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Afghan Students in trouble in Indian universities

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No your right its not an acceptable thing in our society and in any decent society and it shouldn't be tolerated. Women should be treated with respect and not teased around like that.

Those who tease around ladies at will thinking that they are soft targets are an ignominy for manhood. Real men have more haya in their hearts than females. Such men are insecure in their own skin,usually outcasted by other males,which is why they inflict their evil on females because they are "weak" in their mind.
You are not the only one with females in your life, but the truth must be told in regards to overly western Indian media...why are its always females doing the "item songs"...?...trivial or a tip of the iceberg...you decide.... Respect to your family.

I actually agreed with you on that part.. Looks like you misunderstood...
I actually agreed with you on that part.. Looks like you misunderstood...

Males come from females, only if this was understood, such terrible things would not happen on this scale. We troll each other but the reality is that a rape in Uganda is as wrong as the one happening in Canada...there is no difference.
Males come from females, only if this was understood, such terrible things would not happen on this scale. We troll each other but the reality is that a rape in Uganda is as wrong as the one happening in Canada...there is no difference.
Couldnt agree more...
They are at fault for accepting to study in the most racist nation on planet earth. Why do Afghan girls go to study in a nation with the highest rape ratio on planet earth,where rape is glorified in the movies and **** temples are accepted as a culture!

You call yourself moderator!!! Shame on you. Before giving this type of comment look at your country first.
I am giving some limelight about what happened on that day in Ravenshaw (not Raween Shah):

On that day hostel students were on strike because of some problems in hostel and there were odd 20/25 students sitting in front of main gate. At b/w 3.00 to 3.30 pm some odd 8-10 Afghan student came with their bikes and asked them to give them way to go outside. But hostel students refused them and said we were not going to leave this place till the VC and registrar come to this place and guarantee us our problem will be solved. Some Afghans annoyed and started abusing hostel students. After some tu tu mein mein b/w both parties one hostel student pushed bike of a Afghan student and in return afghan students started fighting. When fighting started some one called other hostel students who were sitting in front of hostel at that time. In few minutes 100s of hostel students from different hostels came and what happened next you can't imagine. Bricks, cycle pumps, bamboo sticks what ever they found threw towards them and Afghans were running for their life. This continued for 1/2hr till the police forces came in large numbers and stopped hostel student. Immediately Afghans were admitted to near by hospitals. Some of them were seriously injured and needed to stay in medicals for 3/4 days.

How this incident could be avoided:

If Afghans didn't argue with hostel students and leave that place. There is a another way which is 500mtrs away. That is open for everyone except four wheelers. But they did not go because they had to run extra 1km.


All Afghans fled to Delhi and stayed in their embassy. Some hostel students were arrested. Some high level officers from Odisha govt went to Delhi to talk with Afghan officials. After 5-7 days they returned and situation normalized.
Ḥashshāshīn;4435721 said:
Afghans getting a taste of their brotherly relations with India. :lol:

No country in the world would tolerate them as much as Pakistanis do, yet, they still hate Pakistan.

Babbar Shar Lagga Aain Sohnaya.
I am giving some limelight about what happened on that day in Ravenshaw (not Raween Shah):

On that day hostel students were on strike because of some problems in hostel and there were odd 20/25 students sitting in front of main gate. At b/w 3.00 to 3.30 pm some odd 8-10 Afghan student came with their bikes and asked them to give them way to go outside. But hostel students refused them and said we were not going to leave this place till the VC and registrar come to this place and guarantee us our problem will be solved. Some Afghans annoyed and started abusing hostel students. After some tu tu mein mein b/w both parties one hostel student pushed bike of a Afghan student and in return afghan students started fighting. When fighting started some one called other hostel students who were sitting in front of hostel at that time. In few minutes 100s of hostel students from different hostels came and what happened next you can't imagine. Bricks, cycle pumps, bamboo sticks what ever they found threw towards them and Afghans were running for their life. This continued for 1/2hr till the police forces came in large numbers and stopped hostel student. Immediately Afghans were admitted to near by hospitals. Some of them were seriously injured and needed to stay in medicals for 3/4 days.

