “good” and “bad” militants.

Pakistan has waged war against TTP, but the spokesman’s comments illustrate the dangerous nexus between the two groups. “The Afghan Taliban are our ****** brothers,” said Shahid in an interview. “In the beginning, we were helping them, but now they are supporting us financially.”

The Afghan Taliban are also providing sanctuary for a prominent TTP commander, Mullah Fazlullah, in Kunar province, said Shahid.

“Yes, we are terrorists, but we are against the system of the infidels,” said Shahid.
so what happens to good taliban and bad taliban theory.is it still applicable.
Is it even news? Everyone knows it all along except some wishfully deluded Pakistanis hoping for "Good Taliban - Bad Taliban" differentiation.
Mostly the same info:

Afghan Taliban support Pakistani branch, spokesman claims

By BILL ROGGIO,October 7, 2013

The Afghan Taliban provide financial support to their "****** brothers" in Pakistan, the top spokesman for the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan told a group of reporters. The Afghan Taliban are also sheltering Mullah Fazlullah, a top Pakistani Taliban commander.

Shahidullah Shahid, the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan's senior spokesman, made the claim on Oct. 5 to the group of reporters who were invited to a compound in either North or South Waziristan, two Pakistani tribal agencies under the control of the Taliban, The Associated Press reported.

"The Afghan Taliban are our ****** brothers," Shahid said. "In the beginning, we were helping them, but now they are strong enough and they don't need our help, but they are now supporting us financially."

Shahid also said that Mullah Fazlullah, the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan's commander for Swat and the greater Malakand Division in northwestern Pakistan, is being given shelter in the northeastern Afghan province of Kunar. The Pakistani government has long criticized the Afghan government for the poor security situation in Kunar that has allowed Fazlullah shelter there. The situation has been so poor since US forces began pulling out of the remote province that before his death, Osama bin Laden recommended that al Qaeda leaders seeking to avoid US drone strikes in Pakistan's tribal areas should move to Kunar.

Fazlullah commanded much of northwestern Pakistan between 2007 and 2009 before the Pakistani military launched an operation to regain control of the territory forfeited by signing peace deals with the Taliban commander. Fazlullah has been behind a string of attacks in Pakistan, including the assassination of the Pakistani Army's commander in Swat just three weeks ago.

Shahid's comments should come as no surprise. The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan has openly stated that Mullah Omar, the leader of the Afghan Taliban, is the Amir Al-Mumineen, or the Leader of the Faithful.

While the Afghan Taliban have denied that the Pakistani branch is under their command, the two groups routinely coordinate operations in Afghanistan. The Afghan Taliban often issue guidance to their Pakistani "****** brothers." In the past, top Afghan Taliban commanders have arrived in Pakistan to settle disputes between jihadist factions.

Commanders and fighters from the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan are known to fight in Afghanistan. The Pakistani Taliban routinely hold funerals for members who have been killed in fighting there. And the International Security Assistance Force, the NATO-led Coalition, has targeted, killed, and captured numerous Pakistani Taliban operatives during raids in Afghanistan.

Read more: Afghan Taliban support Pakistani branch, spokesman claims - The Long War Journal
This flies in the face of whoever was assuming that RAW (or CIA/ Mossa/ MI6) finances TTP - which any sane person would know is BS.

These (AT, PT and the rest) are crackpots and Indian agencies would stay a mile away from these fundo rats.
Theses terrorists are neither good nor bad, they are a curse on the society and needed to be crushed
It is simply imperative for both nations to be on the same page in regards to our peace objectives in the region. We must work together to negate the threat of terrorism on both sides of the border. We repeat what Ambassador James F. Dobbins, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, said recently: “We support improved Afghanistan-Pakistan relations specifically because it would alleviate some of the pressures and tensions that give rise to the conflict in Afghanistan. And so from our standpoint, there’s everything to be gained from an improvement in that relationship.”

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
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