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Afghan officials voice scant remorse to Pakistan

Depends on 'how' they leave.

Already there are talks of removing just the 'bulk' of the ground troops and stationing some troops along with air power in permanent bases around the country so that the Talibs don't come to power. And this is how it will most probably work out.
The US plans to station 30,000 troops PERMANENTLY in Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad and a couple of more areas depending on the situation prevailing at that time with an adequate air compliment for CAS and transport air support after Dec 2014.

There's too much at stake for America to leave Afghanistan to the wolves and that includes Iran, Russia, China and the CIS republics. Afghanistan is the center of gravity where its natural resources are concerned and is an important link in the energy supply chain.

The US of A will never leave Afghanistan and will always have a permanent presence there. So, if the Taliban think they're going to be holding the reins in Afghanistan after Dec 2014, they've got another 'think' coming! :azn:

The US plans to station 30,000 troops PERMANENTLY in Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad and a couple of more areas depending on the situation prevailing at that time with an adequate air compliment for CAS and transport air support after Dec 2014.

There's too much at stake for America to leave Afghanistan to the wolves and that includes Iran, Russia, China and the CIS republics. Afghanistan is the center of gravity where its natural resources are concerned and is an important link in the energy supply chain.

The US of A will never leave Afghanistan and will always have a permanent presence there. So, if the Taliban think they're going to be holding the reins in Afghanistan after Dec 2014, they've got another 'think' coming! :azn:


But what about the supply routes to these troops, i.e. via Iran, via Pakistan, north of Afghanistan..I think the US and NATO are in a spot of bother now.
The US plans to station 30,000 troops PERMANENTLY in Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad and a couple of more areas depending on the situation prevailing at that time with an adequate air compliment for CAS and transport air support after Dec 2014.

There's too much at stake for America to leave Afghanistan to the wolves and that includes Iran, Russia, China and the CIS republics. Afghanistan is the center of gravity where its natural resources are concerned and is an important link in the energy supply chain.

The US of A will never leave Afghanistan and will always have a permanent presence there. So, if the Taliban think they're going to be holding the reins in Afghanistan after Dec 2014, they've got another 'think' coming! :azn:


US and NATO didn't made much of difference with all there troops and NATO support.... 30000 wont be much of a big deal for taliban..... The bloodshed will continue unless the taliban share power with the govt.... There is no other way around ..... The smoke'em out way failed long time ago....
The US plans to station 30,000 troops PERMANENTLY in Kabul, Kandahar, Jalalabad and a couple of more areas depending on the situation prevailing at that time with an adequate air compliment for CAS and transport air support after Dec 2014.

There's too much at stake for America to leave Afghanistan to the wolves and that includes Iran, Russia, China and the CIS republics. Afghanistan is the center of gravity where its natural resources are concerned and is an important link in the energy supply chain.

The US of A will never leave Afghanistan and will always have a permanent presence there. So, if the Taliban think they're going to be holding the reins in Afghanistan after Dec 2014, they've got another 'think' coming! :azn:


US have no plans to station 30,000 troops permanently after 2014 even if they do they are sitting ducks and Iran, KGB, ISI and Chinese intelligence will all unite against them. At present 60% Afghanistan is under Taliban control.
US and NATO didn't made much of difference with all there troops and NATO support.... 30000 wont be much of a big deal for taliban..... The bloodshed will continue unless the taliban share power with the govt.... There is no other way around ..... The smoke'em out way failed long time ago....
Absolutely agree! The Americans need to have a Plan 'B' in place where they get the so called 'good Taliban' to the table to hammer out a lasting solution.

And needless to say, Pakistan would need to play a greater part in this, without whose support the Americans are bound to flounder. And therefore, Pakistan boycotting the International meet on Afghanistan is only going to prolong the crisis. And thus, not a good move on the part of Pakistan.
Absolutely agree! The Americans need to have a Plan 'B' in place where they get the so called 'good Taliban' to the table to hammer out a lasting solution.

And needless to say, Pakistan would need to play a greater part in this, without whose support the Americans are bound to flounder. And therefore, Pakistan boycotting the International meet on Afghanistan is only going to prolong the crisis. And thus, not a good move on the part of Pakistan.

