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Afghan NSA spit venom against Pakistan from official Twitter handle of NSC Afghanistan - 2021

Dunno but their army is so useless they literally beg FC for food and med evacuations all the time.
Even during torkham incident while firing was going on (which they started) they were begging Pak for med evacuation.
It's a country whose sole export is drugs and shitty refugees.

He's another low life parachutist
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After para:
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An arsehat

Afghani NSA has the same importance as a jamadar outside sarkari dafatir.

Talibs are controlling the country and this is the worth of this useless basket case state.

Begging outside Pak consulate View attachment 743799View attachment 743800
Afghanistan is like an annoying fly.
You can squash it but you don't... out of nothing but fear of God. But the fly thinks its superman.
The guy is here to become rich..pretty sure he made millions alresdy..from being a little computer engr to millionaire in corruption

When talibans come he will be along with his white american wife enjoying the sun in arizona and dubai with ferrari car
He is looking for attention and you are giving him.
Well..he is done pretty good so far..from being a refugee in pakistan to becoming an american and multimillionaire through corruption
What esle do you want in life

Once taliban come..he will peacefully retire in florida on his yatch
I give it six months before Taliban capture that Twitter handle along with Mohib and all the money he has robbed from Afghanistan.

:lol: :lol: He is a web designer. Explains why he is such a bad NSA.

ANA: What is your plan to fight the Taliban, NSA?!?
Mohib: Let us open Photoshop first.

A national security adviser with as poor a track record as Mohib would resign in a normal country but in Kabul all failures are forgiven after an anti-Pakistan Tweet.
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He is no one, just another refugee who now happens to speak English. Afghan govt, Army and NSA is a joke. Pakistan needs to learn this fact and start treating them like that. I would not send Pakistani hawaldar to speak to their General.

That would be to outright deny the existence of Afghan hatred and hostility towards Pakistan. Indeed, their actions against Pakistan stretch right back to the formation of Pakistan.

So when the words of the supposed "NSA" of AFG are to create trouble in Pakistan, this is backed fully by R&AW and the Indian NSA. What options does Pakistan have?
Bro, we dominate them in all spectrums, it's better to stay quite, you don't roll around in the mud with a pig.

So why meet them then? COAS literally met the AFG NSA along with the other elements of the Kabul regime a few days ago.....
Pakistan should give a strong shut up call like any honorable nation would do

But Pakistanis are clowns and most likely would ignore this idiot's rant

Fanboys here have fallen for our cowardice and defensive posture and come up with all forms of elaborate excuses:
-we are showing the world that we are more mature (the world doesn't give a F***)
-we are better than them (okay...)
-we are being patient and will respond at the right time/place (still waiting...)
-BaJwA DoCtRinE
-they know more than you do so they must have a plan (yes, because the security establishment's plans have always worked out really well, right...?)

All this BS is to hide a simple fact: everyone in power is shortsighted and selfish and only cares about Pakistan surviving (not thriving) till his term ends, or they get another extension to destroy the country further ;)

The only thing that works is to raise the cost for the enemy. Diplomacy only works when it is backed by real consequences and force. What reason does a R&AW officer have to stop supporting Baloch terrorists? What reason does the Indian govt have to stop brutalizing IOK residents? None, because we haven't given them any!

We prepare DoSsiErS for the West as if Western intel doesn't know about R&AW's dirty games in the region. They do. They overlook them because they need India against China. WAKE UP!
Jab Geedar Ki Maut Aati Hai Tu Wo Shehr Ki Taraf Bhagta Hai

Afghanistan has only one City, Kabul and that too will fall to Taliban once Americans leave, so which city this Geedard will run too? Delhi?
Pakistan should give a strong shut up call like any honorable nation would do

But Pakistanis are clowns and most likely would ignore this idiot's rant

No response till now by Pakistan

Yup Pakistanis are clown. They deserve to be butt f*cked by TTP, BLA etc etc
Fanboys here have fallen for our cowardice and defensive posture and come up with all forms of elaborate excuses:
-we are showing the world that we are more mature (the world doesn't give a F***)
-we are better than them (okay...)
-we are being patient and will respond at the right time/place (still waiting...)
-BaJwA DoCtRinE
-they know more than you do so they must have a plan (yes, because the security establishment's plans have always worked out really well, right...?)

All this BS is to hide a simple fact: everyone in power is shortsighted and selfish and only cares about Pakistan surviving (not thriving) till his term ends, or they get another extension to destroy the country further ;)

The only thing that works is to raise the cost for the enemy. Diplomacy only works when it is backed by real consequences and force. What reason does a R&AW officer have to stop supporting Baloch terrorists? What reason does the Indian govt have to stop brutalizing IOK residents? None, because we haven't given them any!

We prepare DoSsiErS for the West as if Western intel doesn't know about R&AW's dirty games in the region. They do. They overlook them because they need India against China. WAKE UP!
Pakistan was at verge of bankrupcy(saved by arabs 15+ $ bailout)
Bankrupcy would have meant collapse of country
Bankrupcy was done by a popular democrartically elected govt which still is the most popular party in pakistan

Reads these facts...establishment hands are tied by the people love for sharifs and bhuttos
Can not blame him.

