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Afghan refugees protesting for citizenship in India

And Indians are not giving them? what was that, Dhobi ka something, na ghar ka ghatt ka
India should grant these people citizenship. They will be just butchered in Afghanistan by the Taliban terrorists funded and trained by Pakistan. They are busy killing hundreds daily , women children old and infirm are bombed shot stabbed beheaded daily by the Taliban. The Pakistani army committed last centuries massive genocide in Bangladesh and they have trained the Talibs to do the same In Afghanistan

It is RAW-backed and supplied ISIS-K that is killing Afghan civilians. As Indian, you would know this since European Union exposed India's Solar Industries, among many others, for supplying IED components, detonators and explosive materials to ISIS through shell companies linked to RAW.
India has never ordered any action against Solar Industries or probe into the matter since the report came to light in 2016. Modi covered up everything and gave more govt. defense contracts to Solar Industries to keep them quiet.

Saket Gokhale, an Indian investigative journalist, reported on this a few months ago but Delhi is maintaining radio silence.

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LMAO India and Afghans . 5000 year old cultures 🤣😆.
only a pathetic person would want to be an indian
What she and her fellows want basically is for India to officially extradite them so they can look for 1st world countries for asylum, they are treating India as a transit state
Simple solution under super-secular-democratic laws in India. Tell these folks to convert to one of India's protected religious groups as per CAA, then they can seek asylum.

What a fantastic solution India has created! Phully in line widd tha demokrashee sir jee, phully 110%!
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