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Afghan peace process cannot be Pakistan driven: India

Our hundreds of millions are our problem. No one has asked pak to be bothered about them.

P.S- since you are so sure about your abiulity to support afghan needs-do your accountants know how many zeroes a billion has?

India, with millions of poor and yet spending money for Afgans means many times more than some western country churning out few millions of dollar.

Western countries can afford, not India, yet India is helping them to develop.

yea whatever, just lets not pretend its anything but an investment where the indians are hoping to buy influence and power - its not a goodwill gesture, its an exchange.
persian as in persian speaking afghanistanis. Anyway you know nothing about history, it's futile to argue with you. good night
Bharat is a not a neighbour of afghanistan. She is not considered a regional power by any sensible country and neither does she have a major role in international community, its sole purpose in afghanistan is to destabilize pakistan.

You make statements like you are a world nominated authority on international relations. 'Not considered a regional power by any sensible country'? Really? Dont crack jokes.

It will be good for your own sake if you people stop poking your nose in other country's backyard and stop making absurd statement such as bharat having a 3 thousand year old relation. Your country is mere 60 years old and you dont have any historical relation with afghans except you were ruled by them for few centuries.

Why do you have to bring your new-found historical enlightenment into every thread? History aside, India needs to make sure Pakistan doesn't use Afghanistan as a Taliban proxy again. We will do everything to stop you.
India wary of external actors in Afghanistan


Even as it expressed concern over terror threats to Indian missions in Afghanistan, New Delhi on Sunday all but took on Islamabad saying ''external'' interference in the transition process of Afghanistan will be detrimental to the war-torn country.

Even as it expressed concern over terror threats to Indian missions in Afghanistan, New Delhi on Sunday all but took on Islamabad saying “external” interference in the transition process of Afghanistan will be detrimental to the war-torn country.Answering questions after meeting his Afghan counterpart Zalmay Rassoul, external affairs minister S M Krishna remarked: “Any external interference in the reintegration process will be detrimental to its success and for the future of a democratic, stable, pluralistic and prosperous Afghanistan”.

Agreeing with Krishna, the Afghan minister said the “peace process cannot succeed without being led by the Afghan people and the process fully controlled by it”. He said the two sides also discussed the issue of Taliban and the need to deal firmly with terrorist groups that continue to enter from outside Afghanistan borders.

Krishna, who called on Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai as well as chairman of the Afghan Peace Council Burhanuddin Rabbani at the end of his two-day visit, however, refrained from mentioning Pakistan in his reply. The message was clearly aimed at Pakistan which wants to have a greater role in the Afghan transition process.

Krishna said India has always supported long-term peace in Afghanistan if terror groups were ready to abjure violence, adhere to democracy and Afghanistan constitution, respect human rights and not have links with terrorist groups.

The Peace Council was set up last year to work for a negotiated peaceful end to the nine-year war with Taliban and other groups.

Krishna, who also conveyed India’s concerns over security to Indian missions here to Karzai, said: “India is not going to be cowed down by such threats. We will continue to remain in Afghanistan as long as the legitimately elected government of Afghanistan wants us to”.

On threat to Afghanistan from across its border, Krishna added: “it is a concern for India. We are confident that the Afghan government will be able to provide security to Indian people and missions. Without security concerns, the developmental assistance from India can move smoothly and will be beneficial to Afghanistan”.

Krishna asserted that despite security concerns, India will continue to provide developmental assistance and noted that the Afghanistan government has assured India of full security.

Noting that he and Rassoul discussed strategic partnerships, Krishna said he told the Afghan minister that India was committed to rebuilding of Afghanistan and added that it would assist in capacity building, human resource development etc. Also discussed were mining projects about which some Indian companies have shown interest, Rassoul added.

Krishna said a course in Pashtun and Dari languages would be offered at Jawaharlal Nehru Union in Delhi and said that India would send one lakh tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan.

India wary of external actors in Afghanistan
Guynextdoor...That was thirty years ago. And Pakistan didn't do it out of a holy feeling of brotherhood. there were lots of US dollars involved. Right now, the afghan people, having been released from the shackles of extremist tyranny are looking towards the Indian brothers to create a democratic and stable afghanistan that will create new prosperity for all

And what did you do 30 years back and even Now?
Yes we did it out of holy feeling of brotherhood the only nation on the earth to keep 4+ million Afghan refugees..So here comes a splat in your face never troll. Certainly US dollars were involved to be spent on Afghans silly make sense. Tall claims first settle those humble Afghan in your country in millions then come back tell me Afghans looking at you indians for help, you people can't help your own poor countrymen living on streets.

they love the selfless love and affection of the Indian people and want to march towards a new dawn of glorious and prosperous existence.

Puff too much of bollywood crap.
Guynextdoor...That was thirty years ago. And Pakistan didn't do it out of a holy feeling of brotherhood. there were lots of US dollars involved. Right now, the afghan people, having been released from the shackles of extremist tyranny are looking towards the Indian brothers to create a democratic and stable afghanistan that will create new prosperity for all

And what did you do 30 years back and even Now?
Yes we did it out of holy feeling of brotherhood the only nation on the earth to keep 4+ million Afghan refugees..So here comes a splat in your face never troll. Certainly US dollars were involved to be spent on Afghans silly make sense. Tall claims first settle those humble Afghan in your country in millions then come back tell me Afghans looking at you indians for help, you people can't help your own poor countrymen living on streets.

they love the selfless love and affection of the Indian people and want to march towards a new dawn of glorious and prosperous existence.

