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Afghan NSA spit venom against Pakistan from official Twitter handle of NSC Afghanistan - 2021

No response till now by Pakistan

Yup Pakistanis are clown. They deserve to be butt f*cked by TTP, BLA etc etc
because all Pakistan leader ship include coas generals eating biryani .look at there stomach wreath of ALLAH WILL be on them
Imagine being in Afghanistan's position and still spouting your mouth off lol.
He talks about PTM ( Ali Wazir's . Pashtuns ) , Sindhi's ( MQM ) , Balochs ( no names ) , Punjab Parties ( no names ) and says nobody is happy from PAKISTAN STATE . He even accuse Pakistan of relations with Israel in this video .

This what they think and even talk about it openly and sharing from Official social media handles .

on other hand their FM calls Pakistan FM and wish him EID Mubarak .

@waz @_NOBODY_ @Vapnope @Imran Khan @Areesh @Dalit @Foxtrot Alpha @ghazi52 @313ghazi @Asfandyar Bhittani @Hiraa @Maarkhoor @Tipu7 @Zarvan @Indus Pakistan
I usually don't understand Pukhto, but hey miracle happen here, I understood each and every word.
He is enemy, but I must admit, his dressing was outclass.
LOL the likes of Hamdullah Mohib will soon be airlifted to a Western capital.
Pakistan should give a strong shut up call like any honorable nation would do

But Pakistanis are clowns and most likely would ignore this idiot's rant
Bro, we dominate them in all spectrums, it's better to stay quite, you don't roll around in the mud with a pig.
Yesterday ,

The BIGGEST hypocrites on planet earth.......... :disagree:
Not even surprised.. he is just making his masters happy

Better to speak softly and carry a big stick....then bark and accomplish nothing like this guy. We are surely taking names and keeping notes for the future.
The guy is here to become rich..pretty sure he made millions alresdy..from being a little computer engr to millionaire in corruption

When talibans come he will be along with his white american wife enjoying the sun in arizona and dubai with ferrari car

Well..he is done pretty good so far..from being a refugee in pakistan to becoming an american and multimillionaire through corruption
What esle do you want in life

Once taliban come..he will peacefully retire in florida on his yatch

Once the US is out, Pakistan must not show an ounce of mercy.... these should be taken our mercilessly in every corner of afghanistan.....Our enemies must know the cost too!!
This dude will suffer the fate of benito mussoline

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