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Afghan talib kidnap indian engineers after ceasefire ends

Already spent over a million and hosting their 10 million + refugees for over 30 years.

If you care so much why don't you take in their refugees.

that's good job ,
as a brother muslim country this is your duty to give shelter to muslim brothers in distress . UNITED NATIONS have already given you money to support these refugees .
you should have spent money in building schools , hospitals, roads from your own resources .

A Hindu presence in Afghanistan is unacceptable you will be thrown out or dead:coffee:

on behalf of second largest muslim population 25 crore we are acceptable in whole muslim world .
Indians days are numbered in Afghanistan. Just wait for the peace talks between Talibans and Afghan government to reach a consensus. Indians will be kicked out as if they never existed.

Indian presence in Afghanistan is solely because of US.

Indians claiming to develop Afghanistan is a big joke, why not feed own population first?? Farmers committing suicide as they have nothing to eat but indian establishment wants to present itself as a regional power, investing in other countries.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln ,

""You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. ""

So the only people getting fooled right now are 1.3 Billion Indians living in India.

Lol friendly country? How so? You have problem with muslims in hindustan and you telling us afghanistan is india friendly country? Arent you guys extremely hypocrites?
They think we are all fool. The same people also curse Mahmud of Ghazni for destroying subcontinent. They can go to any extend to feed their ego to undermine Pakistan. I have actually started liking this hatred , which is eating indians from inside. The jealousy is too damn high here :p
He is hiding in Indian embassy it is just Indian drama to play the sympathy card

RAW is organizing some money for their party time in Afghanistan.
Present day Taliban are nothing but a RAW product.
The title is miss leading. It should be Afghan Taliban apprehend RAW operative involved in Eid cease fire bombing.
What about the old Taliban who were created by Pakistan. Now also many of the Taliban leaders are citizens of Pakistan.

Pakistan created united Mujahidin against USSR invasion.
Taliban was indigenous movement against the criminal war lords by the majority Pashtoons.
However, Northern Alliance was indeed a mutual product of India/Iran/Israel.
pakistan should also spend some dollars on small projects in afghanistan .
why r u helping those who love to eat you GAO MATA's beef ? Back home you are killing those who are eating meat of your GAO MATA, here you are building roads for them, ha ha, Indians are real hypocrites.
I read this news before. They specifically mention that the vast majority of engineers are held hostages and none of them are foreign.
India might have caused a havoc , not because it cared but to gain public sympathy.
Its time for indians to leave afghanistan. Taliban seems angry with indians.

70% afghanistan is in control of talibs so they are doing the duty as well.

When Pakistan deals with Afghanistan for trade or other business matters who does it consult, Taliban or Kabul???

Talib kidnap, steal, harass, kill, hurt civilians and then sell drugs to run their operations. ISI is in cahoots with Talib on both sides of the border. Some half a dozen attack on Indian consulates only shows their frustration that their power is limited to pashtun areas.
afganistan is our friendly country.....

No, the government might like you out of common interests, but the common Afghan would almost certainly prefer the common Pakistani (mainly because we're both Muslim and share many similar ethnic groups such as Pashtuns, Baluchis, Brahuis, Hindkowans, Gujjars, etc).

their power is limited to pashtun areas.

Wouldn't really call it a limitation since Pashtuns make up roughly 40% of Afghanistan.
Indians days are numbered in Afghanistan. Just wait for the peace talks between Talibans and Afghan government to reach a consensus. Indians will be kicked out as if they never existed.

Indian presence in Afghanistan is solely because of US.

Indians claiming to develop Afghanistan is a big joke, why not feed own population first?? Farmers committing suicide as they have nothing to eat but indian establishment wants to present itself as a regional power, investing in other countries.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln ,

""You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. ""

So the only people getting fooled right now are 1.3 Billion Indians living in India.

They think we are all fool. The same people also curse Mahmud of Ghazni for destroying subcontinent. They can go to any extend to feed their ego to undermine Pakistan. I have actually started liking this hatred , which is eating indians from inside. The jealousy is too damn high here :p

we have friendship with all muslim countries . those who are gaumata bhakts are idiots , diplomacy is different ball game .
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