Puff too much of bollywood crap.
Now your countrymen aren't any better are they? You call all the facts trolling. te settling of millions of afghans in your soil was a part of the AMERICAN strategy to use it against the soviets- a part of the package deal you struck with them. Do you deny that your entire afghan strategy was to support american objectives as their instruments and that that was the PARAMOUNT benifit you were seeking?
Even we faced a refugee situation in 1971- and since no sane country would want 10 million refugees on it's own soil when so many of ther own countrymen are 'on the streets'- we solved it---permanently. We didn't allow ths situation to continue for decades just so that we can make tall claims about our sacrifices.
Traditionally, Bharat had been the sponge of Afghan aggressions and afghans look down upon bhartis, the only afghans who admire bhartis are those who want to destabilise pakistan or those who have been bollywoodised by watching their vulgar movies, They will never consider bhartis to be on their level.

Afghans are brave, religious and honourable people, they will soon clean afghanistan from bharati infestation like 1996

bollywood is vulgar ?? It looks like u become dutrashtra when going to australian beach, or are you in OZ really ??:cheeky:
Afghans pushtuns which i have met want pakistan and afghanistan to unite and since you bharti people know nothing about history, all of pakistan was part of afghanistan until ranjith singh who was made governor of lahore by Afghan king Zaman shah rebelled and and then he went on to occupy peshawar,

Afghanistan cannot survive if pakistan close the border even for a week and now make another pathetic reply to prove me how much afghans hate pakistan, You people get your knowledge from afghan forum run by bhartis, try meeting an afghan

I am sure they want to unite, but that type of unity will be a break up of pakistan, that is WHAT THEY EXACTLY MEAN.

And believe me Afghanistan will survive without pakistan, pakistan is not the only country that Afghanistan import goods.
I just can't get past the irony of a joint statement by India and Afghanistan calling for all external parties to desist.

If it was a purely Afghan statement, I would understand, but this.....
Guynextdoor...You want to do something good for the Afghans? Share the burden take those 4+ million good Afghans settle them in India feed them for 32 years and come back to me.

no sane country would want 10 million refugees on it's own soil when so many of ther own countrymen are 'on the streets.

So what do you know, you are already refusing to help Afghans in the first place lol my goodness. The only fact remains the only nation on this earth to support and help Afghans and station them in millions on our soil.
No you did not solve open your eyes read WHO and UN reports. Less then 2 dollars a day stuff is happen on your soil.
If India and afghanistan consider certain countries 'external' and interfering in the national interest of the state, why would that statement be surprising?
Guynextdoor...You want to do something good for the Afghans? Share the burden take those 4+ million good Afghans settle them in India feed them for 32 years and come back to me.

no sane country would want 10 million refugees on it's own soil when so many of ther own countrymen are 'on the streets.

So what do you know, you are already refusing to help Afghans in the first place lol my goodness. The only fact remains the only nation on this earth to support and help Afghans and station them in millions on our soil.
No you did not solve open your eyes read WHO and UN reports. Less then 2 dollars a day stuff is happen on your soil.
Who says we didn't solve the problem. In 1971 we had 10 million bengali refugees in our soil- we walked in, liberated bagladesh and put an end to that problem then and there. Form the time the bangladeshis went back, they have largely kept to themselves and their country,

Our millions of poor people- look at your own country- steeped in poverty first. India can never be accused of not prioritiing our development, that's why we don't have to run to the IMF to save a collapsing economy every month. You want to 'solve' afghan problems, take your hands off, ask your intelligence agencies to stop interfering and let the big boys do tehir job.
If India and afghanistan consider certain countries 'external' and interfering in the national interest of the state, why would that statement be surprising?

India itself is an external country relative to Afghanistan. For an external country to say that no external countries should interfere is contradictory.
Who says we didn't solve the problem. In 1971 we had 10 million bengali refugees in our soil- we walked in, liberated bagladesh and put an end to that problem then and there. Form the time the bangladeshis went back, they have largely kept to themselves and their country

Horse shyt!

U trained mukti bhani terrorists long before the civil war....infact u were the main culprits of the civil war!

Our millions of poor people- look at your own country- steeped in poverty first.

Our country steeperd in poverty? u high?
We have only 17% poverty compare tht with more then half of urs?with 75% with no access to sanitation alone !:hitwall:
India can never be accused of not prioritiing our development, that's why we don't have to run to the IMF to save a collapsing economy every month.

We sure know ur priorities! while an ordinary is starving to death ur out there acting like a snob!Put ur own house in order first before acting like a chaudhry!

You want to 'solve' afghan problems, take your hands off, ask your intelligence agencies to stop interfering

Wat are our intelligence agencies doing? its ur country funding,arming and training faggot terrorists using afghan soil!

Heck even the puppet karzai admitted of harbouring a UN black listed terrorist and the most wanted $%$4 criminal of Pakistan!
and let the big boys do tehir job.

We are one of the BIG BAD BOYS!
No wonder u were running to the saudis and the turks!

No go do ur job.... and stoping acting like the thakedar of afghanistan!Our neighbour!
India itself is an external country relative to Afghanistan. For an external country to say that no external countries should interfere is contradictory.
External by your definition of geographic. Internal by afghanistans definition of common goals and vision.
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