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Afghan refugees celebrating Indian victory opened fire killing a nurse

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No one supports the Taliban my friend, we wouldn't be fighting the Taliban if we were. If you wish to listen to conspiracy theorists that have no basis, only speculation & conjecture to support their claims, be my guest. Afghans support the Taliban more than the power hungry landlords who constantly fought each other & had no system for justice, only corruption, which is why the Taliban first came into power in the first place with popular Afghan support accepting them with open arms. The same landlords Karzai has reinstated into power, which is why he gets no popular support from common Afghans today, and needs America to protect him and keep him in power. The Taliban are ethnic Afghan Pashtuns. You have clearly been listening to the Indian media too much, that really has no clue what it's talking about.

Not Surprised by your comments, Its typical mentality... Living in denial....

During the power vacuum created by the Soviet troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, the country was torn apart by warring mujahideen groups and the ISI of Pakistan grasped the chance to wield power in the region by fostering a previously unknown Kandahari student movement.[1] They continued to support the Taliban, as Pakistani allies, in their push to conquer Afghanistan in the 1990s
Although there isn't any evidence that the CIA directly supported the Taliban or Al Qaeda, some basis for military support of the Taliban was provided when, in the early 1980s, the CIA and the ISI (Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency) provided arms to Afghans resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the ISI assisted the process of gathering radical Muslims from around the world to fight against the Soviets

Taliban had open support from ISI... Recently Hillary Clinton statement that " Many Taliban supporters are still in ISI , which makes our operation difficult"

Bottom line is: The Afghani believe that the condition of their country is due to pakistan and USA, thats why they don like both of you... unfortunately they are your neighbors so they have to take refuse at your door..
^ It would help you if you knew the meaning of 'denial'. There's no credible proof against ISI's support for Taliban, simple as that. Everything is based on hearsay.
Btw, it doesn't matter whether Pakistan supports Taliban or not (whatever you believe the truth is). If they're taking refuge in Pakistan and supporting India then please GTFO and move to another country, perhaps Bharat.
I think the article is misleading and a big lie at most. i live in peshawar and i can tell u that there was lots of firing for sure but on the contrary the firing was done every time an indian wicket would fall. i happen to live a township called Hayatabad where most of the afghan families live. i was not watching the match and rather busy with work so my father would come and inform me every time an indian wicket fell. so i told him not to bother since i could hear lots of firing after an indian player is sent back to pavilion.

I can tell u that afghans dont watch cricket that much and nor do they do firing. Firing is mostly done by pakhtoons and are very passionate about cricket. also the fact that there were 3 pakhtoons in the team so that made it more interesting. Also let me inform all u guys that afghans in peshawar and adjacent areas are a lot more careful regarding laws since they are being constantly watched and screened by the police. they cannot move very easily in and around the city since there are many check posts by police as well as army who check everybody very vigilantly and so the afghans are very much prone to the deportation.

I am deeply concerned about this news being circulated of afghans celebrating in peshawar and taking out rallies. I was out that night with friends and trust me peshawar is a very small city so no such rally ever happened and if so y there isn't any picture of the rally. i think there were some ulterior motives behind this news and it is being planted to create disharmony and distrust.

it is true that there was lots of sympathies for the taliban in our area but that has slowly and gradually washed away. the ppl supporting the taliban are left with only few areas and tribes from the tribal belt that is why most of the suicide bombers are from particular areas and tribes.

Pakhtoons are very patriotic pakistanis n i can tell u this since i belong to Khyber agency which also happens to be a tribal area. It is also worth acknowledging that no matter how worse the situation, no one in our area has ever asked for independence. In fact we have always fought for the national interest whether it was afghan war against the russians or kashmir war against the indians in the early years of independence.

The only reason for writing all this was to clear the ambiguities being created in the minds of average pakistani against Pakhtoons.

We should all be very careful and should distinguish between fiction and facts
two incidents are manipulated into one, the firing incident took place long before the match ended !! sigh on reporting LIES !
^ It would help you if you knew the meaning of 'denial'. There's no credible proof against ISI's support for Taliban, simple as that. Everything is based on hearsay.

The Argument Ends here... No point to discuss ....

by the way "holysinner" point is valid and I liked his post...
lol there goes claim for muslim brotherhood :) :)
balochis celebrating indian victory now refugees :)
seem that RAW is working very hard..isn't it pakistani friends?? :)
Dude last time celebratory firing took place in tribal areas was when Pak defeated West Indies....this is wht dawn news reported...this article is absolute BS
Dude last time celebratory firing took place in tribal areas was when Pak defeated West Indies....this is wht dawn news reported...this article is absolute BS

exactly ! really pisses me off when journalists do cheap reporting... just for the sake of some money !!
what happened to the brotherhood? Is it just confined to indian muslims

There's nothing as brotherhood exists in the real world, Afghans are just reflecting their gratitude by showing their support for India. Its a give and take relationship. We are building their country and they are showing their support. :tup:
Apart from the killing, good to see Afghan support for India. India also has most positive image in Afghanistan. :)

can u please tell me when a voting process was held to creat pakistan and india and afghanistan voted against it.
During independence Pakhtuns led by Abdul Ghaffar Khan strongly opposed partition of India. Later a voting process held, where it said that people of NWFP voted 51:49 in favor of joining Pakistan. Read more about it...

Khudai Khidmatgar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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