He is fighting for survival, the Kabul gov is soon to fall.
20 years of suckling on mother indian's tities and american feeder,
and yet he can see his end right there.
Pakistan was at verge of bankrupcy(saved by arabs 15+ $ bailout)
Bankrupcy would have meant collapse of country
Bankrupcy was done by a popular democrartically elected govt which still is the most popular party in pakistan

Reads these facts...establishment hands are tied by the people love for sharifs and bhuttos


Our civilian governments have been absolutely pathetic. There is no question about that.

The weak, incompetent IK govt is (hopefully) better than the corrupt buffoons before it --- BUT...

1.) The establishment has no issue disappearing / killing terrorists who take up militancy against the State or abducting bloggers who criticize State institutions but where do their balls disappear when they should be taking similar action against the economic terrorists who have and who are destroying this country and its institutions? Then we are suddenly at the mercy of incompetent NAB and FIA and no bigwig properly gets convicted. I am all for extrajudicial actions against traitors, but then it has to be across the board. Just as a small example, an ex DG ISI (Pasha) is serving on the board of a highly corrupt business-political family (he's even on the website.) These are people who have done plea bargains with NAB after being thrown in prison and also have London High Court rulings against them (they had illegally occupied a property owned by an investment bank.) These families have done more damage than any militant outfit could ever hope to!

2.) I am well aware of the destruction caused by the politicians. I despite them. But the Fauj, with all its power, should be doing a heck of a lot more. This senseless defensive bullshit won't help us strategically.

3.) Teetering on the edge of bankruptcy (we are marginally better now) should not mean that creative forms of clandestine/covert support to movements we should be supporting should be stopped.

We can agree to disagree, but I thought I'd engage with your points.

All the best.
We will send them back to the stone age again if they bother us too much.
Pakistan should give a strong shut up call like any honorable nation would do

But Pakistanis are clowns and most likely would ignore this idiot's rant
If they survived the stinger or an RPG directed to their heli...
LOL the likes of Hamdullah Mohib will soon be airlifted to a Western capital.
The dog's continuous attempts to cheer the master. Infact, it isn't hard to put them in a fix. He is at unrest due to the failures despite all the funding by India and full support to their rats against Pakistan. For decades they planned, not just recently but since 50s they have been living on Indian promises of secularism, Marxism or progressivism but all they got is a good thrashing, losses and being exposed to everyone. It's just their anxiety desperation that everything gone in vain. Now these dudes have statements & social media before being shifted to US in last c-130 Hercules flight.
Jab Geedar Ki Maut Aati Hai Tu Wo Shehr Ki Taraf Bhagta Hai

some important parts of his speech .open complete thread please .
Thanks to this unknown Patriotic Pakistani .

Not even surprised.. he is just making his masters happy

Let US leave Afghanistan, these proxies will be taken care of by "Unknown men" :p
Can someone translate what he's saying in the video?
What is your genuine take on what will happen when Usa/Nato leaves Afghanistan? I am sure they will give their full support to Afghanistan government otherwise they wasted trillions for no reason.

Will Taliban takeover Afghanistan and win in a free and fair elections?
Or will a power sharing unity government be formed by Pashtuns, Tajikis, Uzbekh, Hazaras.

The 42% Pashtun were mostly pro Taliban but after 20 years of Usa war and media propaganda, I wonder how much still want the Taliban back and support Pakistan.

The 27% Tajikis and 9% Hazaras ( 36%) are mostly pro Iran and Iran is alot powerful than 1980s so will they allow Taliban to rule over them again.

Uzbekh and Turkmen 13% have Turkey influence, how will this play out?

Pakistan needs to understand that alot has changed over the last 20 years. They need to form a close relationship with Iran and Turkey, bring everybody on one platform and make a unity government. Kick all the Indian stooges out and anti Pak elements.
He is looking for attention and you are giving him.

read above thread , it is good to know about your enemy and their thinking .
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Don't worry... They are lashing out because they are living on borrowed time... Taliban is coming to wipe them out.
The guy is here to become rich..pretty sure he made millions alresdy..from being a little computer engr to millionaire in corruption

When talibans come he will be along with his white american wife enjoying the sun in arizona and dubai with ferrari car

Well..he is done pretty good so far..from being a refugee in pakistan to becoming an american and multimillionaire through corruption
What esle do you want in life

Once taliban come..he will peacefully retire in florida on his yatch

When dogs are barking
You don’t reply to them with barking in return

he knows his days are numbered in this position lol
This kuta won’t bark against daddy and it’s puppy israel
I really wish we had never have saved this mongrel Afghans section from the Russian communist invasion of 1979 . We really wouldn’t now be facing PTM and others threatening our country and us openly. and neither does our shiTTy liberal state challenges these fcking groups in or outside our borders.

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