Nope a good move on the part of Pakistan..... We are here from forever and will stay here forever... This is our home.... We have all the time in the world....While on the other hand US and NATO are short on time....2014 is the date i guess..... They need to realise that if they keep pushing us they will lose not us.... 24 is not a small number ....1 Major, 1 Capt.... Do you know how important these men were.... A soldier dont become Major and Captain just like that.... He goes through lot of experiences..... Very good move indeed....
Whassamatta, you guys don't think you can hold your own in Afghanistan? You need the US to do your heavy lifting for you?

As for permanent US bases in Afghanistan, expect to hear a very different tune from Russia and China on that score. As they say, the night is still young...
But what about the supply routes to these troops, i.e. via Iran, via Pakistan, north of Afghanistan..I think the US and NATO are in a spot of bother now.

Why spoil a fantasy? Don't you know Pakistan, Iran, Russia are all so eager to see a permanent US presence in Afghanistan, they will all happily line up to keep supply lines open.
I'm surprised that many Pakistanis here, some of whom should know better swallow the line that once the U.S. withdraws from Afghanistan, it will be some kind of cakewalk for pro-Pakistani forces (aka Taliban) to establish their writ over Afghanistan militarily and simply wipe out any "pro-India" forces. History is not easily repeatable as many here think, India was pretty much bankrupt when the Soviets left Afghanistan & any support (military & financial)India could offer the NA forces was extremely limited. That situation does not play itself out exactly like that anymore. India can & will sustain a very high level of assistance to any pro-India/anti-Pakistani coalition who would also be buttressed by the Russians & the Iranians & of course the U.S.. Pakistanis who envisage some kind of a cake walk have a hard lesson coming their way. Once the ISAF & the U.S. have left, the war will become extremely ruthless without any of the "niceties" that is necessitated by the western presence. Pakistan is in for more trouble, not less as many Pakistanis are wont to believe. As the old saying goes "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it!"

You no soviets superpower came and try to prop up there Puppet in Afghanistan Guess what left with a bloody nose and bankrupt then Americans came and are leaving bankrupt and with a bloody Nose but you are right India will fair better obviously.

Oh in Afghanistan's case History has been repeating itself over and over again only Fools who don't learn from history pay the price British Soviets And now the Americans all super powers and Now bankrupt so I say to you Please Join the Superpowers we In Pakistan will be Glad You did.
The general stood up in disgust. “That’s the best thing America has done in 10 years here,” he said.

And i thought the Russian did the best thing to them :what: making these farsikhwanz colour more red and white like them ;)
You no soviets superpower came and try to prop up there Puppet in Afghanistan Guess what left with a bloody nose and bankrupt then Americans came and are leaving bankrupt and with a bloody Nose but you are right India will fair better obviously.

Oh in Afghanistan's case History has been repeating itself over and over again only Fools who don't learn from history pay the price British Soviets And now the Americans all super powers and Now bankrupt so I say to you Please Join the Superpowers we In Pakistan will be Glad You did.

Well said. According to Bang Galor India has money and it will keep pushing it to support any anti Pakistan/pro Indian group or govt through it. The question is what is so special in "Indian money" unlike American money that they would be able to thwart Taliban completely with it. When Americans with their full military presence and more money and budget failed to do it how come some Indians think they can do it. Does Indian money has more Barkat than USA money?
Pakistan Army will take revenge on these Afghani Farsiwaan weak puppet army. Just wait when NATO/U.S. are out of Afghanistan and theres no one to protect them. They'll wish they never been born.

When ever Amerikan mention of leaving Afghanistan, some terrorist attack held them back.

Clearly, bhartis are organizing those attacks with collusivenes of ANA under the guise of Taliban.

IMO... best punishment for these elements would be to block their food and petrol.

The fieldwork was carried out by the Afghan Centre for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research in Kabul.

the survey conduced by Kabul-based Afghan Centre for Socio-Economic Opinion Research (ACSOR).

If it was not credible media organizations like BBC,Reuters,CNN wouldn't have published them.
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