How this incident could be avoided:

If Afghans didn't argue with hostel students and leave that place. There is a another way which is 500mtrs away. That is open for everyone except four wheelers. But they did not go because they had to run extra 1km.


All Afghans fled to Delhi and stayed in their embassy. Some hostel students were arrested. Some high level officers from Odisha govt went to Delhi to talk with Afghan officials. After 5-7 days they returned and situation normalized.

Very common incident. Have so many times happened in Calcutta when students of two different parties clashed in colleges. Nowadays it reduced though but even a decade back it was a common scene when TMC and SFI students clashed.
The worst thing was at times bombs, swords and guns were recovered from college hostels.
Bengal Engineering College one of the most prestigious and oldest college of the country was shut down for indefinite period because of such issues.

I think even if they were not Afghan students a brawl would have started.
They are at fault for accepting to study in the most racist nation on planet earth. Why do Afghan girls go to study in a nation with the highest rape ratio on planet earth,where rape is glorified in the movies and **** temples are accepted as a culture!

Would you rather have them study in your 'Madarsas' where they go in as innocent teenagers and come out as fundamentalist yahoos.

You do know about Afghan Taliban(ie : students)..In early 80s they were first of their kind to receive unique Pakistani education in terror factories, you unkindly named as Madarsas.

Since then there has been thousands of Afghans, who have graduated from your unique education system. Unsurprisingly each one of them has progressed their nation to a new level of ruin.

Any flaws Indian education system/India by far pales in comparison to what systematic brainwashing you provide to poor Afghan people.
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Very common incident. Have so many times happened in Calcutta when students of two different parties clashed in colleges. Nowadays it reduced though but even a decade back it was a common scene when TMC and SFI students clashed.
The worst thing was at times bombs, swords and guns were recovered from college hostels.
Bengal Engineering College one of the most prestigious and oldest college of the country was shut down for indefinite period because of such issues.

I think even if they were not Afghan students a brawl would have started.

I'm just trying to say If i was their instead of Afghans, the same fate happened to me. Nothing to do with if we love or hate Afghans. But some journos who don't know even the name of the university are writing articles without a single pound knowledge. :omghaha:
Pakistani Trolls are at the best....I don trust Pakistani news agency... Any other source you have.
India gives freedom to afghanis to fight on Indian soil. Such is the greatnes of India.
if same thing happened in pak done by hindus, we know that hindus would be killed. also Pak males abduct hindu women contrary to what that silly moderator says about pakistani ghairat. all BS.

@Aamna14 If you are aware of the usual upbringing of a Pakistani boy, you should know that we are fed 'ghairat' and told that other girls are your sisters and should be respected,that also includes a religious element to it.

If you were to be teased by the Indians infront of me,my reaction as a Pakistani would be to do exactly what those Afghans did. Good on them, they proved to those Indians that their media has failed to Indianize them....and they can risk arm and leg for their ladies to be respected. They also proved that,teasing unsuspecting girls maybe acceptible and 'touted' in their culture but not in ours,we still have ghairat left in our vains...enough to fight an Indian gang...risking everything.

God bless my boys.
@Aka123 Ayush needs a break, none of you know the reason,i do.
is that why incestuous marriages are common in Pak? also among Paks living in UK

You are a real man, be proud of yourself and the mother that bread you. :cheers:

Admit it, teasing girls is an acceptable practice in India and is touted in your media where women are presented as toys and objects of grandeur.
exactly same thing in Pak, except its more sinister where girls are abducted raped and converted to islam and married to a guy who is already married and with kids
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Absolutely, these are works of media folks. They even need to release some spicy news to gain some name and fame. They are also doing some job and probably might get a promotion if the news hits in market. So probably a similar young media guy was wandering here and there for some news(trying hard to meet the deadline set by his editor), heard a fight's going on, went to enjoy the scene and then found out Afghan students are involved. Immediately it struck him that this will make an International news and he covered it and then got it printed.
Instead if two Indian groups were involved, even he would have hurled a few abuses and then walked on to a nearby shop for a cup of tea. :D
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