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Afghan NSA spit venom against Pakistan from official Twitter handle of NSC Afghanistan - 2021

He talks about PTM ( Ali Wazir's . Pashtuns ) , Sindhi's ( MQM ) , Balochs ( no names ) , Punjab Parties ( no names ) and says nobody is happy from PAKISTAN STATE . He even accuse Pakistan of relations with Israel in this video .

This what they think and even talk about it openly and sharing from Official social media handles .

on other hand their FM calls Pakistan FM and wish him EID Mubarak .

@waz @_NOBODY_ @Vapnope @Imran Khan @Areesh @Dalit @Foxtrot Alpha @ghazi52 @313ghazi @Asfandyar Bhittani @Hiraa @Maarkhoor @Tipu7 @Zarvan @Indus Pakistan
Muhib is going to leave to USA soon to live with his american wife
Not even surprised.. he is just making his masters happy

LOL the likes of Hamdullah Mohib will soon be airlifted to a Western capital.

He looks like an actual nerd LMAOOOO. I can't take him seriously with the NYC/LA khusra hipster fashion he tries to pull.
Folks lose their minds when their choices get limited between the rope and pole....

Najibullah wasn't airlifted to any capital of the world including New Delhi...

He literally got his 🍤 cut off by Taliban. India even refused to put troops in Afghanistan.
He was offered to go other countries, but he did not take that offer. He never thought taliban are so barbaric.
Even Pakistan offered him many times when he was hiding in the UN compound but he refused. Good one less enemy otherwise Pakistani state has a history of saving enemies and award them a position of power to plunder, kill, loot again and again.
if you get stung twice from the same hole, then the only valid conclusion is that you are an idiot.
Pakistanis should get out of this rhetoric of beothererly countries. F*** the afghani. Carpet bomb the entire border region and electrify the fence. Cut the trade as well. How much more crap will we have to watch and listen to. Its just nauseating
Their Army officers not to long ago were selling fruits on the streets of Karachi. I was told this by ANA officers themselves.
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Kick them out and take over wakkan corridor as a payment for hosting these snakes.
He talks about PTM ( Ali Wazir's . Pashtuns ) , Sindhi's ( MQM ) , Balochs ( no names ) , Punjab Parties ( no names ) and says nobody is happy from PAKISTAN STATE . He even accuse Pakistan of relations with Israel in this video .

This what they think and even talk about it openly and sharing from Official social media handles .

on other hand their FM calls Pakistan FM and wish him EID Mubarak .

@waz @_NOBODY_ @Vapnope @Imran Khan @Areesh @Dalit @Foxtrot Alpha @ghazi52 @313ghazi @Asfandyar Bhittani @Hiraa @Maarkhoor @Tipu7 @Zarvan @Indus Pakistan
This guys an idiot. The Americans banned him from official meetings because of his stupid entitled behavior. He said two years ago that the Taliban would be defeated in a year. Greatest NSA in history. :lol::lol:

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